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I worry about NYC

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I sincerely worry about whats gonna happen to NYC. i know i have posted some annoying messages about terrorism but this is real. whats happening to Israel now will happen in NYC soon because NYC is the most populous city with many jews and arabic terrorists. I wouldn't be surprised if some arab terrorists blow themselves up in crowded areas like timesquare etc.. it's scary. and the bush admin isn't doing a thing, because you know why? they are slaves to the arab oil. The whole situation could've been more Peaceful under Gore Adminstration...too bad i voted for bush.

i frankly don't know the solution to this.

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Dont be worried, this isnt Isreal.

As we all know, we always get searched before we enter a club.

And if something does happen again, just ask yourself, what the government is really doing to protect us. There a disgrace in my eyes.

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I'm more worried about the deal in the Middle East and how that shit is gonna effect us. Its getting really crazy over there and anything can happen.

They should just let no one live in fucking Israel because that place is gonna be the cause of the end of the world. Its suppose to be this great holy place but its actually probably going to be the cause of the next World War. Only reason NYC and the United States is in any trouble is because of Israel and the problems over there.

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the problem is that they don't search people outside nightclubs.. not only that there are just way too many arabs in the city. Their religion teachs them to kill all who don't believe in Islam. call me a racist if you want but we need some kinda racial profiling for the safety of this land.

Originally posted by fluidnyc

Dont be worried, this isnt Isreal.

As we all know, we always get searched before we enter a club.

And if something does happen again, just ask yourself, what the government is really doing to protect us. There a disgrace in my eyes.

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Originally posted by usa

the problem is that they don't search people outside nightclubs.. not only that there are just way too many arabs in the city. Their religion teachs them to kill all who don't believe in Islam. call me a racist if you want but we need some kinda racial profiling for the safety of this land.

okay, i wont go into the ignorance and short sightedness of this comment too much, except to say that you have a poor understanding of their religion. how about practicing some tolerance and educate yourself on people who are different from you before you start posting this sort of utter bullshit?

it's a good thing you arent making any decisions for the rest of us. then again, i dont know if the ones who are making the decisions for all of us are that much better...

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i hate to tell you this, but the only reason we are in this is b/c of the oil.. oil oil oil with out that we would not give a rats ass about the middle east.

and to say no one can live there is a joke? Isreal is not the fall guy for the middle east problems

they are fighting for the same cause as us, to end terrorism

Originally posted by magilicuti

I'm more worried about the deal in the Middle East and how that shit is gonna effect us. Its getting really crazy over there and anything can happen.

They should just let no one live in fucking Israel because that place is gonna be the cause of the end of the world. Its suppose to be this great holy place but its actually probably going to be the cause of the next World War. Only reason NYC and the United States is in any trouble is because of Israel and the problems over there.

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Originally posted by usa

I wouldn't be surprised if some arab terrorists blow themselves up in crowded areas like timesquare etc.. it's scary. and the bush admin isn't doing a thing

Bitch about it when it happens, and be happy that you live in one of the safest places in the world.

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Originally posted by chris817

i hate to tell you this, but the only reason we are in this is b/c of the oil.. oil oil oil with out that we would not give a rats ass about the middle east.

and to say no one can live there is a joke? Isreal is not the fall guy for the middle east problems

they are fighting for the same cause as us, to end terrorism

i dont know about that one.....the states is the only supporter of the israeli govt. we put them there and the palestines were physically moved off the land...this wont stop until palestines gets recognition as an independent state.....

and i agree with you on the oil issue but not the terrorist issue....you see all the mixed reports coming from the white house telling isreal to attack then no to......fucking all bull if you ask me but thats another story

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usa & dusted & malone...all friends, or co-workers at the Mossad??? I wonder...:laugh:

Yeah, what Israel is doing is sooo right. Sure, blow up Arafat's infrastructure, strip him of his policing abilities and then blame him for not arresting the terrorists!

Then you got fuckin moron terrorists blowing innocent ppl up.

Holy land my ass! That region has been the cause of so much bloodshed, it makes me wish religion didn't even exist!

Actually, religion has been the cause of the most bloodshed in the world!

