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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. There are quality afterhours at Discoteque (17 west 19tyh street) on Sunday morning. Go to that. I almost went this past Sunday but no one would go with me! if interested, go to www.robpromotions.com this sunday @ discoteque the afterhours session will be for Erick morillo's birthday party. I went last year, it was off the hook! Tons of other DJs came to support, his set was fuckin off the hook, and Jesse the Scumfrog brought a huge cake into the DJ booth with a million candles on it. It was a special nite, and ive never seen morillo happier.
  2. check this out, it is pretty good. http://www.ibiza-voice.com/news/news.php?id=324
  3. I think this is an amazing idea. You'd need the right blend of filtering so that not every random party was posted, making the list too long and filled with crap. It would be great if people could click on a calendar on any given day and seen the whole line-up the city has to offer. I can't even count the number of times I have been asked "what's going on in the city this weekend". My vote is it delegate it to myself or Charles. Or the both of us===make a listings section where we both can access an manipulate---those are my two cents
  4. You're the CEO of a pharmaceutical company and you can't even write correctly ! Scary, and you wonder why this country is going downhill Not scary at all when you consider how easy it is to 'call yourself" a CEO. I could go downtown today, incorporate myself, start a tiny bogus business and call myself the CEO. doenst mean shit. We are so used to hearing CEO in the news and associating it with big business and such. Don't let that persuade you into thinking Saleen's purported CEO position means anything of substance...clearly that is impossible based upon his legibility, grammar, and attitude.
  5. Watch it, Antonio . Gringos are trailer trash from the midwest. That term is not just based upon the color of our skin. That term is associated with narrow-minded WASPY Americans who think Disney World and Vegas are trips abroad. (Tim isnt even American, btw) Tim is a cosmopolitan, worldly, uber-talented human being who is FAR from a gringo...
  6. CUCHINO! I hate soda. isnt that weird? i hate candy too. I dont know why...
  7. and i just noticed the Report to Moderator button! thats great
  8. I feel like we could EASILY make the most comprehensive listing NYC has to offer as long as we can add/remove frequently as things get added or change often. One of us would have to have that priviledge if you wanted it to be truly an effective listing.... there is no effective up to date listing of everything....that I know of---- this could be a good way to start getting consistent hits to the ny site
  9. passively fed? So what about when we watch movies and are deeply moved when music complements the images? Think "Last of the Mohicans" --- at the end, that amazing music that is playing....as she gets jumps off the cliff, and the battle that ensues....think Titanic when she is saying bye to Leo...think how every broadway musical complements images with music...I think that video projections that complements a DJs music would be amazing!! I want to do this!! It could bring whole new meaning to trax....titles would suddenly make a whole lots more sense? Take Tiesto - Flight 643. Ummm most people dont know what the hell that means... Tijs thought of that title as he was nervously approaching New York for a gig a couple of years ago. His flight # to NY was 643. Now, im sure there were other incidentals that went int the making of the track, but there is so much he could do with that video wise--- beauty shots of nyc, record him or someone going to the airport in breda, a shot of the gate announcing flt 643 to nyc....then cut to a shot recorded on mini dv in a car going thru the midtown tunnel, take go thru the tunnel recording the lights whizzing by and other cars, get to the end and right before getting out to the tunnel cut to wide intense panoramix shots of nyc, cutting to close ups of tall buildings and moving shots and MTV style shooting of clubbers in line and dancing inside---(MTV style shooting is also called Dutch, which is kind if ironic here) uhhh the possibilities are endless and farrrrr from passive in my opinion!
  10. Not sure about Sander, but Tiesto does not choose his track lists months in advance. He has a few openers and closers chosen, but for the most part, the rest is spontaneous. He is very adamant about making a show a "journey" and he bases that upon the way the crowd is responding. Not only have I asked him this and published this here on CJ, but also I've watched him do it. As for the whole crowd/people at home interacting...I see that more as distracting than complementing. And we all know that most of the people who sit there texting in clubs or the ones at home on tranceaddict or clubplanet are big losers and wouldnt post anything quality anyway! I could just see it now.... OMG IM DYING! TIESTO, PLEASE SIGN MY BALLS! Cooljunkie is really one of the only sites where the majority of people who post are intelligent, successful people who actually say things worth mentioning.
