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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. LESjunkie


    Never change it Fredda.... siempre viajamos a Espana en nuestras corazones...
  2. Some call it the fog. Some idiots call it steam, even though it is very cold and steam is water vaporizing at very high temperatures..... I referred to it as "cold nitrous fog" in my Magik Muzik review...and I wish I had learned this sooner, but it is actually a patented by a man named Alejandro Gonzalez....he calls it Kryogenifex"....some call it the kryo machine for short. It is a Cryogenic special effect. check out the website. http://www.kryogenifex.com/index.cfm im pissed I didnt research this for the review...
  3. Wendy's, all the way. For me, there is no competition.
  4. haha. maybe.....just maybe....
  5. LESjunkie

    thanks g.a.t.

    watch for b.a.t. coming in new york 8)
  6. LESjunkie


    Take Pills! didnt you hear?? they're good for you now.... {I'm kidding, playing off the ABC special last nite.} Time to take pills, bitches! ;D or "peals" as the Latins pronounce it.
  7. LESjunkie


    Take Pills! didnt you hear?? they're good for you now.... {I'm kidding, playing off the ABC special last nite.}
  8. The closest ive ever gotten to basketball was that Sega Genesis game....NBA something...what was it called? when you made a shot the commentator would say The nail in the coffin! He's on Fire! i loved being on fire.
  9. LOL, true and how great that would be. but probably our most likely outcome is alzheimers at 40. wait, what were we talking about? ha ha ha! i didnt even get that at first. making you laugh, makes my day.
  10. LOL, true and how great that would be. but probably our most likely outcome is alzheimers at 40. wait, what were we talking about?
  11. awesome! and great venue, I hope this fares well for you---
  12. No prob. And in order to avoid posts being deleted by Pod the Mod-Nazi, , follow my instructions in response to your PM.
  13. You have found a special board here...void of children and attitude. It's basically cool young professionals in their 20's and 30's who are smart and fun, and like to know about the good parties and the ongoings in the scene. nutshell. welcome
  14. I thought they did a fine job of showing how the rave scene came first; then was assimilated into mainstream clubbing. As for glowsticks, there was plenty of footage from clubs without glowsticks...granted there was some footage from raves that showed them, but that is what a lot of people bring to raves. NOW, the shots of people staring and clawing at the screens with the psychodelic images and all that, that was a bit far fetched. Also the shots of people bouncing around (like that young fat ADD kid I posted the link to a week or so ago) was also far fetched. (and really scary!)
  15. totally. nice to see you posting here, thanx ! i'll look into your periodical tonite.
  16. I'll PM you my personal email, that is best , let me know when you send it and ill read it right away
  17. wow, he is a giant beast! i think i have that same hat on his head. roger is cool. I saw him a couple of times at Crobar in miami--good times.
  18. well said. I commend ABC as a whole for airing that...it was ballsy and really a good example of journalism "revealing" truths while being fair and balanced-- the only concern Id have is that certain irresponsible people will think the report deems the drug usage a free-for all healthy thing to do...but it's not their job to monitor that or be respinsible for it...it's society's responsibility to have common sense. (which unfortunately many people lack) those scenes in Dallas...where everyone was taking pure MDMA in clubs and you'd see parents and their kids all tripping together....insane! It must have taken quite an effort to gather all of that "stock footage" from so many years ago...from my vantage point as a producer---the footage they had and the way the video was used and effects, etc etc was so well done...they had some exceptional poducers working on that, clearly
  19. Alright party people, time to speculate. I dont even know if I have the energy for this right now, however I'll commence regardless. Bottom line (what I took from the segment): MDMA in a pure form synthesized properly by an established ethical scientist is probably fine on the body. While it does leak some Seratonin, it is likely regenerated within a couple of weeks of abstaining from the substance. Like one soundbite revealed, some prescription drugs are more detrimental and dangerous than MDMA. the street versions prepared by criminals have bogus shit in them that have the malevolent effects. Anyone who considers taking pills should be weary and concerned- regardless of everything, it was very well done and informative, to say the least. To see the progression like that---all of the images and stock footage through the years--- so interesting...
  20. Quality review as well. The spooky character part made me laugh out loud...again, I feel like im listening to you verbally explain this in a conversation. also, the descriptive paragraph at the end and when you proceed to mention sasha standing there going nuts, well done. There were a few minor grammar things that I might have changed in the beginning---i bet no one noticed it---we should exchange our reviews before publishing so we can critique each other's work and offer suggestions. se vous plait. x
  21. That was so asanine that they made the video shoot begin right after the show...I mean, you had to leave one of his best performances ever...I needed you there with me as well....I imagine we would have grooved sooo well that nite together---we feel the same beat- from now on we stick together -
  22. no i didnt go...I was so unbelievably shot from Magik Muzik @ Space....en serio antonio---i was a walking corpse...I tried to go to a bar with my friends and I fell asleep in the booth and they just let me sleep there until my friends were ready to go. and that is out of character for me. soy estrella de rock 8) but I've never had such an intense night as I did at space the night before and that same day as well. When I walked by State, it looked very busy outside, I just couldnt deal. Im going to go read your review now.
  23. apparently! my lord, this is quite the in depth look at personal materialism. i love it though.
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