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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. FOR REAL...IM sucks after a while. I plan on being at this event next week but its a no-go for STAYING in Miami...I have to work the next morning. > Well, how about we go together?! oh man, Id love to come to an event where a bunch of CJ people were congregating. Let's talk tonite, Carisa. We can stay in SoBe...let's talk this evening. forrrreal! we'll talk tonite- be forewarned, im going to try to kidnap you. 8) i will call you before i'm about town - have a big nite planned. anyway, I hope that you guys all go next week, I'd really like to have some time meeting all of you...put names to the faces, ya know? Who think they could make it next week?
  2. I am flying down to various cities in South Florida for a couple of shoots next week. I'm trying to arrange my schedule so I can stay in SoBe Tuesday the 13th and Wednesday the 14th. I fly back from Fort Lauderdale at 11:30 am thurs. Of course, this NYC junkie loves to mix biz with pleasure. Id love to catch up with some of you while im town. Any events going on Tuesday or Wed nights? I know Demo is trying to get a Karaoke event going on Wed @ the Shelborne...
  3. Well, how about we go together?! oh man, Id love to come to an event where a bunch of CJ people were congregating. Let's talk tonite, Carisa. We can stay in SoBe...let's talk this evening. forrrreal!
  4. Leno is funnier than letterman generally. Letterman is too dry for me.... conan is awesome. I love him. I went to a taping of his show once, and I can attest to the fact that he is insane. before the show, he snuck out and crept into the audience and screamed, then proceeded to sing an elvis song like a bat outta hell---- he's nuts! Anyone see Letterman last nite tho? that wolf segment was fascinating.
  5. funny you should say that (still no one remembers this part from the movie 25th hour???)! because joey has kindly provided me with the ordinance outlining conduct, etc in the subway, so I am going to fish thru that and think back to my poli sci minor to try to find some sort of legal excuse for this. "Funny you should say that"........LOL that was some funny shit that Saragusa played the Russian guy in that movie. You dont know how much I love that movie. It has a lot of lessons in that movie. Great Movie. damn, Luis you always manage to earn a few cool points daily. Yes that movie is so great...the balance of comedy with serious elements was superb.
  6. whenever you're ready to come up, we'll be ready to show you the ropes, son. Evan has been know to tie people up in ropes. Be careful. whatever tim, last time you thought it was hot.
  7. funny you should say that (still no one remembers this part from the movie 25th hour???)! because joey has kindly provided me with the ordinance outlining conduct, etc in the subway, so I am going to fish thru that and think back to my poli sci minor to try to find some sort of legal excuse for this.
  8. ohhhhh man I forgot that! that was truly over the top...my god...my roommate and I were in awe --- some sick minds thought that up. Stewie's reaction whe he realized it was a male teet --- im laughing all over again. good stuff.
  9. my sexual and platonic affinity with certain foreigners should, in no way, affect my civil liberties or cause the NYPD to profile me.
  10. While I cant even begin to itemize the comical aspects, the bumper sticker on his car was at the top of my list. "My other Penis is a Vagina." PS, Craig, ever since you had the baby as your avatar, I always think of you when I see the show. all last nite, i kept thinking of demo. good new friendster pix, by the way. now i look like a stalker. on the contrary, i came across it by accident.
  11. I know it isnt a movie. Did anyone see last nite's episode? That show is amazing! too funny. last night was exceptional.
  12. I'd like to hear a hermaphrodite's perspective. Any takers? :
  13. whenever you're ready to come up, we'll be ready to show you the ropes, son.
  14. you all know my motto is Fight the Power and i will question authority until the day I die. But, like you say, these types of endeavors need to be taken wisely and calmly, especially when dealing with the NYPD and NYC judicial system. When I said to the cop, "You saw this, why dont you believe me?" his response was "I get tons of people who lie to my face everyday." and I said I understood, and left it at that...because I can empathize with the fact that they deal with liars and killers and all that on a daily basis. So I want to research and figure out what the best way is to proceed. I didnt get any witness names or any of that. No one would want to deal with that for a mere transit violation. The ticket is $60, but the principle of goes way beyond that. My metropass was valid for the month. I still have it, and I have contacted the traisit department at my company to try to get me some sort of document that says I had a March transitcheck to complement the card I have here. other than that I really dont see anything else I can do but bring that in, explain the situation, and hope they believe me. The thing is, I think the officer should be there, because he can attest to the fact that the turnstiles were inoperable. A big question I have is...why doesnt the cop have to be present? anywhere else , if the cop isnt present, the ticket is dismissed!
