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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. FYI, when I go to the forums, the next time I open up my web browser it automatically leads me to the miami site. if I type in nyc in the nav bar and go to NY and Then close it , when i reopen it goes to NYC.
  2. I've always wanted to be European! (but since im circumsized i thought it was out of the question...) anyway...im not suprised that he can throw downt he JD like Clint Eastwood...and persuasion is his specialty, I think...Dimaggio is a smooth operator. And I think we all would like to hear more from you AND ryan about your trip to NYC. these one liners like "it was fun" "I liked it" "yeah" "definitely impressed" are lame. Nick, you are a writer as well. Please be more descriptive. And did Ryan drown or something? There's been nothing on the boards from him as of late.
  3. no way do I set foot in that 3rd world country. jk. it is annoying to take mass transit there, i never ever go to brooklyn.
  4. PS, someone on the subway this morning told me I smelled like stale liquor... : i did shower, but somehow that shit manages to stay with you
  5. I totally forgot that I was telling people those scrapes and bruises were from the bulls. The hooker came BEFORE! Tim, her pimp was the one that directed us (me...dont want to make you feel weird) to the gay bar!! im sure of it.
  6. your title is gross. come on tim you have more couth and character than that. we dont talk like that. :
  7. Quick story: Ev brought me to a gay bar. He pointed at random "guapos", while I drank tequila shot after tequila shot trying to make the situation seem more normal... We left and Evan proceeded to attempt to acquire a hooker to service me (note: my girlfriend was back in our hotel room at the time...he was speaking mile-a-minute spanish, I was just standing there and smiling not knowing what he's talking about until some 50%-tooth blondie starts winking at me.) When that didn't work out we headed back to the hotel, knowing that we needed to be up in 3 hours to go run with the bulls. On the way back to the hotel, Evan "the linebacker" decides to try and tackle me repeatedly into a wall. Considering the guy weighs about a buck and change drenched, this wasn't happening. So I guess he then decided to beat himself up instead (I am not entirely clear on the thought process here either folks). He proceeded to jump into bushes, trees, and then threw himself down an embankment, almost rolling onto the main "highway". (he did keep pace with me on the tequila shots, remember, but again he's a small man...so i think they may have short-circuited something upstairs.) We get back to the hotel (sans hooker) and the girls are PISSED. (mostly because Evan decided that they'd probably think his antics were "funny" at this hour after they'd been asleep for hours already. The fact that he was covered in dirt and leaves likely didn't add to the humor either.) Anyway - long story short - we get up the next day early. Drunk, we drive to the bulls in Pamplona...maps and roads are not our greatest friend in this condition. We miss the bulls, that town was digusting...we get back in the car 45 minutes later and beeline it outta there. End of story. Next issue: "Evan almost misses the ferry in Ibiza." Stay tuned. oh my god, Tim you've outdone youself---that was so funny....im crying i laughed so hard. you paint such a great picture here...i mean, you're going to be a great dad when you and lisa have a baby and marry--you're going to tell the best bedtime stories ever! anyway, yes my behavior that night in Espana was out of character, people, im not usually like that!! Tim was a trooper. God I remember the hooker...but she came before the gay bar (thanks, by the way, I didnt know you were downing tequila to feel more normal. sorry that it made you feel abnormal, and thank you for setting me back ten years) hehe Spanish hookers...mmmm....so tasty. Tim didnt want any of that... we didnt miss the bulls, persay, we got there just as they were released...we were sprinting down the street (remember I was still completely inibriated and had a stick that was like a sword. it also served as a pointer, i was pointing it at guapos and telling them they were guapo. spaniards are very receptive to that and dont get pissy at all. almost all said gracias with a big smile :Dpretty cool.) and got to the bulls just as they were released...couldnt see anything...the streets were disgusting!! Tim was all sassy and no one would run with me- he was such a cry-baby that morning. I was really disappointed that my friends were such wimps...I was ready to run and be in dangerous situations--- i'll be back though....maybe even this summer. Bulls!! Summer in Spain with friends is the greatest.
  8. LESjunkie

    What do you think??

    he does like bras....sometimes Tim and I speculate the color and circumference of girl's areolas in victoria secret catalogues. It's fun.
