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what about Josh Wink


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What about Josh Wink. I read this board all the time and nobody talks about Josh Wink. For me he is one of the coolest DJs around. His set @ Ultra was excellent and when he spun @ Liquid for the Ovum party it was an awesome set. I would definetely like to see him coming more to Miami since I think he is one of the best sets around. ...

What are your opinions ?????

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Josh Wink is one of the most underated DJ's working today. I wish I would have made it to the Ovum party during conference but there was just too much going on. He played Crobar back in January and all reports on this board was that he tore up the dance floor.

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ha ha ha ....

djduchovony I will take your word for it .... I don't smell djs hair so I cannot comment on that .... I rather opt for standing on the other side of the speaker and just listen to the music ....

In any case ... good to hear your opinions

and I could not agree more


rock on wink !!!!!!!!

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I am a WinkFreak(a sticker I copped) and I was there in attendance for the Ovum party as well. Doc was awesome as hell as usual too...Alvarado was sorta disappointing.

Its cool because Josh is well liked here in ATL and whenever he plays there is a large following of people, mostly ol' skoolers too. He played here in October and February and a little birdie told me he's scheduled to come in a few months as well.

The last few times I saw him he always opened up with that Radiohead remix of his that I love so dearly. I was the only mutha screaming at the top of my lungs when he dropped that...but for some reason, no one around me (except my crew) even recognized it. It was RADIOHEAD for bloody sakes!!

I was very proud to bring home a baby blue Ovum records shirt. Me and my girlfriends managed to each get one in a different color. We'll be rocking them definitely when he comes through next time.

You brought up a good point that I noticed as well...no one on this forum ever talks about the Winks or the Little Louie Vegas or the Kruder and Dorfmeisters or the Plaids or the Sneaks or the Ritchie Hawtins.

Its all about Tiesto and progrASSive.

Glad to see someone else recognizes.

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At times so many people get caught up in the Djs. They get so involved with who Dj X hangs out with, or where they hung out, what Dj X likes to eat, what they were wearing, what cologne/perfume they wear, etc. I swear all some people do is look for dirt so they can appear to be cool and have something to say about Dj X.

I personally don't give a damn about all that. No one else should as well, but you know how it goes with people who are just following the trend at the moment. Those kinds of people will always be around. Its not wrong to admire an artist for their talents either.

As long as Dj X keeps playing good music and doesn't harm anyone thats all that matters.

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i think dj X is a fucking joke and he plays really awful funky breaks. that style of music is really lame and tired and even i refuse to spin it at my most underage of gigs. lets also keep in mind that if you refer to progressive house as progASSive than your opinion of any kind of music, dj, or producer is no longer valid and is as silly as dj X's new record.

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Originally posted by houseb4titties

no one on this forum ever talks about the Winks or the Little Louie Vegas or the Kruder and Dorfmeisters or the Plaids or the Sneaks or the Ritchie Hawtins.

Its all about Tiesto and progrASSive.

Glad to see someone else recognizes.

ummm...i think i'll have to disagree with you on that one. granted we don't spend every single moment talking about wink, or lil louie, but this messageboard isn't geared to speaking about certain artists. when wink came, I myself started up a post about him. and many contributed. he just doesn't come around here all that often, therefore, he's really not in mind. but to say that we don't talk about K&D???? c'mon now. you obviously don't read the board all that often. they've been brought up in numerous posts, pics of them with some cp'ers during the conference, and they are my favorite duo. this isn't in any way an attack on you, but please don't generalize this board as being a trance or progressive board. the majority here ARE into those genres, but there's a select few that could care less about them.

me included. :)

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ps, the reason wink isnt mentioned much anymore is cause his recent offerings have been pretty weak. he has pretty much ceased to be vital in the wake of so much talent in dance music right now. his music makes me yawn and his hair makes me cringe.

pss, his semi-new radiohead remix is pretty decent but who could fuck up a radiohead remix ?

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granted we don't spend every single moment talking about wink, or lil louie, but this messageboard isn't geared to speaking about certain artists.

Why isn't this forum geared towards "certain" artists? No we don't spend every single moment talking about djs/producers on any of the other forums I frequent either. I'm not expecting to see a 50 reply post about "Geogaddi," but its all supposed to be about dance/electro. music right? Or am I wrong?

When I listed all those names I wasn't just talking about those artists in particular. But I see a lack discussion about a lot of things musically/culturally compared to other forums.

don't generalize this board as being a trance or progressive board

No I'm not generalizing, I just dont see a well rounded discussion of/about other genres here. If I thought that this forum was only about trance or progressive house I would have never started posting, or my ass would have left it a lonngggg time ago. I recommend this site to other people, I wouldn't do that if I thought was cheeze. I did scope the board out for a few weeks before I first posted just to make sure it wasn't all ass.

That wasn't an attack on you or Miami either.

Duchovny I don't dislike every trance/progressive artist out there. I just don't feel it. It doesn't move my soul. I've seen all the djs that everyone thinks is "awesome" and to me they sounded like ass (progrASSive). Just one person's opinion...

Different strokes for different folks...

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I was talking about Josh Wink's set @ ultra i was the only one, to me it was one of the best if not the best set i heard, he was amazing how he freaking played with every little knob on that mixer, it was so cool how he was getting about 3 different sounds from the same beat.

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Originally posted by houseb4titties

Why isn't this forum geared towards "certain" artists? No we don't spend every single moment talking about djs/producers on any of the other forums I frequent either. I'm not expecting to see a 50 reply post about "Geogaddi," but its all supposed to be about dance/electro. music right? Or am I wrong?

When I listed all those names I wasn't just talking about those artists in particular. But I see a lack discussion about a lot of things musically/culturally compared to other forums.

No I'm not generalizing, I just dont see a well rounded discussion of/about other genres here. If I thought that this forum was only about trance or progressive house I would have never started posting, or my ass would have left it a lonngggg time ago. I recommend this site to other people, I wouldn't do that if I thought was cheeze. I did scope the board out for a few weeks before I first posted just to make sure it wasn't all ass.

well i would say that this board isn't geared toward certain artists b/c it's a music board. period. this is not the "Josh Wink Messageboard", it's not the "George Acosta Messageboard" and it's not the "Kruder & Dorfmeister Messageboard". I would say the majority here are into progressive and trance and those artists are usually mentioned in the posts. But yes it is about dance/electro. Not only about the artists themselves.

Not all forums are the same. I'm sure you can agree with that. If they were, then what's the point of having different forums to voice your opinions on? Hmmmm....

I myself am a big downtempo/acid jazz/trip hop fan. My favorite artist is Dj Krush. And my 2nd is Dj Cam. Do you think most, if any, know about them? I HIGHLY doubt it. But do I complain about it here? No. I just try to educate those that don't know in hopes they'll catch on. But not everyone digs the same music I do. They'll probably say it's boring. But hey...that's their opinion and it's all good w/me. But there have been numerous posts on K&D, Thievery Corporation, Jazzanova and many similar artists. Granted these posts aren't brought up every day...or maybe even every week, but that doesn't mean that they're not spoken of.

If you want to talk about something in particular, then start up a post on it. I'm sure many will contribute.

Ok...I had my house...can i have my titties now? ;)

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