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CP -- I Need your opinions!! PLEASE help.

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Okay... basically we are throwing a party on July 3rd (one of the biggest club nights of the year) and we have to book our DJ's.

So far, here are the DJ's we have in mind. (all on the same night. sort of like a Trance Energy party)

Dumonde & Jam X

Marco V



Nukem VS Chab (after hours set) **this is pretty much confirmed.. we have to get Chab's visa because he got in trouble in LA! :P**

whole different after-hours party starting from 5:30 am.

What do you think???? Who would you guys prefer.. Think of 3-5 DJ's that would make your day on the same night.

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well first off...

Dumonde = Jam x and De Leon...but regardless..you bring those guys to nyc and I will have a newfound respect for u bro--

I like marco v but you don't want peoples styles to overlap...Lange is good cuz hes a bit on the trancy side...Dumonde plays very similar to Project, Bossi, Derb, all those guys.

I think Dumonde + Lange would be a great combo...I'd be there all nite pretty much--

other names maybe to check into--cj stone, green court...?

my 2 pennies

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by avalondon3

If you have Dumonde spin, I'll be there. However, PLEASE dont have the party at Exit. Have it at SF or Roxy-- any place but that shit-hole.

As much as I would want the party @ SF or Roxy.. We cant.... July 3rd @ Exit is booked for our event... *shrug*

It will definately be a different party. We'll see whatever we can come up with..

ALL OF YOUR SUGGESTIONS COUNT!! Visual companies, performances, wutevers... let us know.

For Us By Us :]

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project and hennes and cold have played nyc before...at least half of hennes and cold (derb)...

July 3rd would mark a good time for project to finally destroy exit...

But Jam x and Deleon haven't been here from what I remember..

TOmcraft sounds dope, as does cj stone--

Maybe Project, Dumonde, and CJ?

Whatever lineup u arrange...dumonde must be there....

Mike BuGouT

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Well as long as Dumonde is there, I'm sold.. I've never heard Dumonde LIVE, but I would absolutely LOVE to!! Productions and especially remixes are incredible!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Imagine hearing all that live.. wow..

Word of advice though realz.. as far as having the event at Exit and all.. make sure things are organized and not overcrowded and whatnot, people really hate the disorganization and craziness and stuff that comes along with the whole Exit event thing.. and make sure if you say and advertise something about the night (i.e. a set 'til 10am from Tiesto) that you follow through with it (i.e. Tiesto NOT staying 'til 10am).

I trust though, since you are running the party, that there will be no broken promises made..........

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