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Everything posted by Jilly

  1. Try doing some spinning classes at your gym...talk about your ass hurting!!! They are quite fun though.. -J ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  2. Yup...Downtime/Batcave does..it near madison square garden I went there in July for this German Band..was pretty good... Nice for a change from the regular club scene.. -J ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  3. When I heard Cox play it this past friday..I started cringing..reaaaaaly cringing..signal to run to the bathroom.. Maybe I am too picky, but I have absolutely no tolerance for cheese.. Talking about scary cheese..has anyone else heard the horrible remix of the "Axel-F" theme? I heard it on a set from the Love Parade...pretty frightening.. -J ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  4. Haha..Casey..I have to give you props, I really didn't think you would remember that I said hi to ya... You are right, Cox did play hard, he usually mixes in some house in there..not much this time...but he did slam one of my fav Lieb songs... It was great finally meeting bmlewis and his friend, Raver Mania (I saw you shakin your ass up there on the front podium!), LCarey, a few others (guy with a reddish goatee?) and especially spoonyD and his friend Mike who are mad cool.. Kodak moment of the night...back podium thing..5 muscle boys all with shirts off dancing almost in unison... -J ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  5. Not too packed...cleared out waaaaay early.. As usual...incredible music..Cox was great..but Trevor Rockliffe ROCKED MY FUCKING WORLD!!!! Very nice to meet up with some peeps from the board..more details to come later when I am not in so much pain from dancing so hard.. -J ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  6. I agree with ya parish.. ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  7. yeah..I'm right here along with ya.. -J ------------------ " I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  8. Thank you people for posting this...I needed a good laugh right now -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  9. As long as we are still postin pics (and they are fun to look at..no one can fight me on that)here is my as one person called it "deer in the headlights" picture...hahaha -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  10. "I paint everthing. I'm so good, people call me rubberneck" "my aaaaass is killin me" ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  11. Hahahaha..omg..I LOOOVE the jerky boys..esp. good to listen to the cd's on long car rides... my fav..damn..lemme think...here's a few.. - "and da snake went and stung me in da eye!" - " how do they do this laser..do they poke at your ass with a hot poker" (ie the warts on the ass shtick) ahhh..so many more... ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  12. Crossy...crystalmethod..shadowchaser.... anyone with me on this one??? -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  13. Thats right..isnt this your bday celebration vejita? Hahhaa.I was just jokin about the "hippie part"..but you gotta admit some of the goa peeps are a bit..eccentric? -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  14. The Tsunami parties are usually pretty good...more goa type stuff..and I call alot of the people there the "trance hippies" trippin on something or another I would assume if it rains..it would be cancelled. I have been to parties inside chelsea piers and I cannot imagine a goa trance party in there!!! I think it is worth going to..esp. if you like trance and want a change of pace... Hope this help ya a little -Jill ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  15. wow..now this sounds like it would be interesting...BT with a live band?? I wonder when tix will go on sale..? -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  16. OK..I'll make this short and sweet... Tall, the taller the better (6'3-6'5 mmmmm) knows how to dress...*****-well groomed smart, cool, thoughtful likes good music... those things combined...=great guy to me -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  17. Hahahah...that mmmmmm bye thing is a total midwestern thing..first heard it down at school..and yes..it annoys the hell outts me too!!! ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  18. The plan is...power bar at 6am.. Cause if Carl is still spinnin at 5 I know I wont't want to leave the main floor And yes..the other DJ's are excellent as well.. -Jill ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  19. DJs Bryan Zentz Carl Cox Trevor Rockliffe DJ c1 will be some amazing music..I can't wait!! ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  20. Hmmm...lessee...I never counted! Guessin..about 100 per crate..4 crates..hmm..I'd say we have 4-500 in my house.. A friend of my roomate was sellin all his old house/techno records (now he's a hiphop guy) for 1.00 each..we went a little nuts . And even..oh yes..an original copy of "James Brown is Dead" for 1.00. -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  21. I agree with you resident... Has anyone else seen the commercial for this CD on MTV? I don't know why..but everytime I see it I just can't stop laughing.. I guess I should shut up..its a hell of a lot better than some of the other cd commercials out there... -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  22. hahaha..happy camper..me too..if carl was still on no way could I leave for a meet-up.. But in my experience he usually starts 2ish and ends before 6... Anyone know line up order? Im thinkin C1, zentz, cox, rockliffe... -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  23. 6 at the power bar sounds good to me..would be nice to meet some of ya other Coxy maniacs such as myself... -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  24. My name is short to begin with...but people call me: Jilly Smokn Flashy (used to have a SN flashgirl...anyone who knows the band Suede will know what I'm talkin about with this one..) and way back in school..some people used to call me "the brain"... worst one though..I hurt my knee and walked with a brace for a few months..so of course they called me pegleg...gotta love the kindness of jr high people... -J ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
  25. Hey Mixem! I used to do the same thing when i graduated from college... Got my boss names in ways I can't even mention here..(had to be sooo crafty and sneaky) Meanwhile..my boss got 40-60, 000 from each placement..and I got nada... Just sayin..I know what you're going thru.. -Jill ------------------ "When you think you've tried every road..Every avenue..Take one more look..At what you found old..And in it you'll find something new"-DM Smoknjilly@aol.com
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