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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by Diana

  1. It was hot as hell last night and did anyone else think that the fog was annoying as shit? I mean HOW LAME............what are back in the 80's... Definitely have more fun outside. Always have a good time there - $2 shots, all my friends are there, and it is 10 minutes from....
  2. Drinking gatorade and eating every few hours helps me out... I am feeling the same way today.....
  3. Well welcome back you beautiful BITCH you!!!!! I wish I was going............still have not met...........WTF!!!!
  4. OK......I knew it was her that this whole situation was about... "Type of Car your Drive: Saab Convertible - Thanks Daddy"! She needs to calm herself!!!!
  5. I made one about a month ago - do not really remember much of the night - my usual behavior when down the shore........this is why I am trying to limit myself. It just seems really different this year - a lot of different faces... I think I will probably be coming down for one last time in August.... How about you?
  6. I do not really talk shit, as a matter of fact I very rarely respond to anything, but I use all the drama for entertainment value. I mean c'mon you have to admit the only thing that is really pathetic is seeing people get so amped up about this that they have to respond 9,000 times to the same post that they preach about being so lame!
  7. OMG - I LOVE THIS!!!!! God, this board has been missing some serious DRAMA - it was getting boring. Hey Sayno... Is this the same Laurie that told everyone she had a brand new convertible and then dissappeared from the board after she was called on it.... Just curious...
  8. You know what is sad.............is that there are way too many men down the shore that fit that description to a "T" What's up Sayno - how the hell have you been?
  9. When you can not put your arms down at your side, or when you have no neck...........that is usually an indication that you are too big. I have seen more guys down at the shore that most likely worked pretty hard to get where they are at and I think they are repulsive. Being big is not attractive - being in shape is. Having nice arms with a nice chest and nice abs - Perfect - I like a little size, but definition is definitely more attractive. I hate those guys (and there are a lot of them) that have huge arms, and chest and this big round roid gut........EEEEWWWW!
  10. Doesn't really matter either way to me - someone gave me 6 VIP tickets so we get to sit in the front and get free drinks and alcohol.... I could be listening to Neil Diamond for all I care - as long as I am drunk with some good friends - I can have fun anywhere.
  11. It really depends on the particular dog - you said you were planning to adopt so I most likely if that is the case the dog will already have some learned behavior from previous owners - then it would be a matter of which tempermant suites you. If you plan to get this dog as a puppy - again - you must remember that Rotties are extremely large and that sometimes is a lot more effort. I have a dog that is 1/2 Red Nose Pit / 1/2 American Staffordshire and he is the most loveable thing ever - yet the training process was a bit of an effort - he a stubborn little thing. But just so you know, any dog that has aggressive tendancies are going to be a bit more of an effort in the training process because they will test you and you must be firm and let them know who is boss while at the same time giving them comfort and tons of love. All three are great breeds - just make sure you get a dog from a place that is extremely reputable.
  12. You figure the level of testosterone is higher than the iq level of most of the males there..................that on top of alcohol and drugs = fighting and other moronic actions
  13. I am single and realized that it is not as much fun the older you get....
  14. I have always liked Andrew's music........
  15. Wow.....I am speechless...... Question.... Who are those girls at the bottom of every post - just curious?
  16. ...See now that's the Spirit!!!!!
  17. I can't.......lol! I am so glad that I can still count on certain people on this board to add some humor for me. I mean - isn't that the whole purpose - there is no excitement or DRAMA like it used to be.... Where have all the bitches been?
  18. Can you clarify something for me.... What's the difference between the new and old set of guidos?
  19. If it is any consolation they are no the only Audi dealership that pulls that bullshit......
  20. 50% Italian (Sicilian) and 50% Russian
  21. Yeah it is pretty sick. Is it me or has there been a lot of foul play going on in that town?
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