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Everything posted by gqraver

  1. Typical Sat night crowd there is a mix of hip-hops heads, Sohonites in the area, mix of diff't nationalities, people wanting to get their drink on etc.. Usually its pretty packed. Colt Seavers is spinning tonite. You can just mention my name at the door, 'Broidy' and you'll get in for the guestlist price. peace
  2. Last time Garnier rocked the house, the true music headz were out that nite. Most likely it will be $10 before 12 AM, $15 before 1 AM on the guestlist, but don't hold me to that yet. I will post up the partyand guestlist info as the date gets closer. BTW, DJ Dan this Friday, woohoo! peace
  3. It's 21 +. Dress code is relaxed and casual, sneakers are ok, just don't look like a bum.
  4. I hear ya man. Programming can suck big time! Luckily I don't program anymore. I barely can remember how to program these days. I learned Pascal, Ada, Assemblyx86, C, C++, Java, Perl, and Prolog while in college. The most useful for me in the real world ended up being Java and Perl, but then I changed into the enterprise event/network management field and spent more time scripting then anything. And now I'm happily taking a break from technology period peace
  5. Posted the party info in the promotions section, http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=153303 peace
  6. There was a good thread on this on Naughtybooth a few weeks back. http://www.naughtybooth.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=32874&highlight=Plant peace
  7. Man you hate Jewish settlers / Israelis don't you? Rather than worrying about "This whole exercise seems, to me, to be training people to automatically descriminate against Arabs people, because all of them must be terrorists, right?", I would worry about how people like you stereotype Arabs, Arab Americans, and Muslims as all hating Jewish / Israeli people. Thank G-d my Muslim American friends aren't like you... peace
  8. More details to follow at 10:15...
  9. You waited on line for over 4 hours? Geez, I get impatient after waiting for more than 10 minutes in line...
  10. I was waiting for this, your posts smell like promotions...let me guess, you run a shot girl promotions company?
  11. They are either at Culture Club, or any corny frat boy bar on the UES/Murray Hill areas...
  12. Well let me first say I'm a promoter, so I'll tell you my biased suggestions first, and then my unbiased suggestions. This Friday at Centro-fly we'll be having Dimitri from Paris spinning his funky, frenchy house. Centro-fly is a good mix of people and in my opinion one of the better clubs in the city. There also will be hip-hop spun in the Pinky downstairs. Centro's on Thursday has really good a party with house being spun. Saturday you can hit GrooveJet which I also promote for which is old school and new school hip-hop. It's a small lounge though. I admit I'm not an expert for swing'n'soul and R&B clubs. But a few of the top of my head could be B.B. King in midtown, 101 in the West Village, Smalls in the West Village. T My mind is a little fried now, so if I think of more stuff later I'll post it up. peace
  13. What type of music you looking to hear or what scene (18+, 21+, posh, chill etc) you looking for? When you exactly coming? peace
  14. Noel Ashman and the Ronson crew run the Pinky room downstairs on Sats where Mark Ronson and Stretch Armstrong usually spin the hip-hop, almost ltreated like a separate party, that's probably why. Out of curiosity, how was Junior Sanchez?
  15. That space must be cursed, Saci sucked and after reading your story it seems to continues to blow...
  16. Dimitri from Paris will be spinning at Centro-fly, if you're into French deep funky house. Will post up party info tomorrow.
  17. I can't believe they are referring to that room, where the is a small bar and DJ as a club...or if there is another club above that floor. Broadway city is usually pretty ghetto as it is...
  18. We'll have him on the 28th as joecrack13 said. I'll post up the party info once the date comes closer. Also will have DJ Dan on April 4th, and Dmitri from Paris on March 14th... peace
  19. There used to be the Drive-By parties with DJ Dinesh and others, but not sure if they are still going on...
  20. It was actually me, not SFTunnel76 that posted that about the Zionistic movement. OK, so nevermind everything else, the point of your post is as you said "The point is that our support of Israel is doing more harm than good FOR THE UNITED STATES." So would being an ally with the P.L.O. will be beneficial? Do you not think that if the US needed helped in the Middle East, it will be Israel who will be helping out? Israel is not a third world country nation and it produces people who help this world in many areas like science, medicine etc. Let me ask you this, if the US support of Israel is doing more harm than good, then why does the US put up with it? Think logically here, the US does thing to help its people, and there obviously are reasons why the US feels they should support Israel. But this is going to go in circles. This is my last posting concerning this, and if you think that is conceding that you are right, then think what you want. -peace in the middle east
  21. Do you know the reason behind why Zionist movement and why Israel was formed? It was because of the Holocaust, because Jews living in countries that they thought would protect them didn't. Israel was formed as a place where Jews could know they would be safe from genocide. Trust me I'm not an extremist Zionist Jew. I actually have more close Muslim friends than Jewish friends. Muslims and Jew can get along, in fact their cultures are so similiar its hard to even tell the difference sometimes. I don't believe all Arabs are Fanatics, quite the opposite, I believe that it is extremist groups like Hamas that go nutz and give all Arabs a bad name, along with extremist leaders I don't agree that expulsing Arafat will solve anything, for the most part I think he is a figurehead who is damned either way, either by the Israelies or by the terrorist groups that would surely kill him in a second if he sides with the Israel. Your last statement however is just plain stupid: "Working in the WTC are you seriously going to tell me that this alliance didn't jeapordize your personal security? " By leaving my house every day I put my life in jeopardy, I could be killed by a car, person, etc. Doesn't mean I still don't leave my house. Just because the US and Israel are allies doesn't give Al Queda the right to fucking blow up and kill innocent people. And you're inferring the entire reason behind the WTC was because of the alliance. Do you have some secret proof of this? Please do share... US is not the altruistic country everyone thinks it is, there must be a reason beneficial to the US why they are allied with Israel...go ask your boss, I'm sure they know.
  22. That is very true. Propaganda make it into a simple issues and people don't know everything behind it. Worse is we probably will never know either the full reasons behind everything...
  23. Bassboy, you work for the State Dept in the Bureau of Middle Eastern Affairs, but have any of you even been to Israel or the troubled region? I have. And first, there are plenty of Muslims and Israeli Arabs that live peacefully in Israel and have no problem. The whole conflict goes back to a small area in Old City Jerusalem, where the old Jewish Temple was and where Mohammed landed . By the way, this area under dispute is actually under Palestinian control, not Israeli. You don't see Israelies suicide bombing themselves in this area or sending military troops in, that's because they respect the holy area. BKDJ brings up a good point, almost the entire middle east is Arab and Israelies only consume a country the size of New Jersey. Why are the other Arab nations so unwilling to help Palestinians out themselves? Go back through the history, Israel is not usually the instigator trying to get more land and lust for power and glory. Israel has many times in peace negotiations willing to give up land for peace and its always rejected. Palenstinians did not live there first, and they even concede that fact. Go back thousands of years it was neither the Israelies nor Palenstinians. By the way, even if they did, who lived first in the US? So are you saying that Americans, and even immigrants shouldn't be here as well because we didn't live here first? Great logic... I rarely get emotional on these boards and take everything pretty lighly, but your last statement is offensive and says it all: "Remember this: Our Israeli policy jeapordizes your personal security." So that mean as long as we are allies with Israel, that gives terrorists the right to do what they want? I worked at the World Trade Center, I bet you didn't, so you can go fuck yourself!
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