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A Big F U To Colleges In Manhattan!!

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OK so I applied to some Manhattan colleges and I got into them all but I can't get financial aid because my parents make 2 much to get it but they don't make enough to send my ass to college, so my parents are gonna be assholes about it and make me go to BMCC which is a community college, FUCCCCCCCCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! why does this shit have to be so expensive?:mad::(

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

That doesn't seem right. I guess they spend all they make? If they make so much, then why don't they have enough to pay for it? You should go to Hunter College instead of BMCC.

its not that they make so much. They make enough in the goverments eyes to send me to college but in reality they really don't with bills and everything they pay:(

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

its not that they make so much. They make enough in the goverments eyes to send me to college but in reality they really don't with bills and everything they pay:(

That's my story too...which blows ass cuz you get shit for college.

I'd suggest you try the senior CUNYs...Baruch, Hunter, John Jay, et al...depends on what you want to study. It's $3,200 a year full, so it's not bad at all...

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If you really want to go so bad, there are a few things you can do...

For example, I went to NYU, which is one of (if not the most) expensive schools out there. I qualified for the maximum amount of financial aid, plus I got grants & scholarships, but it STILL wasn't enough.

So, I:

a) researched other scholarships and grants and applied for those

B) took out student loans in my name (which suck to pay back, and which I won't be done paying back until 2020, but its still worth it)

c) got a ton of part time jobs: I had a work study job, a part time office job, I babysat, promoted for clubs, wrote papers for $$, and spent every wintern break, spring break and summer vacation working full time

d) got my own apartment rather than living in NYU dorms -- housing & meal plans are often as expensive as tuition for city schools. And if you live in the NYC area, consider living at home & commuting instead of iving in a dorm to save $$.

It took a lot of sacrifices but hey, I got to go to my dream school, so to me it was well worth it!!!




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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

OK so I applied to some Manhattan colleges and I got into them all but I can't get financial aid because my parents make 2 much to get it but they don't make enough to send my ass to college, so my parents are gonna be assholes about it and make me go to BMCC which is a community college, FUCCCCCCCCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! why does this shit have to be so expensive?:mad::(

TWO WORDS: STUDENT LOAN, thats what I did and what the majority of people do. Yeah it sucks and you'll be paying them off for awhile, but if you want a good job then go to school NO matter what. You think everyone either has their parents pay or get financial aid, well no they don't, thats why you get a loan.

Also get a real part time job, internship, etc...

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

its not that they make so much. They make enough in the goverments eyes to send me to college but in reality they really don't with bills and everything they pay:(

yea same sitch here. plus my sister's a second year in college too and we're taking care of my grandmother and taking care of our other grandmother. and i'm at nyu.

i'm scared shitless some times about the money issue but you just gotta deal and do what you gotta do to get any type of scholarship/loan/grant to get money.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

I know you are young, so Ill cut you some slack. Welcome to the real world. We dont always get what we want. Life is unfair. Deal with it. Like J303J said, if you want it that bad, you'll figure out a way.

Very well said :idea:

And having a job/student loans are better than not going to school at all and getting some crappy job that doesnt pay well that doesn't make you happy.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

OK so I applied to some Manhattan colleges and I got into them all but I can't get financial aid because my parents make 2 much to get it but they don't make enough to send my ass to college, so my parents are gonna be assholes about it and make me go to BMCC which is a community college, FUCCCCCCCCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! why does this shit have to be so expensive?:mad::(

Government loans are not income independent. I've gotten over $150,000 in education financed primarily through loans--mostly government loans.

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Originally posted by Alexandra

If you really want to go so bad, there are a few things you can do...

For example, I went to NYU, which is one of (if not the most) expensive schools out there. I qualified for the maximum amount of financial aid, plus I got grants & scholarships, but it STILL wasn't enough.

So, I:

a) researched other scholarships and grants and applied for those

B) took out student loans in my name (which suck to pay back, and which I won't be done paying back until 2020, but its still worth it)

c) got a ton of part time jobs: I had a work study job, a part time office job, I babysat, promoted for clubs, wrote papers for $$, and spent every wintern break, spring break and summer vacation working full time

d) got my own apartment rather than living in NYU dorms -- housing & meal plans are often as expensive as tuition for city schools. And if you live in the NYC area, consider living at home & commuting instead of iving in a dorm to save $$.

It took a lot of sacrifices but hey, I got to go to my dream school, so to me it was well worth it!!!




yea i got to nyu as well yet dont' get a penny from them..

its funny, b/c a friend of mine who was waitlisted and eventually got in gets a shitload.. all b/c his father cheats on the fafsa..

as for your dilemma, if your going for business definetly check out baruch.. its a great school and won't cost you much at all... probably cheaper then private high school actually..

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do you go to a city public high school? if you have at least an 80 avg, theres something called the NYC Merit Scholarship which pays for half your tuition at a CUNY. If you are eligible, apply for the honors program! You get a full scholarship plus $400 a semester extra for books and stuff. I currently get both (and thus an overflow of $1200 per semester). The amount of the honors progam scholarship was recently raised to $5000 a year, and if you go to Baruch you get an iBook.

And Xpander is right: go to Baruch, Hunter, or John Jay. FIT is even less money than the CUNY's, if youre into design-related stuff.

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Go to the best school you can get into, period. Don't let expense be an issue. Even if you have to take out loans for much of it. The undergraduate school you went to makes a difference in the way employers view you as a candidate for a position. Whether its right or wrong is irrelevant.

If I let expense be an issue, I would be nowhere near where I am today. I sure as hell could not have afforded the education I have without borrowing virtually 100% of it.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

its not that they make so much. They make enough in the goverments eyes to send me to college but in reality they really don't with bills and everything they pay:(

Take out loans like every other student in America

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Originally posted by o-jay®

Go to the best school you can get into, period. Don't let expense be an issue. Even if you have to take out loans for much of it. The undergraduate school you went to makes a difference in the way employers view you as a candidate for a position. Whether its right or wrong is irrelevant.

If I let expense be an issue, I would be nowhere near where I am today. I sure as hell could not have afforded the education I have without borrowing virtually 100% of it.

Well I dont know but I dont think I can afford NYU @ $ 50,000 +++ per year even with financial aid and loans ....bit too much!!!!

(btw you're beating me now, that I have lost some of my posts :mad::tongue: )

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I am gonna chime in with everyone else and say that you should go to the best school you possibley can and finance it with loans if you have to. You are buying your future here and the chincier you are now the more you will pay in the long-term. Btw I am speaking from first hand experience - I went somewhere for my undergrad that was free for me and majored in something that i did not like to be practical but now i am back in school paying out the nose because I made the wrong decision. Don't waste money and more importantly time unnecessarily.

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