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~My official Johnathan Peters Review@ Sneaky Petes~

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Not to knock JP but I doubt he will ever reach the level that DT is at.......

It's not outta the question, but I think it's a long shot too. However, I think JP is in love with his spot @ SF Saturdays. Thats what makes him happy.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Read the post again.......try to comprehend what it says.

Also, trying to make the comparison by bringing DT into the picture does not help your situation considering DT has worldwide status and is listed as one of the world's TOP djs. He didn't obtain that by mistake.

:idea: No shit but maybe you should comprehend also, i was just stating that cause you were like "what Jp can only play at his home" listen i am not about to fight with everyone once again cause its not worth it either way people will like what they like... But the reason for my statement was you guys all ride DT's cock which is all good. Just cause DT is "DT" doesnt mean everyone is gunna like him just like not everyone likes JP... I like anyone who has talent and i will never deny anyone of their talent, and JP has talent and you guys stip him of his talent cause of his loops and stuff... He is diff then the rest, i have heard many DJ's in an out and not once have i ever heard someone play like him. He has a way with his vocals that no one has... when he plays his vocals its beautiful, just the way he rocks it how he goes in and out wit the accapella and how he throws tracks behind them. Anyway....

now i am just gunna sit back and wait for all you guys to bash and shit so go ahead i said what i had to say;)

BTW JP is not my fav DJ in case you were wondering

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this thread is so retarted~ i couldn't even bring myself to continue reading all the posts!!!!! what is the fucking problem!? u cannot argue someone's talent...depending on your tastes! of course there are obvious technical points that can be discussed and no one ever said jp was perfect.....but jeezus...give it up! so don't go to factory...don't go hear him...and stop fucking bitching about it! u don't like it...great...but people do...and i am NEVER the one to say someone cannot have different opinions...hell i LOVE to go back and forth on the boards!;) but enough is enough...we all know who loves factory...we all know who hates it.....we all know why..because we have debated it 18378238723748374 times........and i've said it before and i'll say it again....just because someone likes/prefers factory and considers it 'home'...does not exclude that person from the rest of the music world...it's just a taste...and not everyone has the same! ......i am not going to comment on all the other dj's,parties,venues...because i don't care...and it is stupid...people like what they like...try convincing a draper fan why he sucks!!~~>and try to understand why he/she likes him....like i said...it's a taste

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Originally posted by misk

this thread is so retarted~ i couldn't even bring myself to continue reading all the posts!!!!! what is the fucking problem!? u cannot argue someone's talent...depending on your tastes! of course there are obvious technical points that can be discussed and no one ever said jp was perfect.....but jeezus...give it up! so don't go to factory...don't go hear him...and stop fucking bitching about it! u don't like it...great...but people do...and i am NEVER the one to say someone cannot have different opinions...hell i LOVE to go back and forth on the boards!;) but enough is enough...we all know who loves factory...we all know who hates it.....we all know why..because we have debated it 18378238723748374 times........and i've said it before and i'll say it again....just because someone likes/prefers factory and considers it 'home'...does not exclude that person from the rest of the music world...it's just a taste...and not everyone has the same! ......i am not going to comment on all the other dj's,parties,venues...because i don't care...and it is stupid...people like what they like...try convincing a draper fan why he sucks!!~~>and try to understand why he/she likes him....like i said...it's a taste

Wow...summed up all of our bickering in 1 post! Impressive, and agreed. :D

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Originally posted by misk

this thread is so retarted~ i couldn't even bring myself to continue reading all the posts!!!!! what is the fucking problem!? u cannot argue someone's talent...depending on your tastes! of course there are obvious technical points that can be discussed and no one ever said jp was perfect.....but jeezus...give it up! so don't go to factory...don't go hear him...and stop fucking bitching about it! u don't like it...great...but people do...and i am NEVER the one to say someone cannot have different opinions...hell i LOVE to go back and forth on the boards!;) but enough is enough...we all know who loves factory...we all know who hates it.....we all know why..because we have debated it 18378238723748374 times........and i've said it before and i'll say it again....just because someone likes/prefers factory and considers it 'home'...does not exclude that person from the rest of the music world...it's just a taste...and not everyone has the same! ......i am not going to comment on all the other dj's,parties,venues...because i don't care...and it is stupid...people like what they like...try convincing a draper fan why he sucks!!~~>and try to understand why he/she likes him....like i said...it's a taste

