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Everything posted by gqraver

  1. I'm looking forward to La Boheme, my friend's husband is in the production and I heard its unbelievable.
  2. There is no strict dresscode for GBH parties. Don't look like a homeless bum , otherwise you should be fine. To avoid lines, I would advise to getting there earlier this week, as a big turn out is expected. I posted the party and guestlist info in the promotions section http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=130772 (seems clubplanet has not updated GBH party info on their site since Sept 27th)
  3. I agree. If a promoter is sending out an email though with everyone's email addresses actually in the "To" section, or using a mailing list where if anyone replies to the list (usually a listserv) and everyone gets an email who's on that list, then that promoter needs to learn how to use email and proper netiquette. As for IMs, I don't even do that, that's like calling someone's house to sell magazines. peace
  4. Even as you admit the above, you are saying that you knowingly have sent people, who did not sign up through you directly for your services, emails and IMS. That is what SPAM is. Ironic that you are sick of getting emails about it, isn't it? peace
  5. Hey all online promoters are not bad. Everyone on my mailing list has either signed up for my list at one point or emailed me to be on my list. I have never bought a list, and actually I am quite annoyed myself when I find my email address is being spammed with promotion emails. I think one of the boards (not CP) I signed up for is selling the emails, as I have NEVER signed up for a promotion list using one of my email addresses which receives all this email anyway. I think they were trying to make this illegal. http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A08652 . I am not sure about the status. I am tempted to contact everyone who has sent me unsolicited email concerning parties in NYC and find out who sold them the list. peace
  6. Hi, I'm coming down to a DC this weekend, and wanted to know what bars/lounge/clubs/parties to hit on Fri and Sat night. I'm into any sort of house, techno, and hip-hop. Clubs, lounges, bars etc.. Cover/Guestlist/Dress code info would be good too. TIA peace
  7. Twirl sucked bigtime, hopefully they got a new system, layout and crowd.
  8. Ha ha I was thinking the exact same thing. I remember the flimsy passes myself, they were even in a dean's office once in high school (years before you went to high school kitty19). I know they worked at Cheese (Webster) Hall back in the day, where he's curator of the art work there or something. peace
  9. Ghost ship looks horrible, I filled out one of those surveys for it at a mall after watching a 10 minute clip a few months ago. The Circle? Do you mean 'The Ring'? I saw it, it was decent, it take a lot to get me scared, usually weird "Twin Peaks" type shit like the dancing midget speaking in gibberish works more on me. A lot of my friends though were spooked about by the "The Ring". I'm waiting to watch the original Japanese version which I heard is better.... peace
  10. i've been to Suede. Its a lounge, not that big. Usually pretty crowded, small dance space in the back. They also have a downstairs but didn't hang there much. Crowd was good looking. The line can be a bitch, luckily having a friend who knows the doorperson helps... Haven't been to Vue, but it used to be One51 which I did not like whatsoever. Crowd and music used to suck there big time. peace
  11. There shouldn't be any promotion in this thread otherwise the post will me moved. Clubplanet has a list for this party, and there I also put up a post in the promotion forum days ago concerning the details of the party and guestlist info as well. If you have any more questions about the party you can PM or email me and I'll be happy to answer them. peace
  12. For those of you who no longer live with your parents: How often do you talk to them? Once a week How often do you visit? 2 - 3 times a month How much do you tell them about your life? About 85% of it, my parents are pretty liberal. How often do you ask their advice and for what? Not much advice, but confirmation on some of my decisions about work and life. How much financial support do they give you? ZERO. Put myself through college. My father did give me a 6 pack of Pepsi last week, but I don't drink Pepsi. and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? On and off for the last 4 years, due to business travel around the US
  13. Do you mean it will be on tomorrow at 6:45 AM on 10/17 (today is the 16th)... peace
  14. There is no strict dress code for the GBH party at Centro-fly featuring Roger Sanchez this Friday. Yeah don't look like a bum, but sneaks and jeans are cool. Of course if you piss off the door peeps then that's another story.... peace
  15. Plant usually throws the parties at Centro-fly on Saturday. Checkout http://www.plantmusic.com/clubdates.html Centro-fly is a good mix a club that has plenty of areas to sit and dance, decent sized but not too huge. peace
  16. Skool parties at GrooveJet on Saturday spins old and new skool hip-hop. It's not thugged out either. I post up the party nfo in the promoter section or you can PM me for more info. peace
  17. The dark freakinsh element that used to exist at places like Tunnel and Limelight surely are gone. It was fun while it lasted. I think I miss the eccentric energetic fashion shows the most... However times have changed. Let's be honest, the money to support those types of parties were built either on drug money or crazy rich types. Try throwing a party like that now: full of the cool artsy 'clubkid' types who would be considered industry people who wouldn't even pay for a cover. And especially in this economy now I don't see it happening. As for velvet elitism, I think it was far worse then. Getting on a guestlist was far harder then and getting hand picked by the doorman to get into the party was usually the way it was. Mugz if you ever decide to try to start up a party with the "CREATIVE circus-freak" vibe, let me know, I'd be up for helping see it come alive. peace
  18. Shine is located at 285 West Broadway at Canal St. Subway: Take the A, C, E, 1, 9 to Canal St This is going to be an amazing party, will see you all there. peace
  19. I rarely post besides in the promotions board, but I just got home from this party. Props to Direct Drive and their 4 year Anniversary. It was off the hook! Got there around 1 AM and the place was packed beyond belief. I don't think I had to ever wait on line before to get into Baktun. There was barely any room to dance. It wasn't until maybe 3:30 AM that the place started to thin about a bit so there was more room to dance. Danced my ass off till 5 AM and called it a night. I knew it was a good night when I was soaking from sweat and my white addidas kix were almost entirely black. Hope everyone has as a good time as I did. peace
  20. Twilo was a great club before it go overly commerical, but Tunnel will always hold a dear place in my heart. Tunnel man...a dark mystical place with eccentric model shows, drag queens, b-boys, ravers, clubkids, hidden alcoves and even shaolin monks once once were at. And don't forget the unisex bathrooms, there was enough entertainment there for hours on end. peace
  21. The GBH party at Centro-Fly plays both funky soulful house and hip-hop. Todd Terry will be spinning house this Friday. Check http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=103869 . Also there will be a special one-off party at Discotheque. Checkout http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=103870. peace
  22. That is some serious fucked up shit that has happened to you. If you really want to show her, then be happy, don't give a shit that she doesn't deserve what she has not. I went thru a similiar thing in the last few months (though maybe not to such an extreme) and I realized that harping on the past, always thinking about what she did to you will not make things better for you, or make you happier, it will just drive you crazy and keep you fucked up in the head. Yeah she fucked you over, but be the better person, go on with your life, your new job, your new woman. What goes around come around, karma, trust me she will get what she deserves in the end, and also those who sided with her or fucked you over too. peace
  23. Checkout http://www.swedishinstitute.com/ . This is a very reputable school, I have a friend who is going there. A massage therapist I went to once who was beyond knowledgeable had graduated from here as well. peace
  24. Weird, I was there that night till 4 AM, trashed as hell. You guys musta been on the second floor, I was on the main floor, with a crazy out of control posse near the DJ booth. peace
  25. Damn, I wish I could have made it, but a friends bday prevented me from hitting it. Never figured him to spin at Centro. peace
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