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Everything posted by robbiecastanos

  1. I kinda have to disagree with you on one thing smile, just cause a crowd is all good looking doesnt mean the vibe will be great, yeah, its one thing to keep really sloppy looking people out, but another to adopt a velvet rope policy, In fact I think a velvet rope policy will make it more commercialised. One of the main reasons I liked Twilo is the fact that I didnt have to get all fancy like some other NYC clubs, I could just go and dance in what I felt was comfortable. Some of the best nights I've had was at relaxed clubs with pumping music, at the same time some of the deadest clubs in my opinion have been the ones with the so called "model crowd". I've never tried e, just not my thing, and I'm almost always sober cause I go clubbing only for the music, what other people do is up to them. At the same time you are right, Twilo's is begining to get a crowd that goes just for the claim, not for the music, which is sad. I was also pissed when they raised S+D to $35 (a $10 hike in just 3 months!!!), thats cause soooooo many people are on Twilo's nutsack, from reporters at Time and New York Magazine saying "TWILO is the SUPERCLUB at the moment" to all these kids worshipping S+D like they were God or something instead of two really awsome DJ's, of course media and public hype like this is going to bring notice for a druggy crowd and a commercial crowd who go just to claim "I went to Twilo!" . Just my opinion.
  2. I've done it only a couple of times, though I wish I had the courage to go alone more often cause the two time I did go to a club by myself I met cool new people once inside. Even though I usually go with friends to a club, I generally like to wander around or dance alone, its easier to meet new faces and I find it to be an overall better clubbing experience.
  3. The New York scene is very, very different to the Sydney scene, I was in Australia for a year and went clubbing in Perth and Melbourne, so I'm not sure if Sydneys clubs are the same. One thing is this, New York clubs aren't all decorated in the pleasure palace style the Aussie clubs try to do, also, here there is more of an emphasis on underground trance (Sasha+Digweed, Tenaglia, etc.), not the Wild FM happy hardcore that I used to hear in most Aussie clubs. Also in NYC there is less emphasis on euro house anthems and euro trance anthems than oz, except nights Paul Van Dyk is at Twilo. When I was in Perth Renaissance and Gategrasher and MOS came through, but that really doesnt happen in NY, Euro club tours like that, except perfecto. Your best bet is to check out a Twilo on nights that Sasha and Digweed, Sandra Collins, Paul Van Dyk and Carl Cox are in town, I personally prefer the music from New York's clubs far better than Australia's, though I have to admit the actual club spaces of Australias clubs are much nicer. Twilo is unmatched in terms of vibe and music, but coming from Aussie clubs you might be disapointed by the space itself, its large, actually huge, but not as plush and hooked up in terms of lighting and setup that I experienced in Australian clubs, Twilo's space is actually kinda dingy and it gets really crowded, but the sound system, resident DJ'S and Guest DJ's are AMAZING and worth it. Also, unlike Perth and some parts of Melbourne, you actually have to pay to get into NYC clubs, between $10-$35 US (about $17-$50 AU) its not free like many of the Australias clubs I went to in Perth, though I heard almost all clubs in Sydney charge and the no cover policy was a perth thing. I remember in Oz there were a good number clubs that had huge videos that would play the minds eye series while the music played, and lasers would shoot through see through screens making patterns and sometimes cartoons on them, the only time I see stuff like that in NY is for special occasions. Like I said though, nothing can touch the musical talent and residents NYC clubs have. Your best bet is to check out Twilo Fridays, Centrofly, and Vinyl fridays. In terms of music stores, satellite records and other music near soho is usually what I hit, we really dont have anything like a central station records here. Damn this is long. Hope this helps or gives you a hint of the NYC club scene.
  4. Gettin it off Napster now, THANKS sooooo much tgoodnight!!! I've been searchin for that song since my freshmen year, YOU ROCK!!!!
  5. Definitely go again, When I first went to see Sasha + Digweed I was left a little disapointed too, I expected to hear at least some tracks from their compilations and recorded sets, and at first the music sounded a little too hard compared to what I thought their style was, I was like "I thought these guys played trance". You're right, Twilo does get mega crowded and sometimes all the hype that surrounds it can leave you expecting more from the place, but go there again, this time really late, like 5 or something and things start to really go off!!! Even the best DJ's can have one disapointing night, give em another chance.
  6. To anyone who was able to go to the free quick set that Sasha and Digweed did at Virgin on Union square yesterday, looking for the name of the second or third to last song they played before they had to cut the set short due to the amp giving in, it was one of the last songs to really go off before they started signing CD's!! The background has a voice thats kinda jarbled saying something like "I'm Invisible" over and over in the beginning of the track, I know its like 3 years old cause I've heard other DJ's play it in the past, but the way Sasha remixed it, it was awsome. Anyone know the track?!?!!?
