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Originally posted by Nolimit

trust me, i know enough about that drought that made me want to leave.

it's simple, get the hell out of miami for a bit. go see the world. see how they do it on the other side of the pond or how they do it on the west coast. chances are, they do it different everywhere else and you'll enjoy the change.

D- I was born and raised in New York. I have been fortunate, to have had jobs. that have allowed me to travel all over the world. so I have had the chance to compare scenes. I think when you spend to, much time in anyplace; it starts to get a bit monotonous. I will be hitting the road, more often this year. first stop Mr. Howells in DC. change is good! :)
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I cant believe this but good point NoLimit..

For me and maybe for a few people the way people get exposer to music is VIA Radio CD and etc... I know I like DeepDish on CD and Heard them 5 times now only really thought they where good 1 time. Ill never pay to hear DeepDish...

Tiesto Judge PVD Sasha Digger VanM great Live and Good CD Dj's.

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you do at least get a feel of DJ's motivation or what he or she likes to play what type of music...

Like I said in my post Exposer...

To be a great DJ I think you have to be able to blow the roof of the club and knock the wallz down

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Originally posted by soldado

Good post Big Dog ...One problem with your post It could do with out DeepDish! Great Dj's on Cd but Sux live

stop hating on Deep Dish biatch ! :) most djs sound better live; then on disc. With some exceptions.. :laugh:
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Originally posted by soldado

Just throwing down justice bro ..telling how it is

LOL rather the injustice. Of having to be subjected, to that fairy anthem trance; you still listen too.:laugh: Gielen, Van Buren, Marco V, Corsten, etc the future of "Tranz".. so come old trance warrior. join us and together we will live in perfect harmony. :)

Jameeeeeeeees !

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I appreciate the fact that I live in Miami, we've got a better scene than 99 percent of the country. New York and San Francisco are our only real competition. If you factor in weather and scenery, Miami wins hands down.

I like the fact that also we usually go our own direction, rather than pandering to the big city up north...one of my constant complaints against this board is the whole GU junta that wants to see a literal Sixth Borough pop up on South Beach. Let NY be NY, and let Miami be Miami. Miami's about music, it's also about having 2 million dollars worth of fine Italian engineering sitting in front of a club. (Yeah, I know, it's my favorite comparison...there's a pic in Mixer a few years back that for some reason showed Twilo and crobar on the same page. crobar had an F-550 parked out front, Twilo had a beat-up Saturn...), supermodel girls, and so forth...

However, I do like to see how other places do it...what is done better, what is done worse, etc...

The trick is, paying for all that travel. We're not fools for staying in Miami, we're just broke, I've found in most cases.

I hate to say this though, but most of us CP folk dress to the bare minimum of the dresscode, or use our connections to not dress to code. It's why you never hear me complaning about dresscodes, I'd be bitch-slapped as a hypocrite. Grant it, I respect the venue in some cases :).

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The Miami club scene has, very little emphasis on the music. flashy decorator, expensive sound and light systems, the "look" are the primary factors. The music basically acts as a backdrop for all of this. but it’s miami and that’s how it’s done. Twilo (RIP) may not have had f-550’s parked outside. like you could find parking outside of twilo. but inside it had a heart and soul. which was the music and the people. Sure other factors drugs, sex, etc lingered on the outskirts.. as they do universally within the club community. I don’t know what direction, Miami is going in. we beat the hell out of trance, and now we are slowly strangling progressive house to death. I don’t think any city in country; is really making any major in roads in dance music. most of the new dance music ,is coming from beyond our shores.

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I honestly think Miami can retain it's miami-ness and not strangle a genre to death. Rain is a good example of that, a sophisticated atmosphere with good music.

Oh, and what's wrong with expensive sound and lighting? :cool:

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Originally posted by pod

I honestly think Miami can retain it's miami-ness and not strangle a genre to death. Rain is a good example of that, a sophisticated atmosphere with good music.

Oh, and what's wrong with expensive sound and lighting? :cool:

fridays at rain is your only exeption. while nyc might not have the nice venues and the weather, it sure has the vibe to keep it chugging along. in time though another club will open that will help put this city back on the map. for the time being, we're in that slump the rest of america was feeling while twilo was open.

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I just wanted to throw a little something into this very good (and productive) discussion that I thought you guys might find interesting......

Last Saturday 3-30-02 I got a call from James (who owns Global Underground) telling me he was still in town and wanted to come out to Space that night.....He arrived around 2am...came up said hello....then proceeded to dance like a madman till a little after 10am when I shut off the music in the blue room...

