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Everything posted by kavanaru

  1. Does anybody know where I can get that picture of the Empire State Building being rammed up Bid Laden's ass? I know somebody posted it but I can't fidn it anywhere....
  2. Thanks so much for posting those! I liked some of them so much I actually printed a few out.
  3. I thought the same thing when I went to the website. I go to Exit practically every weekend and I've never seen a "jungle room" or "blue room" but maybe it looked like that before I started going :confused:
  4. That's a really great idea .... did u come up with that yourself or are there other sites where u got the idea?
  5. Oh My God! My friend and I keep having similiar nightmares and they're all about war. I haven't had a good night sleep all week cause I keep having these horrible nightmares, but ...... at least I'm alive and safe. Right now I guess that's all that matters.
  6. It was dropped and U brought it back up so don't start crticizing me. If its so piontless why did u take the time to reply? - not to mention that there are a hell of a lot of people with relatives & friends on this message board talking about it - I've been on the phone all day & there's nothing but news on so why not talk to other people going through the same thing?
  7. I'm really touched that SO many people on this message board have been so deeply affected by this tragedy - I know that New Yorkers, and especially people within the "club scene" get stereotyped as careless and unfeeling, self-centered and self absorbed, and so on..... but almost everyone today has been so hurt and so affected by what happened to our city (even though I'm from Jersey). i think New York & all of those who love the city willl be changed forever. I know that I haven't said anything anyone else hasn't sadi already but I just wanted to say it
  8. I had a cousin & his girlfriend who worked in the WTC - i know the relief that you must have felt after you spoke to your family members - I now that I was so happy to hear from my cousin!
  9. It fuckin' pertains to me cause I had 2 cousins in the WTC today so you're pathetic comments do affect me.... and why am I a little girl? I'm 22 years old...How the hell old r u? At least I'm old enough to express myself clearly unlike you who is obviously not mature enough to stop thinking about yourself on a day like this. I'm not "picking a fight" with you, I was just horrified by your comments and if that's immature then all of the other people angered by your comments are just "little" kids too.
  10. If u r trying to just "make friends" then you should be clearer about what you're talking about cause rereading your post, nothing in it sounds sympathetic or caring, just plain ignorant. All it sounds like is that you're bitching cause you don't get to go home. I don't think any of us "misunderstood" you!
  11. I hope after today I never hear anybody bitch about how much it sucks to live in Jersey...... I feel a little guilty for it but I'm thanking God today that I live & go to school in Jersey and not in NYC.
  12. I hope your friend is going to be safe ... but I completely agree with you. People just need to stop arguing and thank God that they're alive! I'm totally shocked by some of the things I'm reading on this meassge board
  13. If anybody was listening to Howard this morning one woman was telling him that people were attacking Arab cab drivers by punching their cab's windshields, screaming things at them, and so on and so on.
  14. I'm glad I'm not the only one offended by her comments!
  15. I don't know you but that is one of the most selfish, self-centered, & ignorant things I've heard today!! What the f**k is wrong with you? Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives and you're upset cause you're still working????
  16. My boyfriend was in a hot body contest at the Sand Bar in Jersey with Beetlejuice. Everybody in the crowd was cheering for beetlejuice just cause he's such a freak and my boyfriend had no clue who he was till after the contest was over. He thought that he was just some drunk retarded midget trying to win the hot body contest!
  17. Why would you even want to know something like that?
  18. It's funny that you're talking about that cause I like in Ramsey and Rosie's niece or something goes to my old grammar school. She showed up at some little play one year and acted like she was god damn royalty, or so I've been told.
  19. Yeah, I'll try to behave! I heard about the Terrace party. Sounds sweet. Have a good night!
  20. Yeah, I used to go when I was a freshman in college Saturday nights with a corny fake id but showing lots of skin so Paris was pretty reasonable by letting me in. I'm kind excited cause it's just been too long since I've been there but your description sounds pretty good to me. I guess I'm more of an Exit head but I'm pretty sure I;ll have a good night! Will u be there?
  21. I know I'll probably get slammed for this question..... but I haven't hit S.F. in about 3 years and I'm just curious about what the crowd is like now? Trendy, raver, mix? I'm kinda wondering if a lot of the Exit regulars are going to Factory now too?
  22. I'm sorry but that's such a B.S. excuse! It is not in their nature because they can control it and not all men act like pigs. Unfortunately, most do but don't excuse asshole behavior by saying it's just in their nature.
  23. are u looking to rent or buy? My friends mom is selling a 3 bedroom condo in Hsckensack for pretty cheap.
  24. Well, it's good that you're strong enough not to do that.
  25. DON'T GO BACK TO THE EX ESPECIALLY JUST FOR SEX!!! I'm sure that you're better than that and worth more than that! I hate it when guys treat girls like that, it's so f**ked up. But I guess it's your decision to make...
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