  7. He'll be at Roseland on west 52nd street on July 13th from 10pm-4am, he's playing with sandra collins, its a 21 w/ id event, you can buy tix through ticketmaster or other music. Its going to be an awsome show, trying to get people together to go, too bad it happens on a thursday instead of a friday night.hope this helps.
  8. Pretty sure its from Walden or Civil Disobedience from Henry David Thoreau (oh know, nerdiness in the house). I'm an English major at college (yeah, I know, pathetic) so I remembered that quote, thats also one of my favorite books.
  9. Hmmmm, things that suck at a club 1)Bad Music 2) Rude/meathead bouncers 3)Overly fashionable/fake image crowd- I noticed that a lot of people said they hate an ugly crowd, (fat chics, bad teeth, etc.) but nothing is worse then a crowd that is there just for image rather than music. The "beautiful people" that think they are above everyone else or are there just to show off their expensive clothes, its a club, not a fashion parade. 4)The Velvet rope/Extreme Dress Code or Overly Selective Door Policy- I also hate clubs that impose too much of a dress code or selectivity. Its one thing to keep slobs and fake and cheesy people out, but to make it that you have to be wearing a $1000 outfit to get in sucks, how you gonna dance in a suit anyway? 5)People that invade your dancing space, on purpose. Just my two cents.
  10. I guess if you say ANY DJ I'd pick Tony De Vit(you said any, never said they had to be alive), from the mix tapes I've heard of his sets he was awsome, never got to hear him personally...too bad I terms of the club, I'd pick this little venue overseas I used to go to called..hint,hint..DV8, it was hooked up with the phattest lighting system and was cozy, but not too small. And the bar was cool cause it would glow under the blacklights and had that material on it where the shadow from you hand or glass would stay for a few seconds after you moved it. Also the staff was the coolest and friendliest I've ever seen...memories
  11. I'm thinking of getting a CD-RW drive for my computer cause until now I've been using my friends. Any suggestions on what are the best cd burners for high quality audio cd's, I've heard yamaha and plextor are the best, is this true? Also what are excellent burning programs for making cd mixes and cross fading? ------------------
  12. I dont really keep up with drum and bass, I'm more of a trance and hard house head, but when it does come to drum and bass and jungle I prefer Aphrodite and LTJ Bukem's work, their stuff is solid, just a suggestion ------------------
  13. Just was wondering what people's worst experience in a club was, not like the worst club you've been to or like a horrible crowd vibe, cause you can have a bad experience in a club thats generally awsome, more like something that personally happened to you like you popped a bad pill or running into the wrong person or some other really bad weird situation that you werent expecting completely ruined an otherwise good night. ------------------
  14. since I started this topic I better give my own. It was a recent set for PVD (overseas at a small venue), youd think its impossible not to have a phat night when PVD is spinning, well I was proven wrong. PVD had me dancin really hard, his set was awsome, the only problem is dumb ass me didnt drink any water and all I had in my stomach was liquor and I had already been dancing for seven hours non-stop, we'll, I started to black out (not pass out from being drunk, black out from dehydration) on the dance floor, I quicky headed to the bathrooms to try to splash some cold water on my face, accidently bumping people like a fool along the way, unfortunately for me I didnt know that some rude person had emptied their lunch on the bathroom floor, so when I rushed in I slipped in it, went straight up in the air and landed on my back in the puke puddle, so you can imagine how I smelled leaving the bathroom and quickly leaving the club, to make matters worse I was on like a first date with this really hot girl, lets just say I'm not exactly expecting her to call soon or ever at that. Lets see someone top that. ------------------
  15. Personally I like the club scene better than the rave scene, possibly cause I'm 21 and generally like to party with a crowd that is at least over 19, and I like the vibe and setups at clubs better. I'm not familiar with raves, but many of my old school raver friends has told me the rave scene has changed alot over the past 10 years and it today it just isnt like the good ol days. At clubs I know what I'm getting, and people go for the music. With all the recent hype rave has been getting in movies and tv its attracted the outside wannabe crowd who go just to claim they have been to a "rave", or just cause E is popular now and they want to be rebellous, I think movies like Go and stupid 60 minute news specials (who are completely clueless) on raves have fueled interest in people who would otherwise not be part of the scene, who just go to be all big and bad and not cause they are into it or the music. Clubs are somewhat different, people into the music go for the dj generally and not for the hype, though recently twilo has been getting a little overhyped. I've met people who were into heavy metal and now want to be ravers cause they saw the movie Go, I think thats cheesy and being wannabe. Today the word "rave" is used in so many contexts that it has no meaning anymore, now when someone says they go to "raves" I have now way of telling if they are into commercial dance or underground house, trance, or whatever its like some people just go out and buy some dumb generic cd titled "Ultimate Rave" or something without having any clue of the tracks, and all of a sudden they are a raver, thats sad. I dont consider myself a raver and I wouldnt want to, I hate this mentality that ravers have that if you dont rave then you're commercial, fine, I'm a clubber who is into trance and deep and hard house and if thats being commercial than fine by me. I Agree with the person who said there are too many people who define their lives around raves and clubs, clubbing and raves are a great part of life, but if thats the only thing that defines someone then I dont think that person has any personality, the same goes for people who ONLY listen to rave and club music and arent open to any other style. "PLUR" is kind of a fake statement and people say it cause they're high or wanna look "be down", its like how the words "keep it real" led to the death of REAL hiphop. ------------------
