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Everything posted by lecy337

  1. Is he really????!!!1 I love Him! manI 'm not sure if I can make it......DAMN......! ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  2. lecy337

    hi *shy smile*

    Hey Brandie... the same guy wrote me! " Alan begood" and he signed it Alex.. yeah.. he sent me a pic. ! What a ... well I can't be mean.. I think I deleted it.. If I didnt I'll send it to you.. you'll die! EWWWWW what does he think we are.. He better get a clue! I guess he dosent know how Picky we are...! thats so crazy.. the he email you.. ewwww....lol POX... save me...( good for brownie points) Damn I miss SAINT!!! PS. Brandie that was the funniest shyt I read in a while.. from now on you're my agent! ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com [This message has been edited by lecy337 (edited 06-28-2000).]
  3. Sorry bradie.. I was promoting.....hee hee ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  5. lecy337

    hi *shy smile*

    Man I missed you girl.. but you havent really missed anything... not at all. So when do you think we should approach Clubmaster about out proposal? You know Having this forum named after us.. or at least let us Monitour the posts... WEll, I need to send out my resume... SO for any Hot guys.. full of energy want to help release some of my stress... please check w/ my sister Brandie first.. she is now accepting applications... Ok Brandie.. I'll email you.. ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  6. See... drugs are bad.... I'll give you all the XTC you need.. and it's all natural...100% pure......SOund good? ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  7. ha ha ha.... ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  8. lecy337

    song id

    I think the "falling in Love" is by Omga it goes " i'm falling in love.. falling in love with you " My friend act produced that.. if thats the one you mean. the other one is "Ompa Lopa" ,JP ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  9. Tranza.. email me.. I'll give you my number so we can meet up.. my weekend plans are up in the air.. but I really would love to go.. SO email me!!! ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  10. thats a shame.... ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  11. you're funny.........Girth is good... REal GOOD !!!! ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  12. are you advertising......... ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  13. Io cant confirm it .. but man I loved that song..." don't you hear me calling you Miss Honey...." If it's true may he RIP. ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  14. Tranza... what time R U going? ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  15. Miss you sugar! got your message... I'll try to get intouch with you ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  16. LMAO.... it must be lack of sleep... HAHA.. ok once again.. I'm not sure of the time.. I'll have to figure it out...If I do I'll beep you... or post it.. If I'm near a computer...lol ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  17. I wanted to be there sooooooo bad... but i had to rest up... but i could only imagine how great he was.. =o) ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  18. oh man that stinks!! thats ok.. I dont like going by my self.. so not sure If I'm going.. Did I say sat. ? It the @nd.. is that Sun. ?.. oh yeah it's Sunday... ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  19. I think it's in the afternoon.. but I'm also going in Aug. I gotta find out the time again.. I forgot.. I just rememberewd it was sat.. =o) ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  20. July 2nd.... who's going? ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  21. Hey Greg, Just wanted to say I had a great time.. and it was nice meeting you... I may or may not go to PVD.. either way keep in touch and emil me... lecy337@hotmail.com ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  22. Fri. was really good.. DT was not joking around....at all Hey Steve I act. talked to Judy.. she was pretty cool.. I was talking w/ her on my way out. Crossy... you are the man... sorry we didn't get to dance to much ... ( w/ each other) but Def. had a great time.. must do it again. Abstract..nice to meet you! And Greg...... you are a trouper..... It was nice meeting you as well. Over all it was a great night, Dt was on point... I would've stayed longer but my knee was really killing me ... till next time....... " It's gonna be a lovley day.. for you and me just wait and see , It's gonna be a lovley day for you and me....." ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  23. Hey Cross! What's up?! hey thanks again for the CD... I had fun on FRi., sorry I didn't get a chance to say bnye.. my knee was killing me... Hey Ocngrats on you 69.... ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  24. POX what's the problem here? ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
  25. thanks for the love... I need your emails.. and I'll send you a resume... this bites big time.. I was Customer Service.. but I helped form the CS tesm.. it's not what I want to do.. but It's a job.. I wouldn't mind working at a help desk.. I'm good w/ computers... willing to learn anything ( fast learner) very effecient... I needed the job so I could go back to school...Any how.. If you guys do have any suggestions I can get.. Thanks..again I was thinking I could open a club... ( j/k) ------------------ "lets dance , lets shout.. shake your body down to the ground..." lecy337@hotmail.com
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