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and the #1 thing us NY'ers noticed about Miami was...

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I have been to clubs all over the world. my favorite clubbing spots have always been Miami, New York, and Amsterdam. Each of these cities have, a clubbing character of their own. which is what makes the experience; so much more enjoyable. comparisons tend to be far to bias. one thing I know for sure, is this floridian can dance .. :) enjoy the experience !!

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Everything said was very true--

but there were some nice cars also to go with those dubs...I liked the Escalde with the green neon lights in the rims..:laugh:

Clevlander Sunday was SF..plain and simple...when so strong's words came on...I saw more apples getting grabbed out of the sky then I've ever imagined--

i had a great time tho

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Everything said was very true--

but there were some nice cars also to go with those dubs...I liked the Escalde with the green neon lights in the rims..:laugh:

Clevlander Sunday was SF..plain and simple...when so strong's words came on...I saw more apples getting grabbed out of the sky then I've ever imagined--

i had a great time tho

Mike BuGouT

~~~hahahh classic! i betya everytime u see an apple grab u think of me:tongue:

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I learned that the people that pick the people to get into clubs have to have exotic names like...."FABRiCiO" and wear trendy Puma Retro Warm-Up Outfits with a leather hat and pointy white shoes... :rolleyes::laugh: :laugh:

also...Ive learned that in Miami wearing a bikini to a club is absolutely normal :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by apotheosis

(except for the water bullshit)

OMG...How could I forget waiting in that line forever to get a bottle of water!!!!!

AND.....WHAT'S UP with BACARDI??????? THATS all they WERE SERVING!!!!! I dont even drink BACARDI:mad: and I waited in a line for exactly 1 hour to get a DUMB Drink BRACELET to only later find out from one of my friends that I didnt even have to wait in that line:mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh well..... Tiesto and Paul an Dyk made up for it....cause Oakenfold surely didnt :blank:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

OMG...How could I forget waiting in that line forever to get a bottle of water!!!!!

. . . I've heard that sentiment from many that went to this years Ultra . . . yet another reason I will never go to another daytime outdoor party down there . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by phuturephunk

2) Miami has the largest collection of rude motherfuckers any side of the Mason/Dixon line . . . and YES they do beat New York. . .

two incidents i had one night out confirms this

(at world of drum n' bass)

dudes were crowding the stairs from the 2nd to 1st floor and i tried to get by them carefully but as i walk away i hear "yo!" so i turn around and say "i was just trying to get by" ; "yeah but you spilled my drink" ; "i'm sorry man... [and then the survival instinct kicked in] what was it, i'll buy you another one" ; all his friends more or less in unison - "now that's about right" ; "rum and coke" ; "rum and coke? ok i'll be right back" ; fucker follows me down the whole hall to the bar to make Sure i get it for him and even has the gall to ask me if i'm old enough and my id's ok. jeezuz. would i have offered if i was underage? would i have had the common sense to pay him back for my accident (never mind that he was standing around crowding up a high traffic stairway) the drink if i was underage? some people...

much later that night as i was getting up to leave the side lounge to check out the main floor this little young white-trash fucker is sitting by a railing just yelling out "mi teo" (i think that's what he was saying) over and over again making sure he knows that he's saying it To Me... i ask a nearby friendly hispanic (sometimes you really can judge a person by how they look at you) what he's saying and he says "i think he's calling you gay, because of how you're dressed; he's calling you 'my bitch' over and over" [mind you i was wearing a really loud colorful shirt, but still!] ... again the survival instict kicked in and i just walked away and into the main room...

...good that i did cuz i told ph0nk this story and he says friends of his had similar run ins with little brats like this one, except they talked back while the littlun wouldn't stop the insults, then their bigger brothers and thugged out gang of juiceheads would finally have an excuse to pummel you for starting shit with the dude's younger defenseless brat-brother... even to go so far as to floor you and kick you several times while you're down and basically be beaten within an inch of your life...

so glad i just walked off.

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