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Everything posted by harddtime

  1. well at least monday and tuesday look good if you wanna be optimistic
  2. harddtime


    like everyone said, same exact chemical, as far as mixing it with alchohol,not a good idea, much better to use it coming off uppers. U can def build a tolerance to them quick, on 1mg now still can';t fall asleep. One of my boyz takes like 3 2mgs at once and walk around like no big deal.
  3. they switched for the whole summer? WTF? i thought it might have been a one day thing or somethig...oh well, it's 15 a weekend, no big deal.
  4. sure am, i'll prob be on the same shuttle as dan, if not i'll drive. Tough week, here...i'll def be going all out this weekend.
  5. djais for now, only because my house is 2 blocks away though and noone has to drive, as far as sloppy drunks...i'm starting to like to lay off the drugs at least one or two days a week and do the normal get drunk thing. DJais happy hour till 9, sleep for 6 hours get up, get ready and go to factory worked well a few weeks ago. I got retartedly drunk and and then got to spend my sunday morning with gina without mixing the two, too much fun in a 24 hour span. I've never really went to surf after getting a good night sleep yet either, always straight from factory w/ no sleep, so that might cloud my decision.
  6. wait........if it's a FAKE id don't bother, if it's a dupe with someone else's info you can try, but get another pic backup, govt issued.
  7. djais is rought, they wanted drivers and a county, too bad jersey's not issuing county ID anymore, not at least middlesex county, see if you can get another license.
  8. dan if he finally gets his car on the road he'll def be going, even if not i'd be willing to drive as long as you take care of me if i go down again. The week before last i got too drunk at happy hour woke up when everyone was coming home, had to troop it out to factory myself.
  9. like i said, hang out with my crew one weekend, i'll make vito's shit look like gerbers baby food formula
  10. it was fucking great for the 45 min i was there untill my boy started going down, had to carry his ass out, no big deal though it was kinda of amusing watch my friend try walk around the parking lot like a retarted before i finally got him in the car.
  11. thats always a good look, gotta love the 4 hour g naps
  12. u should hang out with my crew, i'll make "vito shit" look like baby formula bro.
  13. running out of G bro? thats a sin
  14. HOSPITAL room? get some friends to take you to a car and sleep that shit off, or just have them stuff some adderall in your mouth. and as for buying crates, if he's buying "crates" off some dude named vito he's OBVIOUSLY paying wayy too much and not too itelligent anyways.
  15. it def gives some anxiety too
  16. bro, that was def an impressive story, very enjoyable read.
  17. www.geocities.com/clenmeup
  18. not trying to be a dick here, but IMO life is not a spectator sport, i couldn't give a fuck less who wins or loses anything unless i got money on it. How can you really give a fuck about some team? they don't give a fuck about u, go do something and root for yourself.
  19. it's all the same once i'm fuct up, it just sucks catching a cold running around in the rain.
  20. hey whats the deal with those wildlife wednseday cards? in the winter it was free admission, few weeks ago all i got was 2 bucks off cause some slut that sucks dick for a living was there and u guys called it a special event? is tomm a special event too? is this whole summer all special events?
  21. from what i remember.....sick time during happy hours fri and sat
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