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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. and im sure there will be more to come. you where you'll find my ass...and to all those in my inner circle who post on this board or who just merely read it....I promise I wont let the same thing occur as did last time Armin was in town :-[ that was bad. No elaboration necessary.
  2. Yes I prefer to go to Spirit on Friday as well. I have yet to go to Spirit as it is. Crobar sat night is better with waxman spinning anyway. Spirit will be more about music and Waxman's night is half music half hedonism.
  3. Id imagine Joey was the one bouncing off the wall like a pinball. A- looking forward to friday. Do you know if a guy named Tyler Burrow is doing one of the other parties -- upstairs i believe?
  4. Hey Bradley, thanx for posting all this. How did you come across cooljunkie, anyway? Im curious.
  5. have you ever noticed in greek diners how there is always "Individual Can of Tuna" on the menu? always thought that was weird and unappealing. Who dines out and orders "individual can of tuna?"
  6. something about this...I just cant stop laughing...
  7. haha. I have never been intoxicated in my life, actually...and I live in a city where i can take a taxi wherever I go...go figure.
  8. Carisa...didn't you say you needed an avatar? believe me, I tried so hard to make this my avatar!! It is too hard and too big though.... I laughed so hard when I first saw this...and it fit perfectly in this thread...x
  9. Iinteresting. XM is one of my clients for corporate videos and I just worked on a VNR for them on their new traffic and weather feature--- gives you accurate weather and traffic with local news. pretty neat. Their PR/marketing guy's name is David Butler. PM me if you'd like contact info-
  10. Thanx for the shout-out, my friend and accomplice. This is me right now.. http://members.austarmetro.com.au/~fyre/pictures/dancing.gif Hahahaha.
  11. hot temps and hot latins....I'd spontaneously combust. PS Nick and Ryan...it is freezing here today. 25 degrees and windy. Might want to bring that warm hat after all...
  12. yes that was the one I did a lot of research on pills for that and learned alot (albeit speculative) when it comes to the science and effects of pills. I worked with a very talented producer named David Perozzi, we still keep in touch and he does some of the best work I see on the news-mag. The whip its part was intense. dancesafe was not very happy with the piece, especially with some comments Elizabeth Vargas made. This is usually the outcome after a controversial piece...your characters will never be happy with the way they are portrayed.
  13. I worked on a great profile on DanceSafe a few years ago for 20/20---did anyone see that? It was really a great piece, more about Ecstacy and how they test pills' efficacy and potency for people before they take them. Im actually suprised as well that i havent seen threads on dancesafe here.
  14. haha! valid point antonio. Kind of twisted, but true.
  15. I never considered deviating to Ranch to complement the 5-piece. Do they have ranch in the little containers like they do the honey mustard? :-X
  16. impressive idea. A quick interjection: I think it would help enormously if the VJ was a major aficionado of the music the DJ was spinning. Recognizing the tracks gives an innate and speedy ability to match the images with the beats....especially in an environment where it would be so spontaneous. When i make highlights reels, i always have to lay music behind the images, and it takes awhile to match it perfectly with an editor.
  17. a nice idea for underage clubbers! good luck...
  18. dude, anytime! I used to bring tupperware to those things so i could take some home. I'm no joke at an all-you-can-eat event. Especially if a spliff is involved beforehand.
  19. I know I do. My heart just skipped a beat at the thought.
  20. That is the plan, that guy is you, and I'm flying up to see you this week to show you how to edit the listings. Nick and Sarah and I will be helping from down here too if we can. this will be an awesome tool for the NY site...for our users and as PR for us to get people to visit the site.
  21. As for this sentiment, I've seen on another forum that there is a way to ignore certain users? A lot of people arent necessarily personally offended (actually they might be), but just get a bad vibe from the things he posts. Is there a way to ignore him, and not have any of his responses visible? The old Tiesto forum had this neat option -- It gave the user the individual option of blocking out the obnoxious people...this way there was no real banning necessary. just a thought
  22. Watch it, Antonio . Gringos are trailer trash from the midwest. That term is not just based upon the color of our skin. That term is associated with narrow-minded WASPY Americans who think Disney World and Vegas are trips abroad. (Tim isnt even American, btw) Tim is a cosmopolitan, worldly, uber-talented human being who is FAR from a gringo... I wasn't even sure what that meant... Thanks though Evan... you know you can always come to me with questions regarding Latin things.
  23. : Music Snob, Drama Queen. : :-* still love ya tho.
  24. CUCHINO! I hate soda. isnt that weird? i hate candy too. I dont know why... Why you hate candy,soda,ect...I know they are bad for you and they give you cavities but dam Evan talk about a health freak. Next thing i know you'll be giving me advice about eating just like Richard Simmons gives advice about eating to overweight women. Nooo Luis! Im so far from a health freak i swear! I just dont like the way taste. Soda makes me hiccup so hard that it is painful...and candy, its just too tart and sweet and I hate how sticky it is...when it is dessert time at a restaurant i prefer coffee and/or a martini and a cig. As for snacking, prefer junk food that is crunchy- Like last night for example, I went shopping for a bit and when I came home I ate: (please keep in mind I had a bacon egg and cheese for breakfast) 1. Sandwich on a roll. my standard, Turkey, White American cheese, Lettuce and extra mayo (just a little extra) 2. An entire $2.50 bag of those amazing Wise crunchy cheeze doodles (the ones that come in the blue bag) Jess had a handful. 3. 2/3 of a bag of tortilla chips and a whole jar of Tostitos Salsa Con Queso. 4. A serving of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I would have eaten more but it tasted like Maalox and Chalf flavor...(it was that Carb Karma shit with no sugar) Bottom Line: Soy cuchino. I dont eat healthy and would love to get a triple cheeseburger (wih bacon) with you someday, Luis.
  25. Hey I noticed Brielles report on Plant...I was suprised to see that as well...since it was a cool spot to hang b4...I've had some good times there. however i read in Time Out a few weeks ago and apparently they were fined a huge fine for noise or something...i forget...but apparently the place hasnt been the same since...but brielle should have included that, even for nostalgic respect for the place, but maybe she didnt know....regardless she is a cool, smart girl im sure she didnt know.
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