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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. 1000 posts later we finally get a DECENT answer to the original question of this post. Now...Fuck off and die. (half ass half wit you!! LOLLOOLOLLLOL) -iliana
  2. Don't make yourself sound ignorant, it only adds to the fact that your ketamine and exstacy exposed brain is rotting. ANd to state that it's still only a "piece of land" means that you don't comprehend the importance and signifigance of nations beliefs and hardships. You obviusly have nothing in your life that is worth dying for. All you're doing is dismissing it over some trivial land dispute. This makes YOU look like a stupid bitch. -iliana
  3. LOL! Nice start. But i think it would be sweet if you bought loads of *candy*. Then you'll both feel good and hook up. The love drug never fails. -iliana
  4. HALF wit, HALF ass, PIECE of vagina....why are you such a cheap bastard??? why don't you give me the WHOLE ass, and ALL of my vagina????? I know you're a welfare recipient but damn, YOU ARE REALLY FUCKING CHEAP!!!! LOLLOL AGain. Fuck YOU Love, iliana Teehee
  5. God! If you think this war is over a piece of land then you're stupider than I thought. Do yourself a favor and pick up the New York Times. Plus think back about the conflict that's ALWAYS plagued that part of the world. -iliana
  6. Oh no..I'm gonna be looking at this all fucking day at work!!! ' ROTF!!!! -iliana
  7. Hell yeah! Now you're talking. ANd it all brings back childhood memories. I had a friend that once explained freestyle as being "white people's dance music". ???? Yeah ok, that's why I dumped her fucking ass. Too bad, I mean she did have nice tits. But we conflicted on so many things. "you're my dream girl......." -iliana
  8. Like, Oh My God?! For real?? LOLOL I doubt you have a life since I've affected you so profoundly and adamantly. You're soo passionate in your responses to me. Tell me, can't you still get layed? Well anyway, my advice to you is: Get a life already, or better yet, continue writng back with your fancy wording (which I know you were helped with) and continue to amuse me. LOL In the meantime...FUCK YOU! -iliana
  9. Thanks for the info!!! I'll def check out # 11. But I'm dying to get 3, and 10 first. -iliana
  10. Thanks for the info. I actually did go to one in the city that was close to satellite, i think it was 8 ball records, and when my boyfriend asked for them the people there were like "Huh?!" So i fugured it's pretty underground. Where in jersey are you? SO far I'm planning to travel to brooklyn for them so might as well try Jersey. And yeah..I'll try Satellite too. -iliana
  11. I thank you for complimenting my vagina. As for my stupidity, i feel that it's only one man's opinion if they feel I don't reach the level of intelligence that this board expresses. But, you have affected me somehow. That's why. because of you, I'm going to enroll at BMCC, take a couple of courses in ebonics, learn how to cook, read mixmag magazine, perhaps take chemistry so i can MAKE drugs, come back on this board, and tell ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE ABOUT IT. Cuz I want to be intelligent like You and the rest of clubnyc. So, will you fuck off now! ANd don't be surprised if I rip your mommy a new vagina. This way she can have more ppl fuck her at the same time! (per her request) -iliana
  12. WHAT FUCKING HOLE DID YOU CRAWL OUT OF???? That's the most stupidest and sexist thing I've heard on thid godamn board. Just face it Nick, you like blonds with big fake tits who aspire to be porn stars so you can have them on your show. You are a male SLUT ANd it goes to show you that you have poor fucking taste in women if most of them are "narrow minded". Look who you hang out with?! WTF do you expect moron! I've never called an honest man a loser, on the contrary THOSE are the men you want. And girls who call "honest" men losers, are fucking twat head idiots. ANd the fuck are "near to impossible" standards????? I guess you're not sweet funny or caring. I mean, c'mon, that's fucking impossible! All men are versatile and broad minded??? Only the ones who WANT TO GET LAYED. The guys with good taste know how to CHOOSE well instead of opening themselves up to trash. DOn't beat around the bush (no pun intended). Just say it, you like lying to girls and having tons to fuck with. It's ok. But please spare us your lame attempt at bullshiting us! -iliana
  13. *Applause* on your petty comeback. I know that it took you a REAL LONG TIME to think of that one. Useless Sperm Bucket? Oh My! How wonderful that a ugly miserable fuck like you can talk about his inflatable doll with such love and openess. But remember, she's not useless- I mean, she does provide you with satisfaction that you can never get with a REAL girl. So keep fucking away with your "girlfriend" that you bought for $40.99 plus tax at the pink pussy cat. Teehee. -iliana
  14. The only BUSH I'm voting for is the one between my legs!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's a fucked up drunkdrivingantiabortionbrownnosetherich asswipe. case closed -iliana
  15. Man, so you must know about the day me and your mom hung out and fucked the navy. God that bitch tells you eveything!!! -iliana
  16. That's where you go to see HOT girls. -iliana
  17. Jarmenio, have you ever been to Scores? -iliana
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