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well i think it's a valid point. I really hope that i don't see extremists start blowing themselves and others up over here in the States, trying to fight for a cause. It's not an impossible idea - i think we should all know that anything is all too easy when someone's dedicated enough to do it. WTC taught us that.

I think it's sad that people have allowed their own personal grievances and differences to lead to them pulling guns on each other. Nothing is solved permanently through violence. It only sparks another man with a bigger gun at some point to try to undo what the last man did.

Israel represents one of the Holiest and also most blood-stained pieces of land on this earth. At a place where people should be liviing in peace, prayer and serving as a model for the rest of the world to emulate, all there is, is violence, hatred and constant struggle. It's "an eye for an eye" politics, but the problem is nobody remembers who took the first shot, so every act always results in a reprisal from the other side. It will never end.

Am I angry? Yeah you could say I am. Angry that what started as a group of people unable to live among each other has spread around the world, so that there are now MANY groups of people unable to live with each other, who use violence to impose their will on others. It's a cancer and it's spreading all over the world. The middle east was the beginning, but the Phillipines, Indonesia, even Asia, Africa, South America, and who knows if Europe and America will be drawn into the fray.

It has to stop. That's all I can say, is that it has to stop.

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Originally posted by cintron

Am I angry? Yeah you could say I am. Angry that what started as a group of people unable to live among each other has spread around the world, so that there are now MANY groups of people unable to live with each other, who use violence to impose their will on others. It's a cancer and it's spreading all over the world. The middle east was the beginning, but the Phillipines, Indonesia, even Asia, Africa, South America, and who knows if Europe and America will be drawn into the fray.

It has to stop. That's all I can say, is that it has to stop.

I agree with this point...its all soo fuckin sad..I mean the problem is deeper and more ingrained tan any of us will ever understand...it is all bs IMO...

I think that by the US interfering as always...they also cause problems. They never should have got involved with favoring the Israelis...we always have to be the big men and stick our noses where it doesnt belong... I mean I could only pray that fighting would end...but honestly it is beyond our controls... They are all freakin killing each other, and I bet half of them dont even know why they are fighting anymore. They just go out blowing themselves.

If it it only could be soo simple, where the israeli gov't would give them some land or something. I can't think of a simple solution...but the freakin killing needs to stop....and the US should but the fuck out cause, its not our place and secondly with our interference we bring problems to our home territory which is not necessary

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Originally posted by usa

I sincerely worry about whats gonna happen to NYC. i know i have posted some annoying messages about terrorism but this is real. whats happening to Israel now will happen in NYC soon because NYC is the most populous city with many jews and arabic terrorists. I wouldn't be surprised if some arab terrorists blow themselves up in crowded areas like timesquare etc.. it's scary. and the bush admin isn't doing a thing, because you know why? they are slaves to the arab oil. The whole situation could've been more Peaceful under Gore Adminstration...too bad i voted for bush.

i frankly don't know the solution to this.

You know, sometimes I worry about you....:rolleyes:

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the reason the US can not make a stand against this is b/c once they do, then the rest of the arab countries will condemn the US even more than they do now

and they don't make the stand b/c of the realationship with oil bearing countries.

I agree with the fact that they want to be recognized as a state, but going about it they way they are is War

Suicide bombings are not a statment they are a tatic of war. Bombers families are taken care of by other arab govt's, they are hailed as martyrs by there own people

Why is the fact that these terrorist allow 16 year old girls to volunter to get a bomb put on them and told where to detonate it. most of the time at places where isreali citizens are just trying to have normal lives. ie restaurants, clubs, coffe shops.

imagine if that shit started happening here? in subways, buses, on lines outside of clubs?

what would you suggest we do then?

Originally posted by msoprano13

i dont know about that one.....the states is the only supporter of the israeli govt. we put them there and the palestines were physically moved off the land...this wont stop until palestines gets recognition as an independent state.....

and i agree with you on the oil issue but not the terrorist issue....you see all the mixed reports coming from the white house telling isreal to attack then no to......fucking all bull if you ask me but thats another story

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I agree with this point...its all soo fuckin sad..I mean the problem is deeper and more ingrained tan any of us will ever understand...it is all bs IMO...

