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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by oasis

  1. dude why do you have that pic in yer sig, all these pics are annoying i would come here to read posts not look @ the car you wish you had.... geeese, and even if you had it i don't wana see it either. if i wanted to see yer car i would come to yer driveway
  2. buddha what the hell type of pic is that to have in yer post thats horrible
  3. i think i am gonna go to splash tonite... its soooo much better on friday then SandBar, the crowd @ sandbar sucks compared to the crowd @ splash.. what do you guys think??? brian1500 told me he is going to splash instead of sandbar
  5. actually there is some guy who opened a club in long island i think. he called it twilo with the cheesiest no name DJ's his aol name is "speedebumpnyc" torture him. lol he even used the same logo
  6. wow now thats a site lol. if you are out there scarpini drop a post
  7. well said saint,,,,,,, good to hear from you on this board.
  8. LOL i believe i did remember his name, o think i said "scarpini" a bad memory wouldn't make me new school. anyway luigi scarpini was new school himself. this an old board.
  9. that was def the only song that was good @ exit and could be known as an exit song, no matter how cheesy that song is and how cheesy exit is when it came on and the lights came on full blast and and the snow came down it was like being on another planet.
  10. i think it was scarpini or something like that.. always posting about camel toe?
  11. LOL LOL , actually no it does not ring a bell, and i never remember getting made fun of, but nice try though, and i believe that you have proven that you are one of the ones that ruined this board by causing un necessary drama, like your above post. get a life
  12. dude you registered april 2000 seriously you are one of the new people that F'ed this board up.. this board was the shit when it was in black and red with absolutley not one graphic just plain posts no sponcers, it was like some underground shit with a group of people all here for the same reason, THE CLUBS. and everyone went out and ran back here to post about there night and it was great, the board now is GARBAGE!
  13. for a guy if you can get that sucker up while rolling its something special, amazing, just good luck getting any blood down there
  14. had em friday they are seriously one of the best pills i have had in years, amazing. def get em. pretty sure they are brand new, search every for a review and couldn't find one so i just took it, def amazing
  15. oh yea sports guys are ok sometimes, but only listen to em when howard goes to break
  16. oh i totally agree about don and mike they are so TERRIBLE all they do is toot there own horn on how great they are b/c they don't play records and how hi above they are of z100, I HATE THEM.... they think they are never wrong and when they are all they do is say "deush bag" the show is HORRIBLE!!!!!! i also wasn't a big fan of radio chick, they just tried way to hard and were border line corny sometimes. but glad to see there are alot of people into talk radio... for anyone who is in the dark these shows are on 102.7fm don N mike 11 - 3 O & A 3 - 7 Ron N Fezz 7 - 11 check em out
  17. actually i like r&f much better then o&a sometimes.. o&a is more in your face, as they say "cringe radio" r&f is more layed back just fun guys hanging out with tons of f'ing fun catch fraises, a lot of dry humour on r&f, its not as in the open as o&a as for the time switch, it worked perfect for me, all summer i listned during the day now i am back @ skool so every night i listed to them instead of watching tv. except for thurs i watch survivor
  18. anyone else on this board into ron and fezz? i love that show
  19. is it 21 or 18?? i heard it might be 21? let me know Oasis9389@aol.com
  20. Go to Factory contact me for guestllst Oasis9389@aol.com
  21. new flash all the dj's listed above are sell outs and just as commercial as "tony gay draper"
  22. i am backing up denny, i think he is a lil ktuish but some people like that, but he is certainly not a bad mixer, he can have 5 songs going at once and have the crowd going nuts, and i also believe he has good track selection for the his crowd... i will most likely be @ SF for denny,
  23. i am backing up denny, i think he is a lil ktuish but some people like that, but he is certainly not a bad mixer, he can have 5 songs going at once and have the crowd going nuts, and i also believe he has good track selection for the his crowd... i will most likely be @ SF for denny,
  24. i read in a post below about the a bad batch of pills and people dieing @ exit and a house party, and the one girl can't speak.. anyone know what the deal is, what kind?
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