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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. SOPHISTICATION?? Spreading an std rumor is sophisticated? Your level of sophistication is non-existent. Get a clue wench. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  2. A good sense of humor?? Take my advice: DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB. You're pathetic try at comedy is sickening. "Idle time is the devil's play thing" retard. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  3. No that was your mom's mouth you came in. She didn't quite enjoy it. I couldn't put up with you because I couldn't find your dick!!! I'll advise your mom to get you a penis pump. Maybe she'll enjoy giving you head next time. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  4. You forgot to mention that your dick was the first one I sucked and because it was soo small and crusted, I've become disillusioned about hooking. But thank you for your pathetic try. Fuck you. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  5. ROTF!!! Stop begging! I'm not gonna suck your dick. I know you want me. But shut the fuck upo already!! pathetic fuck! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  6. What does respecting your body have to do with taking off your shirt? I mean that's my point, ya know? It's not like soundfactory is the a classy place like scores or the dining room at the plaza hotel. I love sf, but to say "eww, taking your shirt off in there is classless" is completly moronic. It's a club! You dance, you get hot and sweaty, you're havng fun and you have a nice body..sooo..flex! And to say that people who keep their clothes on respect their bodies..well, that's canceled out if they're on extacy, and k, and weed. THAT'S disrespect! It doesn't matter what you're wearing, cute jeans or a short tight skirt...anybody can have fun and these people who keep complaining that juiceheads are disgusting are really JUST FUCKING JEALOUS...... ENJOY YOUR FUCKING BODY AND STOP COMPLAINING! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  7. That's what your boyfriend said about you after we fucked. Bitch. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  8. That's a stupid question since every girl there is half naked TO BEGIN WITH. Adding water prolly would be more sanitary, don't you think? -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  9. it's that bitch ducketts I tell ya. She taunts people on line and schedules meet-ups to go "fight" them... BWAAAHAAAHAAAAHAA -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  10. YOU?! Embarrassed me??!! Oh shit, I think your schizophrenic dellusions of grandeur is kicking in. No one embarrassed anyone on this fucking board. One thing though, I know I definitly PISSED THE SHIT OUT OF YOU MISERABLE FUCKS. And I loved every moment of it. embarrassing is thinking that taking your shirt of in a club like sf, is tasteless and not classy. {b] A classy bitch like yourself wouldn't be going there much less be posting on clubnyc fucking lame asss cunt...! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  11. TRYING TO BE LIKE ME YOU FUCKING WHORE????? (again, evidence of secret iliana obsession seeping through) Stop SWEATING (LOL) bitch. Is that as creative as you can get ??? Calling me a whore and cum catcher? YOU LOVE TO HATE ME BITCH!!!!! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  12. ROTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Gravity, the majority of these fuckheads are a bit jealous that YOU have a valid point and you're never wrong. Next time I go to factory I'm gonna bring a bucket of sweat to pour all over these fucks. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  13. What the fuck are you talking about bitch?! GOING TO SOUNDFACTORY ITSELF, IS CLASSLESS. Goes to show whow much you know about what you "think" is classy and what's not. GO FUCK YOURSELF AND YOUR JUICEHEAD BOYFRIEND YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE. YOU pay admission to get swaeted on by guys that don't pay attention to you. I, however, GET IN FOR FREE so I can chill out with my hot body builders. Skank fucking hoe! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  14. it's the devil fool! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  15. Ok, since you're missing vital brain cells, I guess I'm going to have to SLOWLY EXPLAIN why you're so dense. First of YOU called yourself an idiot. It came form your mouth. And honeslty, reading what you write and how you contradict yourself and jumble everything to just make yourself look stupid, means that indeed, YOU REALLY ARE STUPID. YOU'RE STUPID BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP DRINKING BEFORE YOU GET WASTED. YOU'RE STUPID BECAUSE BOTH X AND ALCOHOL CAN BE DEADLY. YOU'RE STUPIUD BECAUSE YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF E RUINING SOMEONE'S LIFE, YET ALONE SOMOEN'S NIGHT. YOU'RE STUPID BECAUSE YES, ALCOHOL IS LEGAL, BUT YOU AS A MINOR WAS STILL COMMITING AN ILLEGAL ACT. YOU'RE STUPID BECAUSE YOU AS AN 18 YEAR OLD, HAVE THE MENTALITY OF A 12 YEAR OLD BOY, JUST LEARNING ABOUT SEX, DRUGS, AND CLUBS. I would go on, but it's STUPID to waste time on you. