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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. andy, get outta here! I love Anthony Pappa and try never to miss him when he is here in nyc, which isnt very often...i think last time was this past summer at centro with the LES? that was a fun nite. see you on the 26th unless something comes up- and gk, i concur, centro is no fun anymore. i havent been there in ages----
  2. it's a deal. jess (one of my roommates) just got home...finally someone is home and she is like an Italian mother taking care of me... i needed this all day
  3. you'll be fine. you're going to have fun! there wont be solid water, i promise. come on, dont be a bitch, you're coming to nyc...strap it on and bring a coat.
  4. you dontr understand! with the dramatic climate change, im sick again...today I woke up with the worst body aches known to man -- left work at 4:30 and have been in bed since. Im sitting in bed with my laptop as we speak---just caught up on the sopranos and am watching the season finale of curb for the third time. I was supposed to go to a very special party tonite and now everyone is there but me. I dont even think im gonna be able to enjoy st. pattys day. --- anyway, yes it's snowing, although i imagine it is an isolated incident and the weather will probably be in hte 50s when you come. I am far from a winter person, either, Ryan. In fact, I hate winter with a passion, and Ive always said that in a perfect world, one could spend 6 months in New York and 6 months in South Florida...I hate NYC in the winter SO much... but, obviously there are so many amazing things to do and see here, it gives us NY'ers inspiration to brave the cold, the rats in the subways, the slushy puddles that ruin our BRAND new New Balance sneakers (as did happen to me today...), the wind that turns our umbrellas inside out and that stink that emanates from wet garbage piled up on the side of the street. I'm depressed....
  5. a few of my friends (we were all staying at the shelborne) saw a girl injured very badly at the pool. tim, can you elaborate?
  6. LESjunkie

    Tiesto @ Space

    yeah! Â this song is going to blow up 4 sure...it's too good. Â enjoy it now before the entire world and ruins it! Â PS, did you know those vocals are actually BT! Â Great collaboration PSS I spoke to you a hour and a half ago and you said you were going to work. now youre home again. Are you a hooker, Carisa?
  7. http://www.djmixes2k.com/ great site to download live sets.....it changes often, check it every week. Â Ive gotten some of my best stuff from this site. Each year they put up good sets from the conference, Id expect some to be coming up within the next couple weeks. Also, Limewire is pretty decent. Part of the Gnutella network , so it has the same stuff as Kazaa, etc, without all the spam and pop-ups and risks usually associated with the aforementioned. Before he bitches at me for taking credit, Tim found this one and im sharing it with you after he told me first. You can download it at the following address: http://www.limewire.com/english/content/downloadfree.shtml
  8. LESjunkie

    Tiesto @ Space

    Tiesto - Love Comes Again. You remember this? this track is fuckin massive! This is sure to be a tremendous success---
  9. i respect that. personally, I think it's important to be aggressive in both arenas of life...work, and socially as well...
  10. I changed my mind, im not gonig to try to find something clever to wear, nothing crazy, whatever I have in my closet....maybe ill pick up a green shirt of some sort but ive got too much stuff on my plate right now to be trying to conceptualize a creative costume for a holiday where costumes are non-traditional but joey, I would still love to walk in with you in that costume. the photographers are gonna have a field day with you if you really wear that.
  11. Dimaggio I thought I added you before but i did not. I just went and did now, so ya just gotta accept. go look at the "honeys" in my profile, tell me which ones you want to bang and I'll make arrangements.
  12. got it, RyaN. I've added you now as a friend, you just have to accept, than you can enter my world
  13. great news! will you have time to explore as well or is it strictly biz.?
  14. totally! While I personally never have done that, (once but it was just a kiss) I know tons of people who have.
  15. no, but Id like to!! I love over-the-top people!!! ;D
  16. and you are gonna OD on exclamation points!!!!!!!!!! simmer down now!!!!!
  17. while I appreciate that, it was a candid review and not something that I'd consider worthy of being in an arena other than the messageboards. last year I did an official review tho
  18. thank you Carisa! Â shit we are in so many of these pictures! Â this one is my favorite---- Luis, Carisa, Tim, Me, Aryn, Rebecca, her sister Nicole, Volkan from NYC---nice! Â this was obviously an awesome moment-- http://www.globaldjbroadcast.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=58&pos=62 it wont let me post the pic directly in this message box. great, great shots arturo! Â really, thanx for taking the time to take all of them it really just brought me back for a moment=-=-
  19. think he spun the land beyond grooves track again?
  20. haha. I keep files on people in my head, funny facts for quick pulls at a later date.
  21. mm hmm. Â everyone likes to hate on the man yet his crowd aesthetic/reaction shots dominate. Â ;D moral: dont hate, congratulate
  22. Where was that shot taken? Sure looks like a shot of the crowd at Tiesto's space event...
  23. yes nice to finally meet you Arturo. Was that you taking all those pix in the DJ booth? id love to see the pvd shots- Also, did anyone notice that throughout the nite at pvd, there were a few people in the DJ booth to the right side (facing the dancefloor) who were just resting their heads there and watching with smiles....all's you could see from the dance floor were these two smiling heads peering down....it was really strange----my friends and I were talking about this the other day.
  24. just dont date anyone you meet there, right GK?
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