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serious question about k and lsd

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seriously , how bad do they fuk u up long term , my friend told me a story bout acid once where this guy who was an acid head when he was young , had like a 3 year old kid , and one day they were at the table and he just flipped and stabbed the kid , said he had a flashback......i never heard of what k does to u long term and i was just wondering :confused: :confused:

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oh fuck... I love these antidotal stories.

short answer is that LSD is incredibly safe physically, (hundreds of times safer than viagra) but can exasperate a preexisting mental condition.

also a high level acid trip can be quite a traumatic experience, and any taumatic experience (i.e. car crash, war etc.) can cause a flashback at some point.

This is not to say that acid is totaly safe, just that used reasonably, it has very very low risks (much lower than E)

As for K, the jury is still out. There are few reports about damage due to repeated and frequent use of K, and most people who use K also do other drugs too, so it is difficult to say. All in all, I would say K is about as safe as alcohol, but that is just my opinion.

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i agree with shroomy...everyone is different and shit effects u differently to could be the day..health...mental state whatever..ive done more cid then is believeable and im ok (so to speak) it definitly will bring up any hidden mental problems...to many unknown variable really...

...if u dont want the consequences later in life (whatever they may be) then dont do the shit...

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LSD, physically, is pretty much the safest drug to do besides shrooms. It is not nuerotoxic at all, unlike E and coke. The problem with LSD is that if you have a preexisting mental disorder, like schizophrenia (sp?) or something similar, the acid can bring it out while your tripping. LSD does NOT cause schizo or mental disorders but it CAN cause post traumatic stress disorder if you have an extremely intense (bad) trip. K less is known about, like shroomy said, but it is addictive and can be easily overdosed on. If you overdose on K, you stop breathing, it will basically shut down your lungs. Remember that K is used in hospitals and vets to put people/animals under for surgery and the like. It is very dose sensative. My girlfriend works with K on mice to knock them out and if she injects just a tiny bit to much, the mouse's lungs will shut down and the mouse will suffocate. Its not much different with humans.

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Originally posted by djdripsiny

seriously , how bad do they fuk u up long term , my friend told me a story bout acid once where this guy who was an acid head when he was young , had like a 3 year old kid , and one day they were at the table and he just flipped and stabbed the kid , said he had a flashback......i never heard of what k does to u long term and i was just wondering :confused: :confused:

:updown: listen up

i also heard that story too...but also heard he wasn't only tripping either...k is at low risk also as long as u r not driving...don't wanna be caught in a k-hole...do u...aight then im out...ciao.

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Originally posted by djdripsiny

ight thx , im definately tryin it this weekend and i just wanted to know what i was gettin my self into :D

hey dj dripsiny u be safe aight...n keep ur damn kids away from u...aight then im out...ciao.oh yeah do 1 4 me...:cool::drunk:
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Originally posted by djdripsiny

seriously , how bad do they fuk u up long term , my friend told me a story bout acid once where this guy who was an acid head when he was young , had like a 3 year old kid , and one day they were at the table and he just flipped and stabbed the kid , said he had a flashback......i never heard of what k does to u long term and i was just wondering :confused: :confused:

go to dancesafe.org tells you all the important deatails! :)

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k is a very safe substance, i've mixed it with many other drugs as well and done high doses without any harm. i'm a 150 pound male, and have gone as far as to binge (yes addictive, so be careful) 7 grams in 5 days, and felt fine after i slept it off for a night.

start slow with k, it's a lot more intense in the beginning, whereas later down the line, it loses its novelty and you're kinda like "oh yeah, i'm in a k-hole" and it takes a whole gram to have any fun.

as a respiratory depressant, it's not smart to do with downers, including alcohol.

LD50 is 4500 mg, or 4 and a half vials snorted more or less at one time. that's more k than i can do, and i love the stuff.

be careful kiddies, and here's a link to everything you could ever want to know and more about k- (dancesafe doesn't elaborate on anything very well) ->> http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ketamine/ketamine_dose.shtml

and a link to every other drug's info you could dream of ->> http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/psychoactives.shtml

enjoy and be careful!

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