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Someone explain to me the problem with fake tits and juiceheads.

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Originally posted by girly

hey guys lets SIMMA DOWN a little. No need for name calling we are all good people here. Lets just love eachother:love: :hump:

ehhh..whatever you people blow this way outta proportion. This is just how i am it should be no surprise...and the name calling is normal...just ask that jolly fuckstick joeg.

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Originally posted by quoth

yo..that takes us right back to the topic....so what yer saying...and correct me if im fuckin wrong here....is that....if you yerself were a juicehead and/or very physically fit....you wouldn't take slight advantage of it and tell you and yer no-neck buddies "hey, lets go to this club, I don't know whose spinning, but we'll get ass" ? And not everyone knows who the fuckin dj is every night...people sometimes are there the first time in a club. Obviously, IF PEOPLE CARED SO FUCKING MUCH ABOUT WHAT DJ WAS PLAYING THAT NIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE...THEN WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE GO SLIGHTLY OUT OF THEIR WAY TO MAKE SURE THEIR APPEARANCE LOOKS GOOD FOR JUST THAT ONE NIGHT??? You know you do it..cause everyone does it..and why do people do it?? cause hell...there is always a chance that some people ARE in fact there to either pick up some man-titted greaseball or some pale rod-like irish bastid.

Hey, maybe i'm wrong... or maybe i'm just a man-titted calzone-lovin greaseball loser painfully entranced in music... The jury is still out on that... BUT... I will say, I dress in the same casual way every time I go out... and I usually try and know what i'm hearing before I get there...

If your there just to get ass... fine... do what you want... just don't have roid rage on the poor pale lanky irish fuckstick that you bump into on your way to the last stall...

In my personal semi-elitist opinion... I feel it detracts from the vibe if theres too many people who don't care about the dj and are more concerned with ass... but thats just me being a tool...

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Originally posted by quoth

ehhh..whatever you people blow this way outta proportion. This is just how i am it should be no surprise...and the name calling is normal...just ask that jolly fuckstick joeg.

lol... this is true... I'm pretty sure its all for entertainment value for the board...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:laugh: :laugh: ..since its Friday..and its 5 o clock u could say my mother was a cum guzzling whore in her younger days

5 o clock or not, the fact of the matter is, is that the bitch does suck some fineeeeeeee dickens.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

The insecurity thing is just a reason made up to hate them. I dont buy it. I'm sure we all have our insecurities. Some people just deal with it by using steriods and getting fake tits. What's the difference with a person who sticks their fingers down their throats and doesn't eat?

i agree. + don't forget that insecurities can be handled in a less apparent way - if one is ugly and slim/fat, and was always bullied as a nerd, one may become an *intellectual* of that kind which uses his intelligence to show off and bully other less intelligent ones. this was seen even on this website many times....those people are just brain-thugs...so if we are to talk about frustrations/insecurities, and compensations, we have to take all the cases into consideration....

this, of course, doesn't mean that one should adore arrgant juice-heads...but also if one disapproves of them without having a single conflict with them, then it only shows one's frustration over 'beautiful bodies'.....and there are other ways to deal with that....:)

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . . actually the juicehead question IS at the center of the controversy . . . but not because of the juiceheads themselves. . it's rather the attitude that municipalities take towards other venues that DO NOT cater to the beer and fucking crowd (which the juiceheads are almost invariably a part of . . ) . . .

. . . Now . . . New York is willing to march in and close down the likes of Tunnel and Twilo because they cater to the "rave" crowd, yet crackdens like SF and Exit are allowed to operate with immunity . . .

. . you see what I'm getting at? . . . I have no problem with them personally, because they have the right to go out and party as much as anyone else does . . what I DO have a problem with is when their spots are allowed to continue to exist, where my style of nightlife spot is shutdown before it even gets going . .

. . i've seen the story repeated time and time again in multiple cities . . .

. . . again, it's not the juiceheads that bother me, it's the fact that their nightlife joints never get shutdown . . .

hmm i totally understand what your claim is. and it's true - 'rave culture' is villified because of 'evil E' that those kids do, but noone regulates alcochol (ie the drink of the non-rave i.e. (in my terms) all-american&str8 audience) although it produces much more harm to the society.....needless to say that almost all anti-depressants (which can be legally obtained) affect the same brain synapse-function as E.... ughhhh...i suppose i'll have to live without twilo....

