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Everything posted by gqraver

  1. Go to the promoter board, you'll see I posted the party and guestlist info on there (GBH: Roger Sanchez spins all NIGHT), or click on the "CP Events" Sticky in the New York Forum above. peace
  2. I've barely met many CP people so it would be good to meet some of you tonite. Seems like a lot of people will be coming tonight at diffferent times do to prevous parties, so it might be hard to do a meetup, but . . . Here's a pic of me, if you see someone looking kinda like this, slighty more drunk with firefightish blacks pants that have beige bottoms, that's me. see you there tonite. peace
  3. RA in Luxor and c2k in venetian were pretty kick ass when I went there. RA is bigger. I wouldn't go to Rum Jungle at Rio, big place but the music wasn't that good, more of a cheeze club with tourists. Droi's (good call Cotton) is at Barbary Coast was THE after party place when I was there, a lot of strippers, hot people go there after they get off work. Its like a lounge with a bunch of rooms where everyone is dancing crazy and drinking glass bottles of Avian water, I wonder why . . .. Party starts about 4 AM and there will be a line. peace
  4. Yes, I did it, honorable mention!! I'd like to especially thank my parents for conceiving me, and everyone who's ever been nice to me!
  5. What time is Tiesto spinning? As much as I love Tiesto I don't know if I can stomach Exit tonight.
  6. Seems like a cool party but my friend wants to be able to drink, it is his birthday. thanks for the info. peace
  7. Wow no on here can recommend a good party/lounge/bar for Sunday? Come on CP folk, my faith is in you!
  8. I'm looking for a cool place to party on Sunday night for a friend's birthday. I never was a big partier on Sunday so I'm outta touch with good parties on that night. Looking for a chill place with a good DJ where we can part-ay in the city. Suggestions? Thanks. peace
  9. I'm a source of knowledge. Try "Wheels of London" on 8th Street in the village, they have plenty of platform sneakers and shoes there. Also there are about a billion shoes stores on 8th street (from 6th Avenue to Broadway), so you can't lose.
  10. I HATE THAT SONG!!!!!! If I heard DJ Scrub-I-Suck (Scribbles) mix of it one more time. . . The video is decently hot though...heh
  11. Gemini Lounge is aight. There's also La Linea, Luahn, Sugar, Ludlow Bar, Punch (Au Bar).
  12. Times have changed. Tunnel used to rock, that was my club of choice in college and I frequented it quite a bit from 95-98. It was cool because there were all these little alcoves and siderooms. I remember Webster Hall use to be hard to get into, only 21+ and shit, now I get emails that seem like they're begging for you to come to the club.
  13. Well spoken indeed! (I was the person who said middleman, heh). What I meant about incorrect info wasn't actually Centro (I know its been updated.) It was some other stuff but it seems to have been updated as well. It's all good! :D
  14. Hmm, maybe I'll stop by. What time is the Abaya party? Any special code word to get in? They are pretty strict about a good/girl entrance ratio though which sucks if you just want to chill low key in that area. I haven't been in there in about 6 weeks. And I agree, Robert's production skills are top notch. Thanks peace
  15. No problem Hope you have a great time tomorrow!
  16. If you're on my guestlist you get in for $10 before 1 AM. 21 + over w/Id. Check out the promotions forum board, you can see where to email or signup via web-site very easily. I can't talk about it anymore based on clubplanets new policy on this forum. If you have any more questions, PM me. Thanks.
  17. You might want to remove in your signature then "VINYL. CHANGING EXITHEADS INTO HUMANS WEEKEND BY WEEKEND!! " if we are going by what you said above.
  18. I agree Momadance, but technically clubplanet owns the board, pays for the board I assume, so they probably do have the right to censor what they want. I think everyone here has grown accustomed to the freedom of speech and the ability to talk, speak and promote unbiasedly here, but if you think about it clubplanet as an organization (and company) is itself a promoter, so them allowing other promoters with other lists hurts their business. Me I don't like it either, but I guess I don't have any choice really. I myself used to use clubplanet (when it was til clubnyc.com) lists a lot back in 1998/99 for guestlists, but a lot of the time their info for the parties is incorrect themselves (ironic isn't it?) peace
  19. Music baby. I avoid most clubs lately, into the smaller parties where less attitude, and more chill peeps.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's basically telling everyone here to use the clubplanet guestlists (Which I gather make money for clubplanet) so basically any sub-promoters will not make any money from people viewing the parties here. I guess clubplanet has to make money some how, but kinda rules out the impartiality of clubplanet as a message board/forum don't you think? We can still post in the Promotions Forum right? peace
  21. Usually the dress code is pretty relaxed if you look trendy and not like a slob. I posted in the promotion forum party and guestlist info.
  22. Nope, been sick for over a week, started with a sore throat. Self medicating myself with unused antibiotics that I had from my last doctors visit that I never used. Hope I get better. Feel better!
  23. even better schwarmas with the real HOT sauce there! YUM!
  24. 'The Hobbit' and I think the 'The Fellowship of the Ring' were both animated movies in the late 70's/early 80's.
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