Thank you Misk, Now everyone LETS SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

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Originally posted by siphor

I love Jp and fuck you!

Just as i love dt, sasha, digweed, oakenfold, seaman etc etc etc

:::they are all unique with there different styles:::


thats great he still sucked it down thursday

and if you are a big name DJ once again I will say you should not be wrecking two records no matter how off you are thats the first thing you learn.

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i was there on thursday and i dont think its the best he has ever spun..but i still danced and had a good time and i still think he is a good dj. i feel like its hard for him to fit in all his good shit into a few hours when at factory he has as long as he wants to spin. like other posts said he is allowed to have an off night. and everyone obviously has their own opinions about the music they like..but to argue over and over about it is a little ridiculous i think.

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Originally posted by girly

and this is coming from *you* a professional Dj I'm gathering?:D

Listen ball buster you don't have to make movies to know a movie sucks. And are you gonna tell me that beat matching isn't the first thing you learn? Name me one REPUTABLE big name Dj that train wrecks ever single or every other mix?

That night his mixxes Every single one of them Were THICK like mollases in January. Pure Technical fact.

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Originally posted by sfgirl21

i was there on thursday and i dont think its the best he has ever spun..but i still danced and had a good time and i still think he is a good dj. i feel like its hard for him to fit in all his good shit into a few hours when at factory he has as long as he wants to spin. like other posts said he is allowed to have an off night. and everyone obviously has their own opinions about the music they like..but to argue over and over about it is a little ridiculous i think.

but it's fun and it fills the day

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Originally posted by siceone

Listen ball buster you don't have to make movies to know a movie sucks. And are you gonna tell me that beat matching isn't the first thing you learn? Name me one REPUTABLE big name Dj that train wrecks ever single or every other mix?

That night his mixxes Every single one of them Were THICK like mollases in January. Pure Technical fact.

yeah yeah:cool:

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These SF people really just won't quit...........

I try to make critiques based on facts and personal experience when it comes down to djs....and I think everyone knows my opinion of JP.

But it seems like all these SF heads are attached to his nut sack. Like they are just screeming for him to bust a nut right in their eye or something.........

SF head on this post: **please JP, I want to lick your furry bean bag, just let me in the booth at SF so I could go home in Jersey and brag about this to my friends and become one of the cool kids**

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

These SF people really just won't quit...........

I try to make critiques based on facts and personal experience when it comes down to djs....and I think everyone knows my opinion of JP.

But it seems like all these SF heads are attached to his nut sack. Like they are just screeming for him to bust a nut right in their eye or something.........

SF head on this post: **please JP, I want to lick your furry bean bag, just let me in the booth at SF so I could go home in Jersey and brag about this to my friends and become one of the cool kids**

well have you ever attended SF on a Saturday? Just curious.:D you can tell the truth.

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Originally posted by girly

well have you ever attended SF on a Saturday? Just curious.

I used to go all the time.........now its more like once a month or so.

I like SF for what it is, I ain't gonna lie and never will. JP, I know what to expect and to tell you the truth the music is not the reason I'm there, but at the same time I respect it and dance to it. I just think its amazing how sf heads.....and I mean ALL sf heads, think JP is god. Everything he touches turns from coal, to gold.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I used to go all the time.........now its more like once a month or so.

