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Conversation Starter - How do you like what you do??


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It's been brought to our attention that we need something to talk about here! So, I figured I'd give it a shot.... I'm NO good at starting threads, I'm more of a post-on-your-post type person I guess. Here goes:

How do you like what you do? - Most of us on this board work all day long (well, I don't know if you can call it work exactly:tongue: ). So, since you're stuck at your 9-5 all day, how do you like it? Do you wish you could change what you do? Do you see yourself still doing it down the road?

For me, I just started a new job so I'm still in the settling-in phase. I'm learning what they're system is about, and there's a big learning curve there, but it's (somewhat) interesting. The people here are ok, really nice, but I'm by far the youngest (I'm 24, next oldest is probably in their 30s). So, as far as a work-social aspect there's very little (although we're getting taken out for drinks on Friday.. should be interesting).

My profession in general can be extremely frustrating. Some days everything goes right, and you finish something you expected to take all day in an hour. Other days nothing goes right, and you end up spending 10 hours trying to figure out what the damn problem is!?! Lately I've been doing the latter a lot, and it's killing me!

I definitely won't be doing what I do right now forever. I want to move from constant-computer-stuff to business/management. I'm still thinking about going back to get an MBA eventually, but I dread the thought of going back to school.

Well, that's my take... this is a WAY dull thread to start, but I'm curious to hear about you guys (by the way, don't feel like you have to respond, I have no problems watching this topic just die! :) )

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Well let's see... I'm a Corporate Accountant and I'm by no means in love with my job!!! Actually it's funny that you've brought this up cause over the past couple of days I've talked with a couple of my friends about our jobs etc... and I've come to the conclusion that I am not happy in my current job. I'm not sure what I want to do. A career change has been a thought but to what I don't know. I think it may be because I'm so bored at work... not really feeling all that challenged. Who knows. Ideally I'd love to take 2 years off and go back to Grad school... but I don't ever see that happening (owe to much money to the bill collectors) So who knows. I just started the other day studding for the GMATs and hope to take them by the end of the summer... and I'm with you on this one Brian... I dread going back to school... but at the same time I want to...

Don't know if that made any kind of sense... sorry guys:confused:

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Well let me start off by saying what I am doing is no longer fun to me. I hate sitting at a desk. And that is what I do now for 8hrs. Before this I was studying for my MBA and in the job I was doing I was constantly on the go(on the other side of the country though). I can't wait to get back to school to finish up my MBA, I just want to get it over with. I am most definatly now bored with work, I need more challenges. But, we are doing something about that;)

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i actually like what i do.. but it has taken me several years of wandering from this and that to actually say this...

every job, even one you like, has its shortfalls too...

what do i do? i work for a consulting company that focuses on strategic change using dialogue as the means... hard to explain.. very cool.. i actually work recruiting & marketing for our courses on dialogue

my two cents

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We're not really sure what we want to do... all we know is that we definitely need a grad. degree to do it :D

I'm definitely not bored with work, but then again I just started a new job. For the most part though, my job requires me to think a lot, which I love. Every once in a while it can get really repetative though (test this, doesn't work, change this, test again, doesn't work).... but I guess that's just life.

A1wave, how's your company holding up in this economy? I know the stragegic change group at Pricewaterhouse (former employer) was getting KILLED this year. No one wants to pay for anything when they're not making money!

And strategic change through dialogue... then people would actually know what you're talking about!?! How are you going to confuse them into spending more money!?! Geez, next thing you know consultants will actually be helping people! :tongue:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

A1wave, how's your company holding up in this economy? I know the stragegic change group at Pricewaterhouse (former employer) was getting KILLED this year. No one wants to pay for anything when they're not making money!

And strategic change through dialogue... then people would actually know what you're talking about!?! How are you going to confuse them into spending more money!?! Geez, next thing you know consultants will actually be helping people! :tongue:

well, we're doing fine... i got hired in july along with three other people in the last six months so that must say something... :)

yeah, imagine that - consultants helping people - a new concept... we're testing it out... a longer description of what we do...

DIA-logos, Inc works to build, articulate and use an evolving set of models of intervention and change that help people act more powerfully individually and together. We engage with people around the world who want to achieve results by intervening in complex systems successfully.

We accomplish this by assisting people to "suspend" habitual thoughts and reactions, developing in-depth discovery and sponsorship of the changes that "want to happen" in the system, and building collective awareness of the tacit thinking that makes it easy or difficult to implement desired results. Meeting together in strategic dialogues, even people who habitually misunderstand or oppose each other learn to recognize the reasons why. They develop the ability to reflect in the moment; to transcend prejudices and knee-jerk responses; to see the traps that lead them to repeat the same mistakes time after time; and to recognize opportunities for change that are generally overlooked. And they become able to make the powerful and informed choices that make the difference between success and failure.

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Originally posted by a1wave

well, we're doing fine... i got hired in july along with three other people in the last six months so that must say something... :)

yeah, imagine that - consultants helping people - a new concept... we're testing it out... a longer description of what we do...