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Originally posted by zlatang

hmm i totally understand what your claim is. and it's true - 'rave culture' is villified because of 'evil E' that those kids do, but noone regulates alcochol (ie the drink of the non-rave i.e. (in my terms) all-american&str8 audience) although it produces much more harm to the society.....needless to say that almost all anti-depressants (which can be legally obtained) affect the same brain synapse-function as E.... ughhhh...i suppose i'll have to live without twilo....

hmm, my lines above missed the point - you guys are getting ready to fight (i hope you are) and i was still theorising....good luck with insults....:eek:

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i actually agree with some people here...but.. i come across too many threads directed towards "fake people", they are too this and too that... can i also add that its all the "normal" people that post and worry about looks too much, and the worst part of it all is that its not even their own looks they are worrying about (noisy in my book). If you've been around, met people you should know ignorance comes in different packages. I've been elbowed, hit and ect by people that were both pretty and ugly...i also saw unatractive peole (trying to be nice) have way to much attitude also...Not all things are what they appear to be! Shit happens u know :smoke:

Can we all say 'topic exaustion'!

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Originally posted by magilicuti

The insecurity thing is just a reason made up to hate them. I dont buy it. I'm sure we all have our insecurities. Some people just deal with it by using steriods and getting fake tits. What's the difference with a person who sticks their fingers down their throats and doesn't eat?

I def. support your idea...everyone has insecurities and in some way try to deal with them .. and if you say people do it to get attention, well btw sorry to say that but EVERYONE loves attention.. people go out dressed really nice because everyone love to hear.. .. WOW this guy/girl looks good!!!... and if you don't like to hear compliments than theres somthing wrong with you

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What is up with the whole flat chest thing..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm not that big, so does that mean i'm unattractive. Uh...no. I pity everyone who believes that cuz that just goes to show how low you all really are. And for those of you that are so proud of your big chests and built bodies I feel bad for you cuz it's obvious that that's all you think you're worth. No brains no personality. So sad.

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I couldn't resist but to jump into this conversation..

Everyone has their own reason for doing what they do. I have mine, you have yours.. It is true that is seems some generalizations could be made about clubbing, juiceheads and fake booby girls.. But in the mist of the whole thing I would imagine that some people

.. want to improve their body.

.. want to be like their friends.

.. want to be like everyone else.

.. want to stand out.

.. want to be the biggest guy or prettiest girl.

and that's just a few stupid reasons.. but I hope you see my point.. that basically being different strokes for different folks.

Some people are more brains and less braun, and vice versa.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by hotchickie5

And for those of you that are so proud of your big chests and built bodies I feel bad for you cuz it's obvious that that's all you think you're worth. No brains no personality. So sad.

y do u assume taking care of ur body means no brains and personality? people shouldn't be stereotyped just because they decide to work out or get fake boobs. for some people it may be a sign of insecurity but to an extent everyone is insecure about something.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost


sorry but I only read CP every few months. i never got a chance to throw my two cents in. :)

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~~~so true.......its the way they r most (not all) of them do ghb and that seriously fucks with ur head....or they r jst plain dumb and they realize tha the only thing they have going for themselves is their body..those i cant stand........as for fake tits i dunno why any guy would want it! sure they LOOK good but they FEEL like balloons........ewwwww

my 23cents


Not saying of I disagree or not but how does GHB fuck with a juiceheads head? What makes you DR GHB:rolleyes:

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i honestly did not read all of the posts....and in some cases ...yes the juicehead/fake boobie thing is funny...haha...great......but in a lot of cases...and i KNOW no one will agree nor admit......it's a lot of jealousy....i mean come on...to continously talk shit about it...say u won't go somewhere because it is overwhelmed with these people.....if i wanna hear a certain dj..i will go....and if good looking people are a part of that...O WELL.....of course i am not saying all juiceheads and plastic chickies are pretty....because well...they just aren't.....but they are a lot worse 'stereotypes' then people who r concerned with their image! and i am also not saying everyone who comments on this is jealous....but i think i am making my point


Very well said, they are all different types of pretty ugly, classy, and rude people

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