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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by gqraver

  1. I went to a Static party a few months ago and it was fun. If you guys are into electro, experimental techno, IDM etc. then you should also check out Licktronic parties at Baktun every Thursday. Yesterday there was no cover to get in. http://www.licktronic.com
  2. Good to hear you're having a good year so far! Me, I'm having a shitty one so far, hopefully it picks up in a bit. peace
  3. That's really weird, I've never had a problem with the Guernicca bouncers. This one bouncer, I think his name is Lionel or something has been real nice, he once put aside my drink for me so I could go make a phone call outside the downstairs exit door and he let me re-enter after I was done. Another time when I lost something he helped me look for it. Also when some drunk dude kept harrasing my female friends the bouncers kicked the dude out. I guess it all really depends. peace
  4. Yup had the same exact problem when my friend who promoted there one night and had a VIP section squared off inside for a friend's brithday. Only a quarter of the people on the list got in and comped, a quarter got in and paid the 'reduced' price of $20 (what a ripoff) and the other half did not get in and left in frustration. Overall the place sucks, B&T type crowd, the DJs the night I went sounded like they just discovered the playlist from KTU. The bouncers are a-holes who will let 10 dudes in as long as they bribe him.
  5. I don't know about everyone else, but to me the clubbing scene has lot some of its magic, the dark element that used to exist in and pre-era days. My first time clubbing was about 9 years ago, but I didn't start regularly going till 1995/6. I remember going to a Tunnel 6 years ago, getting on any guestlist was a bitch, and then inside where the the crowd was ecletic and mysterious. Clubs never used to card so stricly (I used to get by on college ID which didn't even have a birthdate on it.) Now it's seems that is all gone. Maybe i've just gotten older and so used to the scene. Who knows.
  6. I don't consider myself "old skool" but I've been around a bit longer than I think most posters on here. I remember clubnyc.com, when it was considered more of an emerging webzine. I remember when it was only the 'Pulse', 'Lounge' and 'Guestlist' sections that existed. I'm one of those people who've been lurking for the last few years, I don't post much. I joined clubnyc.com back in '97 sometime (Anyone around from pre '97?) and I re-joined the message boards back in January of '99 as my info says. Time flies doesn't it? peace
  7. Not sure if anyone else made it to this party, but it was killer, I was quite cracked out of my mind by 4 AM when I got there, but the music was totally on, the space was perfect and not too crowded. Stayed till about 7:30 and then headed home. Hope everyone had a great New Years Eve/Day like I did. peace
  8. I'll see everyone there, probably hit the party about 4'ish. Till tomorrow I am no longer online. peace and Happy New Years
  9. Check out http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73199
  10. Is the purpose of these boards to bring us together as a community or really to make money or both? Let's face it, A LOT (not all) promoters are promoting cause they want/need to make money. Same way a lot of them are about the music and bringing people together, but even so, it's money is somehow always in the background. Clubs are opened up because they clubs make a shitload of money and not to bring people together (unless the owner is really generous guy who doesn't care about losing money on his business.) CP is partly a promoter themselves, they have their lists (whether or not all of them work is another issue) and I'm sure they must get some kickback. They also run a messagboard at no charge to us (yes they do make money off of ads, pop ups and other things). Now if this board says its all about bringing the clubber community together and its not about the money, then I totally understand your views. But if they state openly that they need to make money to support themselves and the board, I can understand that too and why they are enforcing certain policies (I was affected myself by this.) I do agree with many of your view/points that you have posted recently. For one thing, a Moderator SHOULD NOT abuse their power, for example telling everyone (without concrete proof) the identity of one of the messageboard posters. That is wrong. If anything you contact them privately or ban them (or their IP Address if you are having too many problems with it). I ran a real time virtual community for 2 years before this message board existed and you have to learn how NOT to abuse that power, and set operational procedures and guidelines as for moderators/administrators. With power comes responsibilty and power usually does corrupt. Just my $.02 peace
  11. I have a friend who's really into them, I unfortunately missed them twice, once after a Moby concert last year in NYC, and at Area One, both times being a little to incapacited then. I'll defintely have to listen to some of their music and the other ones listed here. peace
  12. Slate (used to be Chelsea Billiards) on 21st b/t 5th and 6th. Amsterdam billiards ain't so bad either. I'm sure there are others more trendier, I just don't keep up with them anymore. peace
  13. I'm not taking any sides here, nor do i know fuclubkid or cottancandydream personally. But I will say that if fuclubkid is telling the truth about logging on from an AOL address (simple to correlate his IP logins to a domain), then he is right about the IP address thing. You really shouldn't jump to conclusions based on IP Address unless you yourself an an network/security expert. There are ways to hide and spoof IP addresses. I know how bulletinboard systems like vBulletin run technically, and I have hosted several web-sites/servers over the years. I know this isn't a US court of law, but maybe you should take an ideal from it. Unless you can prove without reason of doubt that fuclukid is followyourdreams, then he really shouldn't be targeted like that. And I apoligize if I'm missing some secret history/actions or what nots here. peace
  14. Stafford loans, Perkin loans? Checkout http://www.salliemae.com/.
  15. I can have Alejandro contact you if you want. PM me. peace
  16. I'm at work too, and I'll be at work all damn week except tomorrow. I don't mind though, not many people here and I can listen to mp3s and get my work done so I can take off the first week in January.
  17. Quite true, though if I was the network admin there I'd be able to tell who was on that specific computer via signing into the lab, NT login, and if I had an additional firewall or http proxy monitoring outgoing connections. Unless you're really good, there usually is a way to track you. peace
  18. Hey girl, I remember you! Great meeting you. No problem, I wasn't sure if you knew the dude or not, but he did look like he was annoying you. DT was off the hook, wish I had the energy to stay longer, defintely next time. see ya soon
  19. I'll be there with mistletoe and bells on! It'll be all about the house and breaks that night! I'll be posting in a few days in the promoter forum. peace
  20. He did indeed. I got there about 2:30 and was there til about 5:15. He had a good vibe going, having fun up in the booth with his mini-posse. It was defintely worth going to. I was looking around at people to see if they were CP peeps, but I couldn't tell. I was the guy walking around the club, dancing a bit, wore my crazy looking black pants with the beige bottoms. It was nice meeting you Aztec, chillin and hitting Vinyl. Nice meeting some other CP people at Vinyl (don't remember your names, sorry.) and hearing some DT, it had been a while, but was well worth it. Sorry I didn't say bye before breakin', I was laggin big time and headed out around 7 I think. peace
  21. Don't look like a slob, or a thug and you should be fine. Just present yourself well and it's all good. No need for slacks, shoes, collared shirt like at Saci or Eugene. The crowd is a mix of yuppies, B&T, to some raver kids (this has thinned out over the last year though). I usually where comfortable pants (dark jeans or semi-raverish -> cargo pants), sneaker shoes, and a wacky vintage shirt, t-shirt (like the one in the pic), or club shirt. I think the more important thing is honeslty having a decent ratio girls/guys. I've heard if you don't have that you might have to wait on line a bit longer. peace
  22. HELL NO, if I ever did take a dump in a club bathroom, I defintely wouldn't sit on the toilet, I'd do a mid -air squat, or at least put toilet paper on the damn seat before exposing my butt cheeks to a pissed/cracked on toilet seat.
  23. AND IT'S GOING TO BE A KICK ASS PARTY! forgot to mention that before. peace
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