I like SF for what it is, I ain't gonna lie and never will. JP, I know what to expect and to tell you the truth the music is not the reason I'm there, but at the same time I respect it and dance to it. I just think its amazing how sf heads.....and I mean ALL sf heads, think JP is god. Everything he touches turns from coal, to gold.

Yeah well how do you know what "all* sf heads think? your not all sf heads therefore cannot make a comment like that. All i know is that Sf isn't the best club, the best afterhours party in the city for no reason. Except it people. Stop hating because you don't go there for whatever reason. If you don't like it go somewhere else. I don't like Roxy anymore so I go to Vinyl instead. You don't have to consistently bash a club, its crowd and the music because its not your scene. Just go somewhere else. I feel like on this board everyone is in a gang. You have the Sf gang, the roxy gang, the exit gang. i know I've bashed other places to a point too, but why does it have to be like that? Everyone has a different thing, people are different thats what makes the world go round you bunch of assholes. Stop trying to force your opinion on other people.

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Originally posted by girly

Yeah well how do you know what "all* sf heads think? your not all sf heads therefore cannot make a comment like that. All i know is that Sf isn't the best club, the best afterhours party in the city for no reason. Except it people. Stop hating because you don't go there for whatever reason. If you don't like it go somewhere else. I don't like Roxy anymore so I go to Vinyl instead. You don't have to consistently bash a club, its crowd and the music because its not your scene. Just go somewhere else. I feel like on this board everyone is in a gang. You have the Sf gang, the roxy gang, the exit gang. i know I've bashed other places to a point too, but why does it have to be like that? Everyone has a different thing, people are different thats what makes the world go round you bunch of assholes. Stop trying to force your opinion on other people.

Sounds like someone has a shitload of pent up aggression.

If you want to classify me in one of those crowds, put me in the vinyl crowd.........I don't care. Yes, I go there every weekend, most of the time twice a weekend, and thats a fact. Now, like I said before, I wasn't commenting on sf or the sf crowd (go back and read my explaination).

You are proving my point better than I could prove it by words by your actions.........I'm sorry that you feel the way that you do, but I really don't hate it at sf even though I made a critique on JP. If I did hate it, I wouldn't keep going back.

And I will make this statement once again from personal observation..............I just think its amazing how sf heads.....and I mean ALL sf heads, think JP is god. Everything he touches turns from coal, to gold.

You even said it yourself grily a while back......when we were talking about Rich Luzzi being at vinyl and that song he sings.....you said something to the effect, 'That song was the shit a little while back. I remember it being played at sf and everyone going nuts to it.'

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Sounds like someone has a shitload of pent up aggression.

If you want to classify me in one of those crowds, put me in the vinyl crowd.........I don't care. Yes, I go there every weekend, most of the time twice a weekend, and thats a fact. Now, like I said before, I wasn't commenting on sf or the sf crowd (go back and read my explaination).

You are proving my point better than I could prove it by words by your actions.........I'm sorry that you feel the way that you do, but I really don't hate it at sf even though I made a critique on JP. If I did hate it, I wouldn't keep going back.

And I will make this statement once again from personal observation..............I just think its amazing how sf heads.....and I mean ALL sf heads, think JP is god. Everything he touches turns from coal, to gold.

You even said it yourself grily a while back......when we were talking about Rich Luzzi being at vinyl and that song he sings.....you said something to the effect, 'That song was the shit a little while back. I remember it being played at sf and everyone going nuts to it.'

At this point your not even making sense. Your point was not proven, at least to me. But keep babbling.

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Originally posted by girly

At this point your not even making sense. Your point was not proven, at least to me. But keep babbling.

Fine.....I'll condescend

Word for word............

You want me to spell it out for you?

I've seen this discussion take a turn about JP.......instead of critisizing the way he plays it is more about who he plays for now.

It seems like the sf heads are taking a turn to defend JP as saying 'he is home at sf and the crowd there loves him. We love the sets that JP plays for us BLAH BLAH BLAH'........I think everyone is missing a huge point here.

