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who's going to SF tonite (sat)

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just checking in to see who is gonna be hitting up factory tonite. not sure how it will be after last week's craziness. does anyone know what is on schedule tonite, i know jp will be there, but does he have to split early to go to miami????

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I will be there, my friends are trying to get me to go to Exit first, but either way I'll be there around 4 - It usually 30$ to get in on a regular Sat. night - If anyone wants to meet up pm me or something, I don't think I've ever seen met anyone from CP @ Factory :(

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Originally posted by rod28

just checking in to see who is gonna be hitting up factory tonite. not sure how it will be after last week's craziness. does anyone know what is on schedule tonite, i know jp will be there, but does he have to split early to go to miami????

dotn know what time he's playing til but he's not spinning in miami until monday night. and "ususally" he's at his best the week after the theme parties...

will be there and breaking in a factory virgin -- suthrnbelle! :D

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Wasn't there last week but the week b4 that was absolutely nuts...I had to leave at 9 forcefully, I was runnin' on empty. But the place was just getting better and better.

I usually chill on next to the dancefloor to the left of the stage if you lookin' at it.

Hasn't been a time I don't wear my black wooly with a bright blue "D" on the front. If you see me be sure to smack me around a bit...:eek:

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alright guys...my friend is coming out to Factory tonight, he's gonna come in after Exit.

Be sure to give him a warm CP welcome if you see him, he's a newbie and a lil shy about meeting CP ppl...he'll be wearing white shirt and black pants n his friend will have a ponytail.

How does a 4am meet-up sound? 3rd floor, in the little area with couches next to the water fountain and the stairs. Post what you will be wearing so it'll be easier to meet up. have fun! :D

By the way, i better see everyone there on the 13th...

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

I'll be there by 6am or so...close it up. A little party first then I'm off.....:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

......I'm assuming you mean the mixer you guys have with Theta Phi, I'll see you at the mixer as well as Factory :)

.....As far as the 4am meetup goes, I might not be there yet, but I'll be wearing dark jeans w/ a short red tank top, brown hair, in a ponytail (I know that does'nt help much), soooo come up & say hi, I'll try & look for everyone :D

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Originally posted by njangel

......By the way, does anyone want to make the meetup @ like 5:30ish, same place????

Yeh...maybe even 6..I mean I dont know, everryone should be there by 6. Either way, I'm by the fans on the main floor when you walk in (the couches facing the bar). Stop by..ask around for Jay. :D

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