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Everything posted by housedog

  1. No you cant post after yourself. I think tthe higest was up in the 100's Yes this post is still going, it sucks people come by and ruin it just cause they can.
  2. Hersey Plain 100 Grand Snickers Whatchamacallit
  3. I went to look at my account on line, and the someone at the bank deposited $22,000 in to my account. I already called the bank. There was no way I could of kept it, somebody would look for that sooner than later. But the first time I looked I was like I am kicking myself, cause I got that what if, going thru my head.
  4. Yes it is me Do I know you? That is Anthony, he still lives there? I am sorry to hear about your dog.
  5. I have been in a lot I have totaled 6 cars and been in many other mishaps. The worst thing that happen to me is I hit a tree when I was driving a pizza delivery truck and bent over to pick up a tape. I looked up and I hit a tree head on. My head hit the windshield and I chipped a bone in my ankle. I went the the hospital and hte put a cast on my ankle. I am about to leave and the docotr goes we put the wrong cast on Two days later I go to my doctor he does surgey and now I have 3 pins in my ankle. this happened when I was 18 The worst thing that ever happened to me was I fell asleep driving. I was driving a delivery van (differrent company) When I woke up I was up the curb. The mirror hit a man in the back of the head. He was waiting for the bus and wasnt looking at the street. On top of that his house is 2 houses away from the bus stop and his wife is right there. It was some pretty scary shit, to see what kind of damage you can do to a person. This happened at 23 The funniest (not really) but at 19 it was. I got new brakes on my car, so I am driving with a friend and we are coming up to a light. I was look I just got new brakes and drive up on the last car. Well I stepped on the brakes late and hit the car. I hope by writing about accidents I dont get in one.
  6. YO, you are hit why would you let them do that? Did you get anything out of it? I am just wondering what you get out of it? Cause with all the editing they do today, they only show the bad side of people. The girl in the "I'm a clubber" she sniffs K off the floor. Who would do that. And before you jump on me about it, IF you did K and you know what happens when you do it. So what did you get?
  7. Yea right, I know this guy who I grew up with and his nickname is Peanut. He is from Jersey and is around here somewhere. I seen hime last like 4 years ago, he grew up in Nutley.
  8. Remember word of mouth it was the best thing. I remeber when they use to have word of mouth parties. I called a voice mail and they gave a location. Ypu gp there and pay for your ticket. They tell you where to go (Which happened to be The Bank on Houston St.) Turned out to be a good party, but I would be dammed if you asked me who DJed.
  9. Ok you must be some one who works at Avalon? Any way he did talk abot her DJ'in reread his post and then reply. All you are looking to do is start trouble
  10. This shit is very amusing Can I add my $0.02 here? First this should be moved to drama cause thats all it is. Second who the fuck cares where you are, is being from SI suppose to make you tough? You really need to learn how to write. Then you need to realize this is a MSG board it is hear for our amusement. By you getting upset and threating people and calling people names it looks like you are a pussy. Here are some quotes for you to live by. "It is not where your from it is where your at." Rakim and you think your tough, but don't you know "That bad boys move in silence" and if you have nothing nice to say dont say it. Why start drama over this petty shit. It looks like you had a crush on this girl and you got mad cause she wasnt feeling you the same way. GET OVER IT, you joined the board to get even with her, you sound like the fuckin little boy. GROW UP
  11. Your dog is very cute with the clothes on. It also does look like the taco bell dog. Good luck with it
  12. True That after tryin everyway possible to get out of debt. I am in the process of declaring bankruptcy. I t sucks but I will feel like the biggest weight on my shoulders will be gone I wish I could stop the CC people from caling me, they are VERY persistent. My advice to you all, is DO NOT CHARGE what you can't pay back. Shit when I was payin my bills I would get paid$725 a week and paying out in bills $695 and I was doing a little over minimum. SO I think I am doing the right thing.
  13. That is too funny, but I do feel your pain. Was it rolled already?
  14. Look everyone K Smooth joined the board. J/K
  15. When you get a blunt and it breaks. And you got to go to the store for a new one. DAMM THIS SUCKS
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