I think that by the US interfering as always...they also cause problems. They never should have got involved with favoring the Israelis...we always have to be the big men and stick our noses where it doesnt belong... I mean I could only pray that fighting would end...but honestly it is beyond our controls... They are all freakin killing each other, and I bet half of them dont even know why they are fighting anymore. They just go out blowing themselves.

If it it only could be soo simple, where the israeli gov't would give them some land or something. I can't think of a simple solution...but the freakin killing needs to stop....and the US should but the fuck out cause, its not our place and secondly with our interference we bring problems to our home territory which is not necessary

I agree with you to a certain extent. Its is something that we could never understand because we havent experienced what those people have. But I feel that the US needs to be more involved before it turns into a situation like Rhowanda(sp?). The US had the chance to get involved and stop the massacre but didnt and as a result alot of people died. The Isreali's and Palestinians arent going to stop this on their own. None of the other Middle East countries will be able to negotiate a cease-fire. Its all on the US but it first needs to stop throwing all of its support for Isreal. But as much as I hate to say it, I doubt there will be peace anytime soon. Its all escalating right now and it will get worse before it gets better....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

I agree with you to a certain extent. Its is something that we could never understand because we havent experienced what those people have. But I feel that the US needs to be more involved before it turns into a situation like Rhowanda(sp?). The US had the chance to get involved and stop the massacre but didnt and as a result alot of people died. The Isreali's and Palestinians arent going to stop this on their own. None of the other Middle East countries will be able to negotiate a cease-fire. Its all on the US but it first needs to stop throwing all of its support for Isreal. But as much as I hate to say it, I doubt there will be peace anytime soon. Its all escalating right now and it will get worse before it gets better....

You see I disagree..The US needs to stay out. Honestly, we butt in way too much. Yea and why should the US interfere? I mean it isnt their conflict..I know it may sound a bit mean, but let them kill each other....We can only do soo much. By us getting involved we bring it to our soil.....yea they may not be able to resolve it on their own....IDK..its real tough cause a part of me says help, yet I strongly am against it.....its their battle not ours....

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Originally posted by fierydesire

You see I disagree..The US needs to stay out. Honestly, we butt in way too much. Yea and why should the US interfere? I mean it isnt their conflict..I know it may sound a bit mean, but let them kill each other....We can only do soo much. By us getting involved we bring it to our soil.....yea they may not be able to resolve it on their own....IDK..its real tough cause a part of me says help, yet I strongly am against it.....its their battle not ours....

The hatred that some of these extremists have for the US runs deeper than the Isreali-Palestinian conflict. We have troops that are stationed in the the Middle East and that pisses these people off. Also our support for corrupt gov'ts doesnt make them any happier. I think if we put alittle more pressure on both sides to get this resolved then it would do us alot of good in the eyes of these extremist's. Plus if we just let them kill each other, it would eventually spill over into our lives and affect us...

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You see...with all these suicide bombings, and terrorists and all - I think the main cause of all this is education, or lack thereof. These ppl are taught, pretty much from birth, to hate each other because of grievances, real or imaginary, that is passed on generation to generation. The reason I don't think American Muslims or Arabs will become suicide bombers is because they are more educated and are taught to live in harmony with other cultures.

Its a similar case with US hate groups too. Most of them (KKK, neo-Nazis, etc) seize young, lonely, uneducated youth to indoctrine with their hate. Instead, if these youth were taught to understand and tolerate other cultures, most of this shit won't happen!

USA (the CP member) - that applies to you too. Try educate yourself about the Muslim religion and their culture, and try be more tolerant. Its ppl like you who add fuel to the fire by steorotypying a whole race/religion.

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There is a problem with oil but the United States backs Israel because of the Jewish people. The Palenstines were pushed off Israel and it was given to the Jews after the holocaust. Why does the United States back the jews? Who runs all the major companies in the United States? Who has the most money in the United States? Jewish people. Not only is it about oil its about $$$. No one is fucking with Israel because they are scared of the United States. People aren't blowing themselves up everyday over there for nothing. Its a very complicated issue that will never end.

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gotta give them credit, suicide bombers have the most biggest balls in the fucking world, and all these fucking problems are caused by israel, we got attacked for supporting israel, the US shouldnt mess with suicide bombers cuase if we mess with them the US would become HELL

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