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Everything posted by Diana

  1. Diana


    Right? I mean my god - if you can open it that wide and you do it on a frequent basis - how the hell can you feel anything else?
  2. Females should NEVER get between their man and his friends - that is wrong!!! Just as wrong as it is for a man to get in between his woman and her "girls". You can have it both - with the right person...
  3. Exactly! You can not build a relationship without it. Besides, I am too much of a free spirit to have anyone hold me back. I could never be with someone that expected me to sit home with them or that does not want me to go out without them. I mean my god - I have guys pick me up at my house and I go out drinking with them and then I get dropped off hours later wasted and he is just like "Did you have fun"...........................I have the best of both worlds!
  4. LOL!!!! I have to admit - this post is fucking funny.... Sad thing is that if there really was a contest - every person that hangs out down the shore would enter....
  5. If you have to miss out on fun with your friends due to a girlfriend - than you are definitely NOT with the right person. NO all girlfriends are a drag - I am the one that has to drag my man out with me - and if he does not want to come, then I will go without him..................thing is - he is cool as shit about it because we trust each other...
  6. NO SHIT - there is nothing to do on a Saturday. I actually liked Metro better on Saturdays - I liked the music better, but there does need to be a larger crowd...
  7. ...that would be me! Have to agree with that for men as well.......
  8. I love my dreams - I live out all of my wildest fantasies through them.... Just wish that some of them would come true....
  9. Revealed myself - how? You could not be more wrong about who I am. I am not married - not even close. I am living with my boyfriend who happens to work out at the same gym as Cyphead. You did get one thing right - I am a nice girl.............when I want to be. To be honest with you, I only know who you are by name and do not know enough about you to judge, but I am just bored as shit and felt like starting trouble - you know the whole intent of your messages. It is all in good fun....
  10. Oh yes he will be there and so will I! I am with you - FUCK SEASIDE - been there done that too many times!
  11. I have off this Monday...............but that is only because I am going to need to rest from the weekend!
  12. I am going to sleep on Saturday and waking up to go to Earth.... I have a feeling that I will be there until ETERNITY so I might as well rest up before hand. If I go to Tempts first I would never make it and I have had enough of that place for the rest of the year...
  13. I know some of the people on here or know who they are.... the others are people I just converse with via this board....
  14. Wait I will correct myself - I will NOT include Cyphead in that list with you other rejects ...........
  15. I know you are all not the same person JERKOFF.......... I just simply said that I know who you guys are - YOU ARE FUCKING CLOWNS..... What did you think you weren't?
  16. NO matter how you try to rationalize your words, there is no excuse for racial slurs. You do not call someone a dirty spic and expect to get a positive response - that is just plain ignorant. You are sitting here bitching and complaining about being judged for your looks .........yet you can come back and throw some racial slur at someone - what is that? You are a god damn hypocrite and maybe you should actually say something that has meaning if you expect anyone to listen....
  17. I've been saying that all summer, but no one wanted to hear it. Instead I got ripped to shreds that I was lame... Not lame, just smart....
  18. Hey you know what.................GOOD FOR YOU.....
  19. ..Exactly... this is why I am spending my long Labor Day weekend relaxing...
  20. I also read somewhere that she was on the cell phone when she hit the boy. She will be treated as anyone else would be - I mean of course being that she is famous she had better access to high profile lawyers, but other than that I am sure she is not going to receive any special treatment - I mean she is not that famous. She is going to get sued for a hell of a lot of money.........though.
  21. I always have a good time at Joey's................I will definitely check it out....
  22. The best time I had this summer was a party that was thrown at my house in Belmar... Other than that every night pretty much seems the same....
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