  11. This thread is intense. Not to mention, this thread alone really highlights what an awesome group of minds and talented people we have that contribute. Really, thanks for posting all of this information... As you all know, when I'm doing my cardio routine at the gym I blast my music in my headphones (as Im sure most of you do) and pretend like I am a DJ on stage for a couple of hours. (as Im sure a few of you do). Anyway, I've always thought that visual elements will someday be spearheaded by a DJ and it will take off from there. It will take off, i have no doubts in that. Now, here is an argument I'd like to raise. You all provide stellar technical information here, and throughout I constantly had ONE question that lingered...Now I can offer some of MY expertise ;D In general, any image that you didnt record with your own source of video recording technology cannot be used by you. (Well you can, but if the owner get's pissed they can sue you and I think a DJ would give enoguh exposure that it would get back to the owner) These DJ's would have to hire crews and producers to go out and shoot specifics--- for example if Max Graham decided that for a new track he wanted to show people dancing in the rain in the streets, Max couldnt just go to the video store and rent a movie where people dance in rain and use that footage. He'd have to pay a handsome sum for it or go out and shoot it himself. ALMOST ANYTHING that wasnt recorded by you...you have to pay to get the rights to use it...and more often than not, you get those rights based upon the amount of seconds that you use of the other persons footage, AND it is a one time deal. If you want to use it 4 times, you pay 4 times. It is insane how expensive it is. So, A DJ is surely going to need a producer AND a photographer (video), or a photo-producer to get them the visual elements. Then they'd need to edit a piece together----which is also very expensive...especially if they do the best...It is standard to record on mini-DV or betacam, then you have to digitize into a machine (I use AVID) and then edit with an editor. All this costs SO much $$$$...We pay freelance producers upwards of $700 a day, the cameraman and soundguy get roughly $1200 for a full day shoot (that's only 1 day!) and an editor gets roughlt $175 a hour. That is how expensive making television is. Granted, my environment is a bit extreme in pricing since the material we put out is either on network news or for corporate clients (those pharmaceutical clients can pay the bill considering the price gouging they do with their patented drugs) It doesnt have to be this expensive though. If I were producing some video elements for a DJ I'd shoot on mini-dv, use a firewire between my laptop and dig the shots from the mini dv into my laptop and use Premier to edit my piece---this would cost so much less. Sarah, what did you use for your production? So for all these DJs that want to incorporate video...unless it is animation (come on! that is cheesy....let's move on) than it will be interesting to see how DJ's incorporate the V into the A! It is exciting, and something that I really would love to be a part of, and to be honest, I've been pretty much convincing myself that would be my next step as a producer. I was actually thinking along the lines of pitching DVD ideas to DJ's...but with this new technology I think that the spontaneity of intense video in your eyes and music in your ears----that'a a whole other trippy level that I'd love to see happen. Music already has a way of lifting us up and giving us a surreal feeling, I think that is only half of what we can do with dance music--- When Nick Warren was here last November at Limelight, he has some cool videos playing, one in particular---at a beautiful melodic point in one of the trax he was playing, the panoramic video screen below the DJ booth became lit up with thousands of Buddha worshipers praying in this big field, twirling their fingers in the blue sky---it was powerful, and I think a small hint of what's to come. Dimaggio. You have a mini-dv, I am a producer. We live in New York City. you know all the DJ's. We both are relentless when it comes to creativity and work ethic and our love for this scene=== We should really talk about this==
  12. Andy, Thanx for the Spirit dates. Looking forward to Friday. Aso for SF...I just figured it re-opened like it has in the past....I was going to post before, why didnt Cor tell me this when I told him I was from NYC?? But this must be why. It's better for me, since Id much rather be at Spirit--- Id like to meet you, Andy...My friend Tyler does the Do-It party upstairs and DJs as well, and I want to see Anthony Pappa again...and I want to finally get to see this club...
  13. haha! My face had such a devious little smirk on it as I was typing it.
  14. I want to go see Cor @ factory. Â Next weekend! Â I'd rather seee him than G & D any day of the week. Â He was off the hook at space after tiesto during the conference...i definitely want to see him again.... I've never gone to SF, ever....the things I've heard about the crowd there are horrible...but I think I can brave it if he is spinning and some people come with me. Â Why Sound Factory? Â And have any of you heard of E-Craig?