  16. Try Twilo when Paul Van Dyk is in town, he'll be there friday july 21 and is there every other month. Also check the Twilo website for wednesdays when they get awsome DJ's in there for around $15, which is cheaper than Fridays. ------------------
  17. Good answer, The Answer. I personnally dont like the music, crowd or vibe of webster hall, but you should check it out and decide for yourself, so you dont waste your money just use the free pass if you or anyone you know bought any of their CD's that way you wont feel like you were jipped. The one time I went to webster hall there wasnt any trance being played, it was mostly commercial dance, except for one trancy song the entire night and not a good one at that, the ATB 9pm song, the only song I liked the whole night was the confusion remix which was only played for a minute and I witnessed two brawls break out in the 3 hours I was there. I agree with you..sort of, I like the general vibe and crowd of twilo, but most of the time it gets too crowded in there that its almost impossible to dance, unless you tuck your self in the corner by the stairs, and sometimes the trance in twilo is a little on the hard side. What do you mean by "Good trance"- like timo mass, Quiver type or the more airy euro style. I prefer the more airy trance that leans toward the the PVD and Faithless feel, or like the tracks on the Euphoria compilations. If you find a place that spins this sort of style definitely post it. ------------------
  18. Anyone know where to get the tracklisting to the new Sasha & Digweed Cd. I heard its supposed to drop in late june, its called communication, I think? Anyone know if its going to be in the same trancy style of the Northern Exposure series or more toward their darker style? ------------------
  19. Good answer, The Answer, well maverick, I personnally dont like the music, crowd or vibe of webster hall, but you should check it out and decide for yourself, so you dont waist your money just use the free pass if you or anyone you know bought any of their CD's that way you wont feel like you were jipped. The one time I went to webster hall there wasnt any trance being played, it was mostly commercial dance, except for one trancy song the entire night and not a good one at that, the ATB 9pm song, the only song I liked the whole night was the confusion remix which was only played for a minute and I witnessed two brawls break out in the 3 hours I was there. I agree with you..sort of, I like the general vibe and crowd of twilo, but most of the time it gets too crowded in there that its almost impossible to dance, unless you tuck your self in the corner by the stairs, and sometimes the trance in twilo is a little on the hard side, I prefer the more airy trance that leans toward the PVD and Faithless feel, or like the tracks on the Euphoria compilations. If you find a place that spins this sort of style definitely post it. ------------------
  20. Right now I'm 21, so I guess I'm one of the youngest on this board, been clubbing since I was 18, but didnt really start to get into it until 2 years ago overseas cause its 18 drinking age, I love London's and Australia's clubs, at the same time, nothing beats the NYC vibe. pay for it in cash or get a friend to spot me. ------------------
  21. I've heard Groove is supposed to be an awsome movie depecting the San Fran scene, we need more NY movies, anyway, I'm not in the US right now, so I dont know if its out there, but Human Traffic is supposed to be a UK movie like groove. ------------------
  22. hixwithdix, when I say "kids" I mean college kids, 20-24, not like high school kids. Second I didnt say the drinks had a great price, I said they were made strong considering the price you pay, most club drink are usually weak from what I've experienced. I'm glad you agree with me but like I said, I've only been there once on a Sat night, at that is the impression it left me with. You're right, the coatcheck is expensive, but it moves fast. Anyway, I'm of the web hall topic. ------------------
  23. To that cocksucker julian, why the fuck would I lie about going to a shithole like Web Hall, I'd rather lie about not going there, and their so called "trapeze act" sucks, the crowd is B&T sleeze, like you most likely. The fact that you actually go there shows that you need to get a life...PRICK. ------------------
  24. DO NOT go to Webster Hall, I made that mistake a few of months ago, it wont happen again. its not worth the $25. Unless you like really skanky B&T kids, a practically empty dancefloor, and KTU style music. The place is nasty and the dancers look like cheap prostitutes, so do the girls in the crowd, the only good thing about Webster Hall is that their drinks are strong for a decent price, other than that you've already gone to good clubs by the ones you've named, stick to those. ------------------
  25. what do you mean by "underage"- if you mean under 21 but over 18 you should be able to get into any club on Friday- a really great choice is Twilo, but a really hype scene is at Vinyl, specially on Friday, Centro-fly is also pretty good. If you're under 18 then go to the tunnel, I've never been there and as for the good time part I dont know if thats the place to have it, but they let any age group in, my little sister is 14 and she and her friends get in. ------------------
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