We were hanging for a little bit afterwards when he told me "with my label I get to travel all over the world to the worlds best clubs with the worlds best djs....but I have to tell you....right now.....this is one of the top 5 clubs in the world, if not THE best...is it like this every week?!?"

Now keep in mind....this was the Saturday after conference....so the club was'nt as busy as on a regular Saturday....

I don't know....maybe we are spoiled.....it's hard to appreciate a good thing when you have it constantly....there is always room for improvement, but I think we are doing pretty good down here....I mean...when you think about it.....who's got it better in the U.S.???

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Originally posted by djoscarg

I don't know....maybe we are spoiled.....it's hard to appreciate a good thing when you have it constantly....there is always room for improvement, but I think we are doing pretty good down here....I mean...when you think about it.....who's got it better in the U.S.???

couldnt have said it better myself....

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Sobe I like some of dem Dj's you named....The method to my madness is simple really...the more odd or complex the DJ name is the more I like them..The easier to say there name the more I hate them! DeepDish now that was not hard for me to say...

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I appreciate the fact that I live in Miami, we've got a better scene than 99 percent of the country. New York and San Francisco are our only real competition

POD buddy that is funny I think its the other way around.....NYC SF is what you have to mesure up to....I live in NYC CAL JAPAN....

FLA Wins in the Weather Dept, nothing else,,,oh yea and women in thongs and Via La Vida loca!

Problem on this board is that u all need to venture out of the confinds of MIA

Edgar... Space is a Good and sometimes a really great club probably one of the best clubs i have been in a while...Wich leads me to this question what and how do u rate a good club or a bad club???

Light flashy people drinks ?????

Good music okay lights big dance floor???

To me a great club can be in a whole in the wall as long as the music is jammen A/C A must ( yes im crying ) and a great Vibe....While Mia has a good vibe ...NYC SF vibe cant be touched..Its hard to explain unless you felt it and lived in NYC or SF..One visit to a NYC or etc club u cant get a real grip of that vibe....dont get me wrong I LOVE space and at times I want to be burried there ( to much Dancen dead to the world )...but there is still something MIA cant touch what the other parts of the country has IE NYC SF...


Best light show i have seen is in JAPAN

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Originally posted by soldado

Sobe I like some of dem Dj's you named....The method to my madness is simple really...the more odd or complex the DJ name is the more I like them..The easier to say there name the more I hate them! DeepDish now that was not hard for me to say...

That's an interesting perspective. :confused: Lets hope a good dj named Tony, doesn’t bust out. :)
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Originally posted by djoscarg

We were hanging for a little bit afterwards when he told me "with my label I get to travel all over the world to the worlds best clubs with the worlds best djs....but I have to tell you....right now.....this is one of the top 5 clubs in the world, if not THE best...is it like this every week?!?"

The best Club that the world has ever seen is Tropicana nightclub in Havana Cuba!

My grandfather sez so!

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The vibe has never really, been an issue with me. Miami has a rather unique vibe; as do other cities. It’s that diversity which sets, them apart from each other. The music however is what should, remain paramount, and should be constantly evolving. helping to keep the vibe, and the scene interesting and fresh.we are not spoiled in Miami; just a bit resistant to change.

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First I would like to Say, I Do this As Life, This is What I want to do. Music/Clubs etc.

Soooooo Ive been fucking everywhere JUST to See DJ's. I Dropped out of school and left all my friends and home just for Music and the Vibe of MIA.


MIA Vibe is Very Fake at Times, It goes from Your Hardcore Music Heads who will die with there genre to all the fakes jumping on the New Club every week with the new sound.

NY (Sf is 13 yrs old this week, you honestly think anywhere here can go for even 10 yrs) Twilo no words can explain it. Even Exit Now that they got there shit coming along, 3 times the size of Space and Packed every weekend. Centro (For all You Progressive peeps, mad chill, They Bring in Big Name DJ's On a Thursday Night). Vinyl (I haven't expierenced it) Now World Throwing a Commercial Spin on it all but great people.

Also Here in Mia When was the last time a damn DJ Left the room and the crowd Wanted More NEVER. PVD @ Twilo 14 hrs of TRANCE and Still wanted More, JP 24 hrs BDay, etc.

As Far As Other Citys, How the Fuck does No one Name Canada (Montreal or Toronto) Now You want a Vibe. Give me a break, They are the same way big name son Thursdays, HUGE get togethers Monthly. Im Going up for Gielen on the 22nd At Aria.

Also Im starting to get the Feel DC Is Kicking are Ass. They got a vibe In Trance that Is No OTher. Ill be up there soon.

I'll just end it with What EVERY Club Owner Here Has been Telling Me from Day 1.

"Your Music you Spin Brings in the Drug Crowd and we can't make Money that Way"

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