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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Ugh yyyyeeeeaaaahhh! All the conflict in the mideast stopped because they found out that HER FUCKIN' ZIPPER WAS BROKEN! You should start reading BOOKS lolly. -iliana
  2. Get your facts straight before you start accusing somebody. I never started a HATE THREAD or ever stated that i hated someone because of a particular post. The only thread where I blatantly attacked the people on this board is with my "sexist pigs" thread. That was brought on for totally different reasons. It's only your opinion if you think I start drama. Some ppl find it insulting that I'm blunt, and harsh and don't hold back anything. I'm not hyping myself up saying I'm doing anything spectacular, because it's no big fucking deal, and ppl should get over it if I critisize and or say something "wrong". I find it hard to read this board with a straight face. I don't think anyone here has earned any type of respect or homage becuase most of the real "old school" ppl who used to post here are gone. THEY were the ones who talked about nightlife and not bullshit gossip about their fucking zipper being borken. You probably think I'm starting drama righ tnow, when in reality I'm only responding to your post in the most sincere way. But I'm sure someon eis going to pick at it and accuse me of yet something else and how nasty I am. Goes to show that the new batch of clubbers are incessantly small minded and boring. -iliana
  3. Vampie, hun, for your information i've been reading this website since 1998. So shut the fuck up bitch and don't talk about what you don't knoe. -iliana
  4. It causes clutter. And it's a pain in the ass for people who come here to shift through shit like: "Moonsuckle" "What do you think about abortion" "should I get breast implants?" "Yipee-Im Old school status" "How fucked up did I get Saturday night?!" "I quit taking drugs!" "I'm sooo depressed I broke up with my boy/girlfriend!" "John Doe: I love you!!" Etc. I understand this website has different sections and I can get my valuable information elsewhere. But for Godsakes! Maybe this fucking section should be renamed the JERRY SPRINGER FORUM. And live up to its godamn name! -iliana
  5. Amen! What's going on is unexplainable. -iliana
  6. I dunno. It's like you come to clubNYC and you expect to see some GOOD INSIDER INFORMATION about clubs and nightlife. And instead you have this girl from New Jersey telling us about her sex life and drug usage as if she was some type of quasi-celebrity. When you know that this can be a really cool fucking board where we can have industry ppl, dj's or club managers reply. But no. we got kiddies and garbage. It's a big joke by now. Not what it used to be. Oh well. -iliana
  7. I'm trying to find the Soundfactory compilation cd's. I heard # 3 & 10 were the best. Where can I find them? -iliana
  8. Orlando's awesome! Forget clubbing and go to Disney World!!!! -iliana
  9. No! No! No! No! James StJames IS NOT Michael ALig's friend! He only wanted to PROFIT off him through a badly written book (James can't write to save his life!!!!) He had no fucking right to summarize the life of Michael, the club scene, or the murder. He's a fucking asshole who's trying to cash in on what happened. UGH! Disgusting!!! -iliana
  10. To the real MsKittie: You must have a fucking awesome job where all you do is post on club nyc and reflect on your past..LOLLOL. where do you work and are there any job openings? -iliana
  14. R U Kidding me! There were some news reporters that couldn't even get in to see Madonna at Roseland!!!! How exclusive is that! I saw a clip of her performance and she was HOT! That ol' bag can shake it like she's 21!!! LOL -iliana
  15. LOLLOLLOL This is too fucking much!!!!
  16. Nick, who's that blond in the background? -iliana
  17. I bet that there are plenty of people on this board that like Howard Stern or Andrew Dice Clay. They both are sexist, they are rude and insulting, but hey, they're GUYS. SO it's ok for them to be assholes...right?????????????????? You're all fucking jealous because, I, as a girl, can get away with being an asshole. It fucking kills you to think that a GIRL has balls to say shit about ppl, and fuck with ppl. The only differnece is that i get slammed on by other oppressive fucks on this board who think I should follow a protocal to being "sweet", "nice", "girly", and "submissive". Well a big FUCK YOU to everyone on this board! A big fuck you to ppl who think I'm rude, nast, um..INSECURE???? ( even though you wouldn't think that if I were a GUY), and a basic asshole. Cuz I'd rather be an asshole than cracked out wannabe's who tell their whole life stories on this board and all over the net!!.. ANd if you think you gonna kill me off..hahha..dummies. It's funny watching you ppl bicker about ..CRAP. That's why I choose to stay here. And excuse me for not being ugly enough to attend your "meetups"....or is it losers anonymous! Wo! badda bing! So fuck you fuck you fuck you...... Yes coming form a girl's mouth, and yes..i kiss my mother with it. Cocksuckers! -iliana (Andrea Dice CLay)
  18. EVERYBODY JOIN!!! If you're an asshole and you know it, respond to this post If you're an asshole and you know it, respond to this post If you're an asshole and you know it, and you really wanna show it If you'er an asshole and you kow it, respond to this post -iliana
  19. Maybe if you worked on your verbal skills, you can get some girls interested. I mean it's not all about looks, you gotta keep up a converstaion. If you sound th eway you write, God help you tourist poseur wannabe. Anyway, 90% of the girls at exit are skanky. SO your taste bust be fucked up with your 40% avg hot bullshit. -iliana
  20. astoria alex hooked on phonics worked for me.
  21. ***barf*** I hate kids! This is kiddie porn@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 -iliana
  22. crackers fucking friggin crackheads -iliana
  23. Honey, do you suffer from an eating disorder? You keep vomiting all the time!? STop the madness! And you're right JP is pupupuplayyyed out. -iliana
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