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dr0ne's official 2002 world cup predictions

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alright motherfuckers here's dr0ne official predictions for the 2002 FIFA

World Cup

Group A:

1. France (by far)

2. Uruguay

Group B: Tough, but I'd go with Spain and Slovenia

1. Spain

2. Slovenia

Group C:

1. Brazil (if not just fucking shoot me right now, look who they up


2. Costa Rica

Group D:

1. USA all the way

2. Poland

Group E:

1. Germany

2. Cameroon

Group F:

1. Argentina

2. England

Group G:

1. Italy

2. Mexico

Group H:

1. Belgium

2. Russia


Germany x Slovenia = Germany

France x England = France

Argentina x Uruguay = Argentina

Spain x Cameroon = Cameroon

Italy x Poland = Italy

Brazil x Russia = Brazil

Belgium x Costa Rica = Belgium

USA x Mexico = USA


France x Brazil = France

Germany x Italy = Italy

Cameroon x USA = Cameroon

Argentina x Belgium = Argentina


Italy x Cameroon = Italy

France x Argentina = France


Cameroon x Argentina = Argentina


Italy x France = hmm...what do you guys think tough one.

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ur scaring me dude..because..

A) u chose uruguay over denmark..never sleep on a european

B) u give the US way too much credit

C) r u forgetting a country called Croatia



G) u neglected how weak the German national team is

nevertheless heres my picks

A)France , Denmark

B)Slovenia , Spain

C)Turkey, Brazil

D)Portugal , Poland , with guys like FIGO and Gomes u just dont loose

E)Republic of IReland , Cameroon

F)Tough ass group..gota go with England and Argentina

G)Croatia , Italy

H)Belgium, Russia

Round of 16

Cameroon vs slovenia - Cameroon

France vs England - Bye Bye UK- France

Argentina vs Denmark -Argentina

Spain vs ireland- Ireland might pull this off..the spanish choke

Italy v Poland - ITaly

Brazil v Belgium -Brazil

Russia v Turkey- Turkey

Portugal v Croatia - Croatia

as far as im going..too tired to think

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ur scaring me dude..because..

A) u chose uruguay over denmark..never sleep on a european

dude fucking ireland beat denmark gimme a break. uruguay's always had a solid team.

B) u give the US way too much credit

US has been getting progressively better, not worse unlike many other countries. Seriously they have nowhere to go but up.

C) r u forgetting a country called Croatia

i could see that. croatia has a good team. best case they'll beat belgium but then be promptly beat into a pulp by argentina in the quarters.


Let me quote something from turkey's coach:

"ISTANBUL, Jan 22 (Reuters) - Turkey coach Senol Gunes is warning about underestimating World Cup group C opponents Costa Rica.

"Yes, they are not a very strong team but they are a team you have to be careful of...we must not dismiss them," Tuesday's Fanatik sports newspaper quoted Gunes as saying from Miami, where he was watching Costa Rica in the 12-nation Gold Cup tournament.

"Despite being a small country they have come a long way and they want to make the most of that in the finals." But he added: "We'll see how they handle a strong game and tight marking."

Turkey will play Costa Rica, Brazil and China in the group phase.

Costa Rica are certain of a place in the quarter-finals of the Gold Cup tournament, having beaten Martinique 2-0 and drawn 1-1 with Trinidad and Tobago. "

Yeah turkey's stronger but I like to throw in a wildcard once in a while :) Costa rica, been getting better and better just like the U.S.


dude....i had faith in portugal....did you watch the game yesterday? Finland beat them 4-1. FUCKING FINLAND. Sorry but portugal needs some serious help. They got fucking wasted, humiliated right in their fucking hometown. Ridiculous. Hahhaha I heard the portuguese crowd got so pissed off towards the end of the game they started rooting for finland hahahaha.

G) u neglected how weak the German national team is

Weak? Like how? when has the german national team EVER been weak?

nevertheless heres my picks

A)France , Denmark

reasonable. france is a definite (they won '98). we'll see about the danish.

B)Slovenia , Spain

sure. spain's getting weak lately though so they may disappoint. remember that pre's aren't just wins....# of goals count too....group B might be surprise because of this.

C)Turkey, Brazil

could see that. brazil will have the most goals though :) i think luizao's gonna be rocking the house. should've seen his goal against yugoslavia yesterday. mediocre game, but what an awesome goal.

D)Portugal , Poland , with guys like FIGO and Gomes u just dont loose

heheh i'll be paying to see that.

E)Republic of IReland , Cameroon

Hahahah you mean to tell me ireland will beat germany. Surely thou jest.

F)Tough ass group..gotta go with England and Argentina

Agreed. :D Not that tough of a group though...england and argentina are the strongest there period.

G)Croatia , Italy

Hmm its a toss up between croatia and mexico. Mexico's been stronger historically but all those eastern europeans have been progressively kicking ass lately so I just may concede. :)

H)Belgium, Russia

Agreed again :D

Not taking into account my previous shit (ie if these teams actually made it to 16's), let's see:

Round of 16

Cameroon vs slovenia - Cameroon

-no doubt

France vs England - Bye Bye UK- France

-no fucking shit

Argentina vs Denmark -Argentina


Spain vs ireland- Ireland might pull this off..the spanish choke

-yeah that would be a tough game, i'd put spain and ireland at the same level

Italy v Poland - ITaly


Brazil v Belgium -Brazil


Russia v Turkey- Turkey


Portugal v Croatia - Croatia

-agreed again.


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i guess u didnt read what Franz Bekenbauer said about the German National team..he said that theyre a long way to go from doing anything...and brazil-yugo game i did c....im from yugoslavia and its hard as fuck not to c us in the World Cup..dont sleep on turkey..u do remember galatassaray came outa nowhere to win EUrope 2 yrs ago...o and about group F..dude..Nigeria is an awesome team..thats y i said its a tough group

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