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Anyone got WMC stories??

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That was someone else that went not me....

Ok, so I had enough. After spending more than 60 hours in 4 days in clubs (inside or outside, including the Giant Hotel) and having slept maybe 14 hours in 4 days, I decided to stay in the Giant hotel. Lunch, some TV, the music in the hotel didn't start until 7 due to rain. I was in heaven. Relaxing, my sore body feeling well taken care of in bed. DAMN. The rain stopped and the beats started again at 7. Grabbed a beer, wandered around a bit, listened to John '00' Fleming and Judge Jules for a while. 10 pm. Maybe I'll take a walk down Collins, grab a bite and call it a night. A slice of pizza, feeling pretty stong, remembering the Satellite Records party at Steam. Hell, why not. And that's how I lost the rest of my sanity. Damn, I can't wait for Seaman's GU 22. What a great set. Mixed in breakbeats and beautiful vocals. One of the underrated DJ's. Mhm....1 am. Sander at Opium Garden? Oooooh, why not? I've seen him 6 or 7 times in the last 12 months and he gets better every time. 2 hours felt like 10 minutes (yeah, Vodka/Red Bull helped a lot, too!) He spun a few records he just got at the DT party the night before and it was on! Glad, I didn't miss that. 3 am, I should go to the hotel now. Aaah, it's too late anyway, why not spend the rest night of the night with Deep Dish, haven't see at Space for their 12 hour set and why not. Steam was almost empty at that time, maybe 300 clubbers inside (nice club, one of the largest DJ-booths I've ever seen) and Dave Seaman and one half of Parks & Wilson on the dancefloor. Let me tell you, I'm so sick of Rapture but they must have produced another remix that made me remember why I used to love that song. They ended the party with Narcotic and I was ready for the coma.

Tuesday at WMC, especially after a 16-hour set of DT, is the night of the living dead. Either you cut the DT party short, like I did, or you have to spend the night in bed. Somewhere during that night I crossed over to the other side and I'm officially a living dead as well. Late but not too late. I guess, that's all part of the WMC experience.

WMC - can I describe this experience in a few words? No, not really. I went to many parties and all of them were worth checking out, actually every party was great. Sure, there were negatives but the positives outweighed them by far. Amazing music, great vibes, almost no attitude in clubs, the so-much talked about dress code not existent, perfect weather and, most of all, a lot of nice and positive clubbers. What I liked most about WMC? The music. The music. And then the music. And the crowd, including the DJ's. It never sucks when you can talk to your favorite DJ's for a few minutes, exchange a few pleasantries and all that in an environment where you feel that the DJ is just part of the crowd. And that it's only a party. With good music. Nothing more. Good enough for 5 great days.

That was only one opinion. All the LG'ers will return today and I can't wait to read their reviews. And I hear about all the parties that I missed.

P.S.: I wish I could provide you with some track listings but after a few hours, I forget what was played a while ago. DT used an electronic display to list his currently played track. i think we need at every club.

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Quick story form Miami...since I just got home and need to fdind the rest of my brain....

On Sunday I was at the Giant Hotel, for a special party with Yousef, and Danny HOWells....

when i got there i found out it was open to the public and not just invite only , so i called few of my friends to come down.... The vibe was unbelievable in there...like 50 people in a hotel next to thr pool to Hear Howells?? how do u gget better than that?????????????

SO im talkin tm y friend NIck..you all should know him as GLOWSTICKS on the boards.....and he tells me he isnt going to come down...the second I hear that Danny walks by me and hears me go..I cant believe you arent coming here to hear Danny spin!!!!!!!!!

Howell stops asks to see my phone and asks my friends name...

he get on the phone..and is like HEy Mate...

I hear you arent coming down Nick, ...well you better get your arse here, cause I want you to be here...and he proceeded to talk to him for like 1 minute or 2....

needless to say, Nick was there 10 minutes later...

it was defintely the highlight of my whole trip..sickest vibe, very intimate set and just a gread of about 50-75 people...

Danny also invited us to come up to the booth when Nick got there to prove he camne down.... we went and talked and took pics with him after his set....

The man is a class act and he definitley made my trip that night.....

that one of about 40 stories like that that happened.....

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Miami was so fuckin siiickkkk. Clubbed basically 4 days straight, didn't sleep much, heard AWESOME music, talked to shitloads of cool people (including Sander K and Tiesto for a while), and just basically partied my as off.

Unbelievable women.

Saw a whole shitload of DJ's, too many for my braindead self to list here, but did Billboard on Friday till 6:30AM (the best night) and then went to the beach, Ultra on Saturday, Lola/Spin/Space (PVD) on Sunday, and Spin on Monday before catching an early flight back to NY. So bummed to get here yesterday - the weather in Miami was perfect and then I arrive in the cold ass rain here, ugh...

Had to work 12 hrs. today, which sucked ass considering how out of it I was/am still.

Got lots of stories, but I am too tired to get writing. Im gonna write it all down this weekend.

one thing's for sure - I know exactly where i will be in late March 2003.

Hey joeg, ron (roha3k), and LM - do you remember seeing me at Space at around 7:30 AM during PVD? I barely remember, haha...

- idrthrbclbng

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