How the hell is JP going to develop as a dj if he can't play anywhere else and win fans in other areas?

Trying to mask up the fact that he blew a performance in a club upstate by saying its the sf culture that really appreciates him??????

Listen, I know JP has a tremendous following in the city, and I even posted a while back that I think he and Junior have the biggest followings in the city.......but he can't limit himself to one club one night where everyone will appreciate him. If this were to remain the case then he would become nothing more than a dj that goes nowhere outside of their 'home'. I've seen this happen before in Providence and Boston where the dj is 37 yo and is still playing in the same spot and still sucks.

I think JP is innovative....whether that caters to his crowd at sf or if thats what he's really about I don't know, but a dj with that status especially in a city where the competition is quite possibly the fiercest in the world outside of London should be able to perform well on a random night. There is no excuse for him disappointing fans of music such as siceone like he did that night. As far as having an off night.......off nights don't last the entire night. Off nights just seem to have no energy and no flow, they don't make a debauchary of djing skill...........

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As for Sneaky Pete's... It's as good as a club can get in Albany, NY. They have a decent sound system and a excellent lighting system. As for good dj's, they get JP or Vicious about once a month up here on Thursday nights. Other than that the DJ's pretty much suck! The biggest problem with the place is they can't pull in a crowd. Sneaky Pete's is literally the only night club in the capital district. Everything is just bars with dance floors or College bars. Yet they still can't get a crowd. Maybe it's the $5-$10 cover charge that you have to pay. The only night they are really packed is Wednesday nights for hip hop night. There are easily 1000-1500 people there on Wednesday. JP usually brings in 1000 people or so, but on Friday and Saturday nights, the place is a ghosttown. If they could figure out how to get a better dj in there on a Friday or Saturday then maybe they could do better business.

I missed JP this week, I was at Sasha and Digweed on Tuesday and didn't recover in time for JP so I won't comment on JP, but he is usually pretty good when he comes up here.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

These SF people really just won't quit...........

But it seems like all these SF heads are attached to his nut sack. Like they are just screeming for him to bust a nut right in their eye or something.........

SF head on this post: **please JP, I want to lick your furry bean bag, just let me in the booth at SF so I could go home in Jersey and brag about this to my friends and become one of the cool kids**

if that comment is directed towards me as well...u r way off

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

These SF people really just won't quit...........

I try to make critiques based on facts and personal experience when it comes down to djs....and I think everyone knows my opinion of JP.

But it seems like all these SF heads are attached to his nut sack. Like they are just screeming for him to bust a nut right in their eye or something.........

SF head on this post: **please JP, I want to lick your furry bean bag, just let me in the booth at SF so I could go home in Jersey and brag about this to my friends and become one of the cool kids**

lmao no one is attached to his nut sack first of all (at least i am not). I can give a shit if i saw JP in the streets so your way off and as Girly said your babbling... If anyone is on anyones dick its you guys with your DT fascination... Which doesnt matter in this case so i have no clue why you said it... And i find it funny how you say JERSEY like its this terrible thing<~~~~Wait what do i think your gunna say to that?? What cause i am from Jersey i sweat JP and i dont know anything about music... cause that is what i got from that comment, but wait let me guess what your gunna say "go back and comprehend what i said." STFU your makin no sence, you guys swear you guys are the shit and know so much about music cause of DT... You be surprised what i know i might surprise you considering i am from Jersey... Your statements are not facts they are based on opinions so please dont try to pretend you are musically inclined cause of DT...Not That doesnt mean shit, and no i am not sayin you dont know anything about music cause i would never make that statement cause i dont know you, but please you say all this shit like "i am stating facts" and "you are proving my point better than me"... There is no point provin here and if there were i would be the first one to be like good point and your correct cause my liking for JP would never blind me from the facts and the truth... So all this thread is stating, who likes who and who sucks who's nuts...

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