  15. Rank 1 & Kid Vicious Saturday 03/20/04 Sound Factory John 00 Fleming Saturday 03/20/04 Arc Tall Paul & Dave Ralph Saturday 03/20/04 Limelight/Avalon Max Graham Saturday 03/20/04 Tonic (Rochester NY) Junior Vasquez & Black Orchard Sunday 03/21/04 Sound Factory Richard Humpty Vision Friday 03/26/04 Limelight/Avalon Gabriel & Dresden Saturday 03/27/04 Limelight/Avalon Cor Fijneman & E-Craig Saturday 03/27/04 Sound Factory Robbie Rivera Saturday 04/03/04 Sound Factory Armin Van Buuren Friday 04/09/04 Roxy Junkie XL Saturday 04/10/04 Limelight/Avalon (NYC) Return of Gatecrasher 4/16/04 Spirit (Haliwell and Dinaire) Dave Seaman & Phil K Saturday 04/17/04 Limelight/Avalon Mark Farina & Donald Glaude Friday 04/23/04 Limelight/Avalon Danny Tenaglia Friday 04/23/04 Arc (CLOSING PARTY) Danny Tenaglia Sunday 04/25/04 Arc (CLOSING PARTY) Paul Van Dyk in Central Park Summerstage (June) Marco V Saturday 07/23/04 Limelight/Avalon July 4th Crobar - Cream Comes to NYC with special marathon sets presented by Tiesto and Paul Van Dyk one lucky winner gets to take a flight back to ibiza with them! As is evident from the above listing, New York City once again reigns SUPREME in the world nightlife scene, if you ask me....after the few dull years we had there... PS, kidding about the Tiesto PvD duo on the 4th. jajajajaja
  16. The best news Ive gotten all day! Not only do I love gatecrasher, but my friend Vic is headlining with the gatecrasher crew!! This is amazing....ive watched Victor Dinaire progress into NYC's best trance DJ---And his personality matches his high level of talent...I'm very very proud of him today and cannot wait to go to the first event --- Apparently they plan to really deck the place out to provide the gatecrasher experience like years ago at the limelight. Here are the details: Friday April 16, 2004 @ Spirit New York (530 w 27 street, NYC) Gatecrasher comes back to Ny! Djs Eddie Halliwell Darrin Pearce Victor Dinaire (start of my new residency) And TRANCELATOR---I believe you will be here for this! Spirit is the old Twilo...come with us to this, it will be very special for you! :D :D
  17. Another thing. Every time I have a night where dancing was center stage and the music was that good...I feel a sort of high the entire next day---energized from the nostalgia. Does this happen to y'all? I'd compare the Max Graham performance to that of Nick Warren last time he was in town...
  18. Is it one of the Davey Crocket hats with fur? those are very popular here. I've got one that saved my life this winter... BUT, the weather forcast is mid fifties for the entire time you are here, which is really not bad at all....
  19. I'll make sure I am, and im sure the girls will be in tow as well. (including joey!)
  20. Ryan next weekend has some good things going on....are you still committed to being in bed by 10pm or planning to paint the town? friday night Anthony Pappa @ spirit than Danny @ Arc...and sat nite you could do gabriel and dresden at avalon for a bit then go over to crobar...this way you get a taste of our best clubs...
  21. hell yes, Max Graham kicked ass last night!! Last night was perfect there--- superb music and just enough people to look semi-full with plenty of room to groove. And the crowd wasnt obnoxious and heckling whatsoever...Lisa Lashes was also great, but not for the first hlaf hour she was on....and sometimes she was definitely a bit too hard and cheesy... but Max...he was on fire...I havent seen him perform in awhile....Aryn and I were in our own world most of the night--- we had a huge connection dancing last nite that we've never had b4, and talked about it before we went to bed and right when we got up 8) I dont know where that came from but I hope it happens all the time. It was terrific to not have meatheads approaching her all nite and pushing me away. I'd imagine her and I looked like a couple last night :-* Do you guys prefer the stage at Avalon or the main dance floor? Personally I prefer the stage because it is elevated and you can interact with the DJ...(Lisa was very interactive with the crowd) Plus I like to look down and point at people and interact with them. Plus it just feels a bit more supreme up there---especially in that small block that jets out a little bit in the middle of the stage (that was horribly described but im not ready to be totally coherent yet today), regardless that's my spot. I've come to realize Im addicted to dancing...I cant get enough, and I can't imagine a weekend without being on a dancefloor--- If I dont make plans to be there, no matter how many times i tell myself im not going to end up there, I always will. And Aryn will be with me with bells on. I hope we can all to to Anthony Pappa together next week. Maybe we'll end up at Danny for after hrs.
  22. Well first I'll answer Carisa...My metabolism is pretty high since I'm a cardio-animal at the gym. I listen to the Tiesto CD Saleen burned for me and go nuts on the elyptical. it's amazing----I feel like Im dancing (and today I became totally aware that I had a big smile on my face simultaneously... ) Now for John. I love that you love the detail honestly, I dont know what Id do if I walked in and they said the nuggets were now all dark meat and they replaced the honey mustard with Soy Sauce. :-X I deeply respect the gravity of the situation, my friend...and I hope the change in your hood was an isolated incident.
  23. Man, Wendys is my favorite !! Ive been getting the same thing for years. Jr Bacon Cheeseburger, (Ketchup and Mayo only) 5 piece Chicken Nuggets (2 Honey Mustards) Biggie Fry Water im talking like 7 or 8 years now. I love it. It is just as important to me as my Sunday Bacon Egg and Cheese and slice of Pizza for breakfast.
  24. teach me, Chairman, teach me! But dont think we wont forget that in the end your argument went to shit on the AIDS drug discussion. :-*xoxo Saleen xoxo :-* Have a great weekend, Tiger.
  25. deport them to my bedroom, please.
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