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Everything posted by LaInDiA80

  1. LaInDiA80


    What hotels do you all go to when you need a few hours for a quick refresher :-) I know the Liberty Inn in Manhattan has one pretty decent price, any other
  2. NONONO! the best search (sarcasticly) was when i went friday. I asked the lady if she wanted me to empty my pockets she said No and shut up, THEN she proceeded to MOLEST ME LOL! I'm exagerating, but me and my grl just got our privates rubbed and nothing else. I dont know what she was looking for, but at the rate she was going I could have had a gun stappled to my face and she wouldn't care. I don't know man
  3. LaInDiA80

    Cheap Hotels

    Ok so I need to find me a few good hourly rate hotels, so I can get my freak on. Preferably in manhattan or close to it I'm not feeling having to travel to far. Any ideas folks? Thanx
  4. I'm feeling this for sure. Dominican and Colombian. Now tell me mi gente where are the latino parties at?
  5. What the hell was up with Exit last nite? Mind you I have not been there since it became Exit. They did a TERRIFIC job renovating, but that is ABOUT IT! The people are RUDE ANIMALS. They bump you real hard each time you pass by. I remember my Carbon days, (which no one liked the club) but one thing was for sure, the people there had MANNERS. What is up with that? Is it always like that or I just went on a super shitty day? Oh yeah and if anyone was there that happened to have to wait 1 hour for their coat check...now how do you like that service? Or the fact that we were getting squashed and almost could have had a big suffocation accident by the staircases cause there was soo many people and not that much room. I doubt I'll go again. It wasn't worth it. And to all you Sound Factory people, during my "wonderful" wait on line to pick up my coat, a few people that had finally finished the horrible ordeal yelled real loud "SOUND FACTORY SOUND FACTORY." I figure they knew were the real SAFE and FUN party was at. Yo everyone hit me back with your feelings, I want to know if I am the only one or what. -Exit
  6. Although not all of them are that way but I must say unfortunately the majority seems to be acting that way! Thank goodness things are more modernized! I don't deal with real people when I don't have too. Buy online, go on the comps at the trainstations and in movie theaters, makes life SOO MUCH EASIER. Look into that -Elsa
  7. I know most of the board members are mainly into SF, Twilo and Exit but I was wondering if anyone had any info, besides what ClubNYC has on the above clubs or any latin themed clubs? Thanx -Elsa
  8. Hey, you can still enjoy the music without the drugs. I know I can. Proud to say never had to use drugs to enjoy myself -Elsa
  9. Been to Exit not to Sound Factory but just with Exit I can say that I doubt sound factory is that bad. Exit was horrible last nite. Couldn't dance on the main floor anyways cause I was getting pushed left and right. Unfourtunately an unpleasent experience -Elsa
  10. Not only is it super hot two people were passing out! And One guy was taken out unconscious. Spooky shit. -Elsa
  11. Oh my god! i just found out that there is going to be a freestyle reunion in Exit on May 28, I wanna go but im 20 its 21 and over but you can buy the tickets in ticketmaster, what are the odds of me getting in, and can anyoneeeeee help me pleaseeeeeee
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