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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH oh, and did I meantion: ROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTFROTF BITCH Happy v-day you lonely cunt -iliana ------------------ ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg</A>
  2. ROTF! My Favorite is Mozart's Don Giovanni. At times that opera is better than a fucking orgasm!!!! ------------------ ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg</A>
  3. my baby's got a fever..i'm staying far away from him as possible. LOL -iliana ------------------ ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg</A>
  4. To my special baby: *DDR* I love you with my heart and soul. {{MUAH}} And..the rest I'll tell you in private. -iliana -ILIANA ------------------ ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg</A>
  5. I feel that's a contradiction. Drugs NEVER change people for the better. It seems that what you guys have gone through is what millions of other kids go through when they roll: a temporary feeling of total honesty and love. But if you take a step back and examine the situation, you'll realize that only MAJOR life processes, such as death of a loved one or birth of a baby, can REALLY change a person for good. On the negative side, "e" will haunt you forever through depression or abnormal brain activity. Drugs never make you a better person. -iliana ------------------ ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://celebs4all.efront.com/celebs/marilyn_monroe/thumbs/mm051.jpg</A>
  6. Bluemaggot, didn't I tell you not to fuck with me? So you thought I only "heard" of mike. Stupid bitch. Hehe -iliana
  7. I've noticed that there are many people on this board that need to get together and take some REALLY GOOD WRITING CLASSES at Columbia University or perhaps The New School. If you're going to make up stories at least be GOOD at it and don't be so fucking repetitive and predictable. ANd for the peanut gallery that's waiting to say something to me... Shut the fuck up.. I don't sit at my computer writing "stories". And If I did they would be 10x better than this bullshit. PS Bastardino: There is NO DIFFERENCE between a mile long line of morons trying to get in as opposed to a "hooked-up" moron who immediatly gets in. You're the biggest moron if you knew better and still went. -iliana
  8. Get a clue roach. I love Twilo, and I think PVD is decent. I wouldn't shit on that. But: *SOUNDFACTORY RULES!*
  9. When did I say I didn't like it? Are you talking about my ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR towards sugarnspic? That's becuase she was fucking with me. Plain and simple. ANd..Tom, don't take this board so seriously. -iliana
  10. eggwhite and bluemaggot, you two chinks better stay out of by business. Risa..YOU DEF KNOW YOU"RE WRONG. Because you know you're stupid fucking friend opened her fucking mouth. DID SHE HAVE TO COMMENT ON WHAT I HAD TO SAY???? AND.... WAS I DISRESPECTFUL IN THAT POST??? I think not. Just tell her that she's helped me prove my point on how fucking stupid the majority of you are. -iliana
  11. And when did i say that YOU were being disrespectful? I questioned whether I was being dissrespectful in my response..before you opened your skank mouth. LEARN HOW TO READ DUMBASS BITCH! -iliana
  12. What do you expect form the members on this board? They are all BORING Gap addicts.. ick!!! -iliana
  13. ROTF!!!!!! O MY GOD SLUTJSC HAS FIGURED ME OUT ..OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOLLOLLOLLOL Oh, and hun, when are you gonna figure out that it's your trampy bitch of a mother that you're "owning" and selling for food stamps. Shit, get your info together bitch! You with your ghetto owning it shit..fuck you. LOLLOLLOLLOL ps: stop secretly telling us about your life stories. What you stated above was very disturbing and if you ever need a friend to lean on you can call sugarnspic and the rest of clubnyc members at : (212) 970-7279 -iliana
  14. Perfect example of a jerk-off. Thank you for proving my point. You had to open your skanky fucking mouth about me and START shit..of course NOONE is going to say "sugarnspic, just drop it" NOOOOO. Everyone's gonna say..."Oh there goes iliana again." And my point being,,,that everyone on this board loves this shit and they love the drama..or else they wouldn't fuck with me. By the way..sugarn spic...go fuck yourself and your worthless comments you ugly fuck. If i were on an escalator and I saw clubnyc members trying to get through, I'd block the entrance and start a fire. HA! Oh yeah ..and tell your buddy residue risa to go fuck herself too. Now get out of my way you worthless skanks! -iliana
  15. Oh no, I wouldn't poison the grapes. I love grapes too. But I would poison the toilet water I'd hand you skankaroos when asking for a brand new bottle of Evian. Maybe add a lil spit and hair. Teehee -iliana
  16. Cuz a majority of people lack intelligence and curtesy. Of course--Only in nyc. You never see that shit happen in London. -iliana
  17. HAHA..You went there AND got stuck there. Marjorie = BAD MAKEUP WEARIN' FOUL MOUTHED PROJECT LOOKIN LITTLE SKANK!!! ROTF.... So, um margarine, when are ya going to get your chin re-done??? -iliana
  18. " Cuz right now you're just a liar a straight mentirosa...today you tell me something and manana otra cosa....ain't got nobody baby!" "You got the right stuff, baby, I love the way you turn me on" "I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around." "Mr. telephone man, there's something wrong with my line. When I dial my baby's number, I hear a click everytime." "Ice Ice Baby....." No commment. Owning your tight ass slutjsc. -iliana
  19. Yeah jackass..you made yourself look like the 3" dick that you have. Webster's Dictionary: INSENSATE: Having no sensibility. 90% of this board has no sensibility, which means posting about bullshit like "i'm a newbie again, boohoo" is lacking any form of common sense and perhaps, a life. Now fuck off -iliana
  20. To see who's got the most stars???? um.. LOSERS!!!!!!! Who gives a shit if you're a newbie again. Get a fucking clue and get a fucking life with your "Dave, can I have my old account back?? I'm a dweeb!" Dave has BIGGER problems to attend to. Running a website is not easy. Your insensate rambling about "starting over" again is not needed!
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