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Everything posted by djchris

  1. I agree with PEP. ------------------ It's all in the music
  2. Dave.H/Toxic, I was with the guy who designed Spa(as always ). It's his B-day today I should do a post. Chris ------------------ It's all in the music
  3. Nice I DJ'd a shit load of them for a favor for some friends. I guess it's where your from. In Jersey it was Coke&Pepsi and Long Island It was Cola&Pepsi. 7 UP = Freeze ------------------ It's all in the music
  4. If this is Johnny - Way To Go - The post does seem like Johnny V. I worked one night with JV 5 or 6 years ago and he was cool as hell then. He hooked me up with tracks from his label that I still have. I've seen him at Exit for the last KTU show and went into the booth to re-introduce myself to him. He was cool as hell and I told him about the night we worked together and the motherfucker remembered. He mentioned an incedent that happened that night. He told the manager of the place to go fuck herself. If this is JV I will come again to check you out. ------------------ It's all in the music
  5. Steve from Life runs the Door at Spa? I met him on a Saturday night. He seemed really nice. I don't know if it was because who I was with, but he went out of his way to introduce himself to me. That was pretty cool. ------------------ It's all in the music
  6. Steve, I'll check with my realtor - If I don't close Thursday I'm there. Chris ------------------ It's all in the music
  7. I went Memorial Day Weekend. South Beach - FUCKING SUCKS - The only good thing was the DJ's from up here were down there that weekend. It's blown up to be the bomb and it isn't. ------------------ It's all in the music
  8. Liquid is cool, Warsaw was good (JP was there), Salvation was real good. LEVEL = Sucks If you don't know anybody you wait for 2 hours and the music sucked. ------------------ It's all in the music
  9. My older brother used to tell me this - If you ever have a problem and someone wants to kick your ass - You come too me and I'll kick your ass. ------------------ It's all in the music
  10. Waaaddduuppp! Enjoy the ride. ------------------ It's all in the music
  11. I don't want too cause Drama but, It's the USA Speak English. MissKittie this is called reversed racism. You are uncomfortable not knowing what they are saying (That's Reversed). On the other hand they see it as you being racist around their culture. I have no problem with other races what so ever there are 2 sides to every story. ------------------ It's all in the music
  12. What's up Super Mac? It's been all summer and we still haven't met up. I got your number's. ------------------ It's all in the music
  13. Do a BUMP Call your Dr, and get a prescription for pain. LOL ------------------ It's all in the music
  14. It's Steve's (from RIP) B-Day today. I don't know why he won't give be the name of the place - that Fuck - He's always on a fucking mission. ------------------ It's all in the music
  15. Yeah!! Bar's, Clubs, Resturant's, some big stores too I think. He is the fucking man and the best guy I know. And doesn't flaunt it (you would never know). ------------------ It's all in the music
  16. I'm going to a party tonite - I don't know where yet. It's gonna have Playboy or Porno people there. It is an after party too. I wasn't told the place, just be at my friends place at 6:00pm. ------------------ It's all in the music
  17. Waaddduupp!!! ------------------ It's all in the music
  18. I just replied back!!! ------------------ It's all in the music
  19. I'm TriSexual - I'll try a dog, cat, tree, bus, doorknob. 100% Staight ------------------ It's all in the music
  20. Wonder Twin Powers Masterbate. One forms a Hand the Other forms a Dick. We'd all watch then. ------------------ It's all in the music
  21. You are the BEST. Thank You!!!! She'll be happy. ------------------ It's all in the music
  22. Stacker, Diet Fuel, or Thermadraine. ------------------ It's all in the music
  23. Holy Shit I used to say that everytime my mother told me to do something. Fucking Nice ------------------ It's all in the music
  24. Your PowerPuff address. Is that from the web site? I know it's for girls (I think). I want to get my daughter a PowerPuff girl address. Please let me know the link. Thanks Chris djchriscap@yahoo.com ------------------ It's all in the music
  25. How about when Grease, Jaws, HBO, first came out. ------------------ It's all in the music
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