  9. well...I see you have a Time Machine! haha...coming on the 26th and leaving on the 19th. that's amazing. im just playing with you. I presume you meant the 16th-19th. or the 26-29th. which one? Then let's see what we know is going on -- ims sure something that you will find enjoyable
  10. God, I dont talk for a few days and the NY forum is silent. You big losers! fine. Daddy is back to tell you some escapades. First of all, let's look at Page 6 this morning. Tim passed this my way (via email) http://www.nypost.com/gossip/16128.htm I mean, really...if you've seen those things in Spider Room, you know that must have been pretty crazy! Raining Disco balls in Spider Room. Some gossip: Another Patrick McMullan/Gotham Mag party is next week. open bar all nite! The unveiling of the new 2005 Ford Mustang. i'll give more details in the column that will publish monday (I presume, nick. if that is good 4 you) my friend Jamie broke her foot...(tech you met her) and she just started a new party on wed nites. She was hobbling about on crutches as she did her publicist thing and mingled. I babysat the bottle and flirted with as many people as possible. I was professing my love for the Dutch and one person said, "Im dutch, what does that mean for me?" my drunken reply: "I fuck Latins and like the dutch only as friends." i thought that was kinda funny when i thought back on it. i was a bit obnoxious last nite, but not bad. Tim has seen my worst behavior...san sebastian, spain...im laughing out loud rite now... Met the new guy who is running Spider last nite---his name is Forrest Mallard- saw him at viscaya and then we walked back to visit Jamie @ 9 1/2 for her Xanadu party before I came home (did I walk home? did I take a taxi? was I alone? who knows) where is all my money? Andy, I met Taylor last night. What a friendly person! I think he has ADD though. Joey, you should meet this guy, you both are two peas in a pod. Tyler (formerly did APT sundays with Patrick Duffy) is working alongside Taylor--now spinning at Viscaya on wed. In fact, he's got a whole new set up of parties going on, which is exciting! Viscaya Wednesdays, Industry Thursdays, Spirit Saturdays. All three of those venues are great. Industry is in the East Village. My hood. Viscaya is in Chelsea. GK's hood. :-* Viscaya is relatively new, right? It's an awesome, awesome lounge, and will surely be off the hook this summer. I think there was a big outside area (god, I dont remember whether or not there was a roof where I was hanging out) -- anyway, it's yet another beautiful spot in Chelsea---on 21st and 7th... i love watching Tyler spin. FYI Tyler was one of the very first people I met in NYC when I moved here after college. He was doing a party at Bowery Bar (it was superb....they served us dinner AND unlimited wine for free every Wednesday) So I went the first time and met him...and the next week was my birthday, so I went there with Jamie. I felt kind of alone in the city, no friends yet, and no one even came down to see me except Jamie. Suddenly at midnight the music stopped and went into a funky mix of a happy birthday song, and the entire place sang happy birthday to me and he came out with a piece of cake and a candle. I mean...really----how fucking touching is that! I was floored...a newbie to NYC...and this bar of amazing people was focused on me and i felt like a million bux that night. Ever since then Tyler and I have been very close---You'll learn more about him in the column i produce as time goes by So what else, people...hmmm....yeah....im having lots of random thoughts today, and im hungover but not feeling shitty since I had such a great night last nite--- i love going out during the week...I miss being freelance when I had the opportunity to do that more often, the crowds are just so much more authentic nyc and better in general...and places arent as packed usually--- i mean, this is standard obvious shit but i thought id take a moment to point it out. it's all about appreciation. I appreciate everything....some would say im overly enthusiastic in that department. i dont care! Life is great. take a moment to appreciate that. love you all...i must stop typing though it is proving to be such a formidable task.
  11. strange boy you are. no wonder you have the title "priest" in your name.
  12. are you kidding? do you really not get this??
  13. he was passes out in the hallway this morning when I left. ???
  14. and then God would judge him.
  15. hippy flower people all smoke cigs...it's the tight ass conservatives that want it done.
  16. true. Im a nerd. Hang on let me get my glasses. OK, that's better. I dont have any VM's ? maybe they havent registered yet on my phone.
  17. Are we talking about the same superstar who was too tired from clubbing on Friday that he decided to stay home on Saturday and get some sleep? Even though it was the most Epic & very last Danny Howells marathon session in NYC --- ! Lightweight, Yes. Superstar, not so much. GK, you're tooooo much. 8) trust me, friends and family...I stayed home on saturday because I was meeting my mother early on Sunday and I love her more than life itself....therefore I refuse to go see the one I love the most right after leaving danny howells. ya see, my life is an epic journey...which is what makes GK lash out at me--- it's a jealousy thing. be obnoxious to the person you want to be, so you dont feel so bad that you aren't them. it's PSY 101, people.
  18. Oh geez...pour on the cheese...! : : : shut up Tim! Heel, bitch! you know it's true.
  19. IM TOUCHED guys, truly I am. To have rockstars such as yourselves eliciting my weekend update is amazing. thanx. I wanted to let Nick and Ryan describe their nyc experience in detail...since I was with them, I didnt want to spoil their story. im also under a lot of pressure right now at work , which prevents me from getting on here aside from quick responses- when i get home at night this week, it's very late and i crash. :-[ so Tech, please, take over for me this week----you and Nick tell us about your time here! take a moment.... ;D
  20. im starting a column next week that will do just that. It will have action shots from the events. But we'll need more as well, i agree!
  21. nothing could be worse than Jonathan Peters doing Let the Sunshine for over 15 minutes at the shelborne pool.
  22. Buck, would you kindly introduce yourselves to us? if andy knows you, we are naturally intrigued to learn more... 8)
  23. Very nice song. im not a big fan....
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