DIA-logos, Inc works to build, articulate and use an evolving set of models of intervention and change that help people act more powerfully individually and together. We engage with people around the world who want to achieve results by intervening in complex systems successfully.

We accomplish this by assisting people to "suspend" habitual thoughts and reactions, developing in-depth discovery and sponsorship of the changes that "want to happen" in the system, and building collective awareness of the tacit thinking that makes it easy or difficult to implement desired results. Meeting together in strategic dialogues, even people who habitually misunderstand or oppose each other learn to recognize the reasons why. They develop the ability to reflect in the moment; to transcend prejudices and knee-jerk responses; to see the traps that lead them to repeat the same mistakes time after time; and to recognize opportunities for change that are generally overlooked. And they become able to make the powerful and informed choices that make the difference between success and failure.

Someone knows the mission statement, just joking:laugh: But no wonder why you are not bored, sounds interesting:eek:

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here, we hire all kinds... someone who got hired right before me has a Masters in Education... one of my bosses has PhDs in organizational behavior, social psychology, and philosophy. Others are more business oriented... we have a guy who used to do marketing for Nike... a whole range of people with different background from all over...

makes it interesting... the degrees you have behind your name are less important that who you are as a person and what you can do... i like that :)

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Originally posted by a1wave


makes it interesting... the degrees you have behind your name are less important that who you are as a person and what you can do... i like that :)

It is good to have a little bit of a background knowledge from you degree. But you are so right it is more the person:)

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i've had this conversation before with nyis4meatheads. but yes i love my job. I am a buyer for Delias catalog. i guess its every girl's dream -- shop for a lving (although it does entail alot more than just looking at clothes believe it or not :tongue: ) i also got here in a round about way i never finished college (hehe no college loans) i took a year off from school cuz no fa and during that time period i was waitressing and working at Lids - you know the hat stores that are prostituted all over! well just when i asked for my transfer back to school (gainesville -- go gators!) i was offered a job in the corporate office at LIDS. i took it, deciding if it ididnt work out i will just move back to florida. It definitely worked, about 3 months after i started my boss quit and i was a 21 year old running a 3 million dept all by myself. I got moved around a couple times - assistant product manager and Web merchandiser for lids.com. unfortunatley after some unfulfilled promises... i left and went to bradlees as an assistant buyer ( and a nice raise $$) worked there for a year and then obviously everyone knows what happened there lol so last year after some fruitless jobhunting in Massachusetts, i packed up all my sh*t and moved to manhattan. i took a gamble going there with no job. But i landed one in less than a week! :cool:

so needless to say that if i\ didnt take the oppty at lids, i never would have gone this avenue. and i think it was def the right decisoiin bc i got to actually get involved and get experience befoire i decided to pursue it as my career! :D

I mean i really do like what i do and can see myself doing this for the rest of my working career but i will admit though recently i have been having second thoughts about making a possible career change.... to :laugh: possibly sports broadcasting

(sorry for the novel!)

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Originally posted by nycchic24

i've had this conversation before with nyis4meatheads. but yes i love my job. I am a buyer for Delias catalog. i guess its every girl's dream -- shop for a lving (although it does entail alot more than just looking at clothes believe it or not :tongue: ) i also got here in a round about way i never finished college (hehe no college loans) i took a year off from school cuz no fa and during that time period i was waitressing and working at Lids - you know the hat stores that are prostituted all over! well just when i asked for my transfer back to school (gainesville -- go gators!) i was offered a job in the corporate office at LIDS. i took it, deciding if it ididnt work out i will just move back to florida. It definitely worked, about 3 months after i started my boss quit and i was a 21 year old running a 3 million dept all by myself. I got moved around a couple times - assistant product manager and Web merchandiser for lids.com. unfortunatley after some unfulfilled promises... i left and went to bradlees as an assistant buyer ( and a nice raise $$) worked there for a year and then obviously everyone knows what happened there lol so last year after some fruitless jobhunting in Massachusetts, i packed up all my sh*t and moved to manhattan. i took a gamble going there with no job. But i landed one in less than a week! :cool:

so needless to say that if i\ didnt take the oppty at lids, i never would have gone this avenue. and i think it was def the right decisoiin bc i got to actually get involved and get experience befoire i decided to pursue it as my career! :D

I mean i really do like what i do and can see myself doing this for the rest of my working career but i will admit though recently i have been having second thoughts about making a possible career change.... to :laugh: possibly sports broadcasting

(sorry for the novel!)

sounds like a fun job!!! Lucky for you!!! Wish I could say I love my job!! Maybe some day :tongue:

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I'm an economics major (BU) graduating in May, don't have a job yet (honor student :))...who wants to hook me up?:idea:

Actually I'm not too worried (yet), cause I want to gain some work experience before going back to school, grad school, mba or whatever, but from what you guys have mentioned it might be harder to go back to school then I imagined.

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