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Everything posted by Diana

  1. OKay if my posts are considered bitching...............than what are yours? You have no wit whatsoever and all of your retaliations are just plain tired. I mean it takes some real intelligence to call someone a Dork.............. Please do us all a favor and get a hobby..............that or get laid.............I think it would be safe for me to assume that a hobby is an easier thing for you to acquire.
  2. I do not see that happening............although he did go over to the drama board to grace them with his presence and his pitiful jokes because as he said "the people on the Jersey board are morons".... What a geek!
  3. OMG - that was the story of my life a couple of years ago. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. The problem is that guys never appreciate what is right in front of their face, especially if it is something that they are not committed to. When we wise up and walk away from a situation that is not benefiting us..........they all of a sudden become confused. Woman think situations through more than men and it takes them so long to realize that the thing they had in front of their face was the best thing for them. It usually takes them seeing you with someone else to realize that is what they wanted....
  4. I think all of their customer service reps were bred out of a farm somewhere in Kansas....................they are fucking IDIOTS....
  5. Well, I had AT&T wireless for almost 3 years and HATED them, my boyfriend and a couple of my friends had Sprint and a lot of them had some major issues, so I think I am going with Verizon. To be honest they are the best service provider out there. They have the most coverage and even though their prices are a bit more expensive - they are the most reliable. When it comes down to it - I think that is the most important thing. I mean you know how many times I thought that what if my car broke down on a deserted road and my phone decided that it just was not going to work or the "system was busy" or it kept dropping calls - NO THANK YOU... I have already smashed my phone into the dashboard a couple of times - so every now and then my phone will tell me that the SIM card is not installed......Fabulous!!! What phone do you have? I have that queer little Nokia...
  6. THANK GOD it is not just me. My contract is up in October and the day I switch over I am taking my phone and sacrificing it to the highway gods!!!!
  7. I was actually looking for some site myself, but being that my phone SUCKS ....most of the ringtones are not compatible with it.. VOICESTREAM BLOWS....
  8. It all depends...............sometimes a woman has been hurt before and she is just being cautious. Sometimes we like to test the waters and make sure that you are for real and that you are not just there for a piece of ass. Most women are not "playing hard to get" it really is not about playing games it is about protecting ourselves from getting hurt.....
  9. Because men are HORNY animals and it is just in their nature.........
  10. It has nothing to do with the E you took - for some reason Nyquill fucks you up!!!! It is mostly the alcohol in it, but I guess the combination of things has some strange effect............it's great isn't it?
  11. The shirt is definitely a great shield for all of the sweat that accumulates on a male's body. KEEP IT ON!!!!!! :spin:
  12. NO SHIT!!!! I am sick of reading the same post over again - I mean no one is even responding to anything... WTF...
  13. This summer zipped by faster than any other one I can remember. Now, I have to start getting used to cold weather...............SHIT!!!!!
  14. NO SHIT!!! To this day I have never seen a crowd go as fucking INSANE as they did 3 years ago to Feel IT - NOTHING will ever top that!!!!
  15. Thank you!!! Trust me I have my fair share of prejudice because of what type of dog he is, but he is the biggest love EVER..........it is actually sad at how much of a wuss he is, but I love him anyway. If they are brought up right - they are the BEST!!! Statistics prove that they are one of the three breeds LEAST likely to bite someone.............a cocker spaniel has more chance of biting a person, yet everyone loves those yippy little things!
  16. I am so happy that she has a home and tell your friend that he did a good thing by bringinf the puppy home - Pit Bulls have a bad name and do not get the chance that they deserve from people these days. If they are brought up well and by someone responsible they can prove to be the most loyal, affectionate companions. Also, my dog has the same exact markings - fawn with the white stripe down his face... JBR.....enough is enough................suck it up, be a man, and SOLVE this problem once and for all. Bitching about it is not going to make it any better - you need to DROP her like a bad habit...
  17. IS it a male or a female? I actually have a Pit Bull - he is over a year old now and the BEST dog EVER - he is a sweetheart. So many people I know have asked me about them and if I ask around I might be able to help find him a home - let me know more details, color, size, sex...
  18. This song was and forever will be the all time anthem at Tempts... "FEEL IT".....
  19. SHIT - you were there? I keep missing the chance to see you and meet other people from the board. Maybe that is because buy the time I got to Tempts.................I lost all verbal.....
  20. I am actually welcoming the change.....
  21. He did not play Whitney Houston as the last song two years ago - I think he played Soulshaker...
  22. She works at the bar near the bathrooms - she is a BARTENDER and even if that was her only job (which it is not) there is no shame in that. No need to judge people for their career choices.. Everyone is different..
  23. GOD HELP the woman that actually walk out of the house looking like that...............and we all know there are many of them...
  24. FORGET IT - you will NEVER make it out. Pot Brownies alone will fuck you up for hours. I once ate a shitload of brownies and was fucked up for a good 2 hours, went to sleep, and was still fucked up the next morning..........add shrooms into that equation and you are done for ......for quite a while....
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