  15. :-* :-* :-* and I think you and Luis should fly up. we could attend eacother's city's performances
  16. So, I was at Grand Central the other day, trying to get down to the 4-5-6 to get back downtown. I went to go through the turnstile with my MONTHLY card (TransitChek monthly unlimited) and suddenly the turnstiles stopped working. I mean, across the board, the entire floor everyone was struggling to get thru. Obviously that area is congested enough with operable turnstiles. People began to congregate and get annoyed, and I was stuffed against the turnstile unable to go anywhere but forward. ( I mean, I could have been a dick and shouted for everyone to back up, but im not into subway dialogue with strangers, and the fat ass behind me was nasty). So I saw cops right ahead, so I looked at them, figured they saw the commotion behind me, and I hopped over. I walked right to them and was like, "man, that was crazy," and they put me against the wall and took my ID and got all crazy on me! I said, "Are you kidding me, youy just witnessed all that! why are you doing this to me?" needless to say they were very arrogant and were threatening me with jail if I didnt shut up. I asked "Are you even a person?" and then I was directed to be quiet until my ticket was issued. So I shut up. But the whole time I was shocked that they could actually do that to me when they saw that all go down. Clearly the turnstiles got fucked and everyone was pushing. Clearly the person behind me weighed at least twice as much as me....and clearly I was not trying to evade anything. SO when I was finally allowed to speak, they told me it didnt matter, that I hopped it and it wasnt open to discussion. They said I should have shouted for them and gotten their attention, when i thought i did. Two people came up to them to help me and the cops told them to go away. The best part. Other people jumped and got away with it. THEN, while they were jacking me up, (never in my life have I had an altercation with the cops (except once at the circus when i was little, i threw a rock at a ride operator) so this was all new to me) they caught this degererate kid hopping the turnstile, they brought him over.....and in front of me let him go. It was as if they had a vendetta against me...at that point I just laughed. It was so over-the-top it was amusing. So im going to go to court to fight this. I dont care if it takes half my day and I have to go to Brooklyn. The reason I post this is because I was wondering if any of you have ever fought anything in the 'Transit Adjudication Bureau" in Brooklyn. How do you think I should proceed? And dont say just pay it. im not doing that and I dont care if it is the easiest way. I feel passionately about this. My hearing date is on or before 4-20 (hehe) at 8:30am. (definitely passion if im gonna wake up and go to brooklyn at the ass-crack of dawn). Judging from the "on or before" requirement, the cop doesnt have to be there? What the hell is that? I thought if cops dont show up then the ticket gets dismissed. And what sort of documentation can I get? I try to call the TransitChek dept and they are totally unhelpful. How the hell can I even prove this? Clearly I dont live in Westchester anymore. There one could just call the judge at home the day of the occurrence and it would disappear. That tight-knit community life came in handy in moments like this.
  17. I know, everyone really does think of Brooklyn as so far away. Nothing is worse than Staten Island. I truly dont know how people live there....it is an island surrounded by ocean and the worst traffic wherever you try to go. That would be so claustrophobic to me... Brooklyn is cool, I like it. great food, fun people--definitely the best borough outside of manhattan.
  18. i forgot about this. another insane weekend in NYC. What is the human life expectancy in manhattan? 28? :
  19. You're the one who can name a dance song after hearing about 5 seconds of it...I still can't do that so well. Energize has some vocals, which I don't think this Waterplanet song has...but you're right, it's a kick-@ss song... I always remember Energize as the song before Chicane - Saltwater on the PVD Cream Closing set from this summer (which incidentally, everyone should have, it's by far my favorite set all-time). yeah, i concur...that set might just be my favorite live-set available as of late--- I would have loved to be in attendance at that event--
  20. Waterplanet - Introspection (John Askew Remix) Tim, I always thought this track was named "Energize." Did you? regardless, I love it, and I love this little mix of it that is on Armin's set
  21. Not all of us Brooklyn smell. true. two-thirds. my apologies. ;);) 8) :P :-* Oops, I meant, 'Not all of us IN Brooklyn smell'...yeah, I'm a Brooklyner myself and to remedy the stink, I hand out deoderant freely as a public service. After a late night clubbing or boozin, the worst situation is to miss the the F connections at Jay Street or at Bleecker Street. I either end up downtown in the Bronx. Those two hour rides from Manhattan to Brooklyn are painful. That was a pimp hat you had on the other night by the way! [glow=red,2,300]Dude, don't you dare sell Brooklyn out...who cares what Evan says...Brooklyn is New York no matter how you slice it and for Evan to say anything negative about Brooklyn people, I find that extremely offensive and it's obvious he's not a "New Yorker"!!! Brooklyn people don't smell..not even 3/4 of them..my whole family is from Brooklyn so that is nothing but a slap in the face...BROOKLYN IS NEW YORK YOU IDIOT..GO BACK TO WEST CHESTER!!! :-*[/glow] Whatever, Dad. I was kidding. But the bottom line, at 9:15am during the week, I get on the "L" train in the morning, and it smells like a can of tuna. PS, Westchester is one word.
  22. wtf? you dont tell me this? that's bizarre
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