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Everything posted by harddtime

  1. nautica, i meant two years lifting straight, not lifting on and off like some people do and consider it lifting for 2 years.
  2. i always eat before lifting, if your working out to lose weight cardio empty stomach is the best. Just think of it like this.....if your working out out after eating, ur working on burning whats in your stomach, if your working out on an empty stomach in a fasted state your depleting your glycogen and starting to burn the fat much faster. Also don't eat for about an hour after working since your metabolism is speeded up, then once it slows down and goes back to normal you can have a healthy breakfast. Also, it's best to to wind sprints to get that fat off.
  3. baby food was obviously an exaggeration, however so what that it's 17aa? I'd like to see one good study that shows oxandrolone to cause liver damage. In the mean time here's a study shown to actually IMPROVE liver function but in any case, blood work should be done before, throughout and after each cycle, or any kind of long term drug supplementation. Tylenol can be bad for your liver, so can many other things...so if your doing drugs, get blood work done. here's a study posted 05-07-2002 11:55 AM Bonkovsky HL, Fiellin DA, Smith GS, Slaker DP, Simon D, Galambos JT Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. The present studies were designed to provide careful measures of effects of oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, intravenous nutritional supplementation, and the combination of these two treatments on liver functions, metabolic balances, nitrogen metabolism, and nutritional status in patients with moderate to severe alcoholic hepatitis. Of 43 patients originally recruited, 39 (19 men, 20 women) with typical clinical and laboratory features of alcoholic hepatitis (11 Child's-Pugh class B; 28 class C) were admitted to a metabolic unit and completed a 35-day three-phase protocol. Phase I was a 10-day baseline period of observation, during which routine and special quantitative tests of liver function (galactose and antipyrine metabolism), a 7-day elemental balance study, and a 15N, 13C-leucine metabolism study were done. Phase II was a 21-day treatment period during which patients were randomly assigned to receive one of four regimens: 1) standard therapy, consisting of abstinence, a balanced, nutritionally adequate diet, and multivitamins; 2) oxandrolone (20 mg orally four times a day) plus standard therapy; 3) nutritional supplementation, consisting of 2 L daily of 3.5% crystalline amino acids (in 5% dextrose), given by peripheral vein; or 4) a combination of oxandrolone and nutritional supplementation, along with standard therapy. Metabolic balances were repeated during phase II. Phase III was 2 or 3 days posttreatment, during which special studies of liver functions and volumes and leucine metabolism were repeated. All patients who completed phase I of study and were randomly allocated to one of the four treatment groups completed the subsequent two phases. Overall, with time, patients showed highly significant improvements in most clinical and laboratory features. For most standard laboratory tests (e.g., serum albumin, transferrin, prothrombin time) improvements were more marked in patients treated with nutritional supplementation and/or oxandrolone than in those given standard therapy alone. Liver volumes fell in all treatment groups, with greater improvement in those treated with nutritional supplementation. Improvements in galactose and antipyrine metabolism rates were significant only in those treated with nutritional supplementation or oxandrolone. Effects of treatments on metabolic balances, nitrogen metabolism, and measures of nutrition are described in this issue in a companion paper. We conclude that the addition of nutritional supplementation and oxandrolone to standard therapy of moderately severe or severe alcoholic hepatitis is well tolerated, and leads to more rapid improvement in the laboratory parameters measured.
  4. key: cardio am, on an EMPTY stomach
  5. i don't agree with the too young thing, but i'm biased here, however you do need to work out for a while before you start, 4 months is not even close, however solid 2 years is good enough IMO. Thats 2 years on, not on and off....only reason i think this is if you don't you wont keep shit, u'll be too depressed to work out when your not on, that drive won't be there if you get too used to having it from juice.
  6. i agree with the optimum nutrition from dpsnutrition.com, strawbery is more of my flavor though, mixes easiest out of anything i've tried, mixes easily with a spoon
  7. try yohimburn on your face, before cardio am on the empty stomach....it helped get rid of my fat face that i got from doing test last year, and will help me get rid of the one i'll get this winter.
  8. i like the ones that come in the 1 Gallon containers that you throw a bit of lemon juice into
  9. i've done it, safe as baby food. Problem is it's soo expensive, often faked and often underdosed.
  10. thank god they're over, i felt like if i took another addeall i'd die....can't stand school..by the end of the week i was up to 100mg of adderall a day, now thats whats called NOT healthy.
  11. agree, but def not the 2mg bars, way too much. I enjoy .5mg and a little alchol, it def rates up there with e and k.
  12. a wise man once said "If it bothers you stop. if you won't you're weakminded. If you can't, your addicted"-fs
  13. can't stand weed, not my type of high anymore.
  14. http://www.drnadler.com/ might be a little expensive
  15. guess my boy got lucky, the bouncer just made him dump out his bottle, and he was pissed about that. Went the whole night with out coming close to Ging out, my friends were soo proud. Def too packed though, i usually have a much better time when i can actually move around.
  16. what type of slin u doing? Humalog or the R Type?
  17. okay la ittle lie, it was more then just test but in either case i never got to the point of needing slin.....BTG Anavar......thats the shiit, hot yes?
  18. whatever works for you, i haven't messed around with slin yet, i felt too big off test alone, hated being 200lbs, coudln't even scratch my fucking back. Had to rub against corners of walls.
  19. never done slin but had to look it up... "When to take insulin: As a beginner you should start buy just taking it after working out. Start with 4 units and work up from there. Once you reach 10 units after working out try throwing in another 10 units when you wake up in the morning. " So yea, the before you work out insulin, not a good idea even though i know u were kidding
  20. 10ius in regular intervals? thats a lotta iu's a day
  21. yea they did, whatever, i'm over it
  22. i'll tell you this.......i was having a LOTTA fun before i went down, prob most fun i've had there ever. It's a good thing i got kidz lookin out for me.
  23. 20 cigarets? my roommate tried putting meth up my nose and it didn't get me up....i was fucking OUT! Hey, we all go down sometime.....it was a new batch, brandon kept telling me it was weak, i proved his ass wrong
  24. i might be wrong.......but i think your supposed to take insulin after the gym....
  25. but it's just SOOOOOOooooo much more fun not to be
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