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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. lolol i knowwwww its just the thought.. lol
  2. ohhhhhhhh :jumps up and down: its meeeeeeeee memememememememememe :rolleyes:
  3. click the link.. there are tons of pix on my web page :-P
  4. aww its nice to see someone else had a good time at exit... i went at like 4pm on thursday afternoon.. i went in got drunk, found some pills and i was out of control... we had a booth on the second floor we were all chillin at, by the bathrooms but i wasnt sitting down.. dancing all over... chanting "bigdick bigdick" as hot guys walked past (it was histerical to see their faces).... oh not to mention the people i dry humped as they past.. (it might not have been funny to them but my friends and i thought it was histerical..) I cant wait till his bday partyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
  5. ur prob right.. but lets not point out the obvious..
  6. depends on the amt of the donation.. lol
  7. lol its ok... im sure he'll hate on me when i get big fake tittys too.... "omg look those are some big fake tits" "no shit asshole i take off my bra they are a dd and they dont sag" ooh i cant wait to get them.. anyone wanna make a bimbo breast augmentation donation?
  8. yeah who would have ever guessed since i have dark ass eyebrows and like half inch roots in half the pix.. OMG ITS FAKE? fuck being real.. i pay good money for my salon dye job!
  9. i only wanna do it though if im promised i can ride the cock while the other girl rides the face so i can play with her tits while riding.. yay
  10. oooooooh threesome yummmmm
  11. mwah im good how are u??? and actually, i saw proof.... he got his tubes tied!
  12. awwww thankyou darling
  13. thankyou people u are all 2 nice :-D my ass is on the other post thats a sticky lmfao.. lol
  14. awwwwwwww thankyou! :D
  15. yes those are my lips.. along with these
  16. sooooooooooo..... I got proof today.... turns out he did get it done.. i saw medical records.... ooh and i swallowed.. but it kinda made me sick cause at first i was like hmm he tastes pretty good... then i was like wait wtf is cum made out of if there are no spermies in there?
  17. what i dont get is ur saying u just got out of a long relationship... but.. you have been with the stripper for 8 monthes?
  18. wow self absorbed lately? let the girl go.... its totally not fair. put yourself in her shoes, try to empathize.... you know whats even more fucked up, you said you take her out once a week... you prob call her every day or every other day, introduce her to ur friends, and are prob having un protected sex with her.. so why wouldnt she grow attached...... you should be so proud that you have broken a 'stripper's or a 'hotgirls' heart.. i'd still like to know why that mattered in the story, are you trying to justify you hurting her or make it ok? I think you musta really been kicked hard in the balls by a stripper in the past....
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