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  16. * Takes out lawn chair and sits in front of house with a sixpack and a bag of popcorn* -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  17. You're doing pretty good for a homeless man if ya got a laptop! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  18. *BUMP* ------------------ ------------------
  19. That's your preference if you choose to keep your shirt on. IT"S FUCKING HOT WHEN YOU DANCE! It's the fucking clubscene...showing flesh is what it's all about. Go to a lounge if you don't want to see that. I don't hear you complaining about skantily clad hot looking girls. SO stop complaining! I like having eye candy when I go out. Those guys are hot and that's that. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  20. What? Are you fucking kidding me! Those guys look fucking hot! I love all of em...You must be one of those flabby wimps that can't lift weights for shit! "I wanna .....she wanna zicky" -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  21. Originally Posted by martini5 Our modeling website has just been set up. I am Jill. We are currently looking for new models www.loudonmodels.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????????????????? WHAT'S UP WITH THE UGLIEST TRASHIEST LOOKING GIRLS ON YOUR SKANKY SITE??? EWWWWWWWWWWWW. That's fucking foul if you can't even get DECENT looking girls for your "modeling" site. But if you need a list of girls to sign up, here are a few names that you may want to ask: Exectruess (Also known as margarine. SHe's really trashy looking but in a school girl way. Plus she's flat chested and she has a long chin, so she'll fit into that "skank hoe" look. Mariah ( also known as lizette. This girl WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF! Why...becuase she looks like a rodent!!!! But, on the plus size, she does have fake tits, sooo..this could give you the long awaited boost that you need for your crappy modeling agency.) Mskittie (known as Kathy, SHe's an ugly trashy, junkie, from Jersey with a mean Barbara Streisand impersonation going on. she's already assaulted a couple of people with her nose and she's wanted in NYC for being such a scummy coke freak. She's an annoying tramp that can't keep her mouth shut!) Ducketts this mysterious beauty is the epitome of an ugly cunt, and she would surely be the star of your crappy website. No one knows what she looks like but, I guarantee you, Ms. "I have no life because I live to respond to Iliana's post" will not dissapoint you. She's as stupid and fugly as your models!. Of course there's alot more...basically , and female that respnds negativley to me is worthy of being on your website. ps: please spare us your trash in the future. There's always penthouse.com, but you prolly can't afford the membership there. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  22. Jesus Christ, You have to be one of the most dense people on this board! It's past your bedtime..find a new hobby Kid. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  23. ROTF!!!!! It's like watching a Jerry Springer episode. You know everyone on it is lame, but you gotta watch so you can have a good fucking laugh. "we're a happy little community" Blah blah blah ..lol -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  24. Um, think about it. How long have asians been going to clubs before Exit even came into existence, and have never had any sort of trouble? Don't you think there's a REASON behind all the asian profiling? I used to hang out with those same asians, in the back of the stage, in the corner. ALL of them, I mean, ALL OF THEM were into drugs. ANd they were stupid about it. All sitting on the floor, rubbing eachother, just being a waste of space, and I never enjoyed being with most of them. Some were nice (maybe cuz the e) but alot were majorly into thier "asian" crowd and "sticking together". What the fuck is that about? Whenever I used to wander away to the "white kids" section, the vibe changed and was different, a little more coherent, shall we say. Anyway..KArma comes back to you, people get what they deserve. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  25. *obsession* -iliana ------------------ ------------------
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