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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. I just miss socializing with Gay men. "My oh my. where did the star fucker go?" -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  2. That's like the blind leading the blind, don't you think?" It's true that the US government is very hypocritical. I happen to slightly agree with Timothy's ideology. But it's nothing new. He was just a sheep. He wasn't a Jerry Rubin or Malcolm X. He was just a regular average fucking Joe with nothing to do..white fucking trash. The problem is that, along with other assasins and American terrorists, Timothy had the wrong solution. If we follow american example, then we're not going to win a war(i use this term loosley) against this government. That's what we have grown up with, Reagan, Iran, Terminator movies, Platoon, and my GOD, what the fuck was Waco about? We aren't a very creative nation. That's all we're familiar with..violence. Fucking boring if you ask me. I suppose if I were a US marshall..I'd be highly respected if I go around killing fugitives. I'd be a hero. *Disgusting* -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  3. sushi is specially prepared , unlike having someone not know how to fucking cook..and they end up not cooking at all. Bacteria anyone?????? -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  4. Ignorance is a a filty male species named boa boy. Pigs are not the filthiest animals. ANyway, if you eat anything undercooked you get sick and die, dumbass! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  5. sarah..sucks to be you. Come to think of it, it sux to be all of you! -iliana (Blessed with the sweet life) ------------------ ------------------
  6. The dog run is NOT gonna be happy with you! [b[Have some respect you BITCH! Don't ruin it for everyone so that the DOG POUND goons show up and throw nets on all your friends! Quit posting all the details or I'm kicking you out on the street when I get home tonight! OUCH! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  7. There's a store selling sun glasses in the DOORWAY of our building.......try navigating that on the way home from a large one..........and if ur sick of Chinese there's always Vietnamese, Thai, Malaysian.......
  8. Actually stepped inside Exit. Damn..I'll never do that thing again! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  9. hey neighbour I'm right by the corner of Canal & Lafayatte.......good thing I like Asian food really You're a 5 minute walk from me. I'm at the end of Chinatown, Chatham Square to be exact.I have a pleasant view of One Police Plaza and the correctional facility. How inspiring to see that each morning! I'm sick of chinese food! I've had to resort to McDonald's for god's sake! ugh!!!! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  10. So in other words, if she was banging, one of the hottest girls you'd ever seen, that would be a good excuse for your friend to be all into her?? All I'm saying is that people GROW up. I don't know your friends age range, but past the age of 21 you get a little more serious about relationships and the feeling of other people and your goals and objectives become different. There's different levels to a relationship. A girl "you're just seeing" isnt the same thing as a girlfriend. But it seems that you are very immature about the whole ordeal for the simple fact that you are bitching about it. Friends come and go. So do girlfriends. But you just might lose the love of your life if all you're worried about is what your buddies are doing and what they think about you staying at home with your girl. It's called growing up. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  11. *Chinatown* (It's was good the first 8 months. Now I just hate it.) -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  12. What are you? A fucking moron? trained pussy. -iliana (fuck you) ------------------ ------------------
  13. Well, there's always 3 sides to the story. Your side, her side, and the truth. I've had bad experiences with jackasses like you (closet homosexuals) because they accuse me of "stealing their best buddy". Grow up and get YOURSELF a girl. You probably don't understand the sanctity amd respect of certain relationships. On the other hand, the girl might be a psycho bitch that is very insecure and needs to treat a man like he's her toy. That's a no no. In any case, I think you should blame your friend about actually being stupid enough to keep this girl around. I guess He wont need balls if all he plans to do is hang and fuck with guys like you. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  14. He died of cancer, lymphonic or something like that. It's so eerie hearing about his death. You sorta expect legends like him to physically live forever. God Bless Your Soul Joey. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  15. miss coke snorting kittie stop! I'm trying to forget how much of an asshole you are! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAH NO COMMENT -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  17. I meant it was a trip in a negative sense. It's soo boring and stupid all you do is get high and laugh your fucking head off. Give me a month and I'll turn %50 of the neighborhood into crack houses. HA! yeah I'm engaged. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  18. ROTF!!! Haha..OMG Farmingdale is a trip....I hope you didn't end up in my old landlord's apt!! Hahahhahha! We destroyed his house when he kicked us out! Can I come visit you in farmingdale??? I'm moving to Valley Stream in a month. It's nothing to scream about but I hate the city anyway so I'm gonna enjoy the peace and quiet. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  19. OH NO!!! I was soo tempted to be good, but the_greatest just fucking broke my promise!!! But yeah, she is ugly, so go figure?! -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  20. What do you call a puerto-rican taking a shower? ''''''''''''''''' '''''''' ' ''''''''''''''''''' SPIN-N-SPAN! Bwaahaaahaa -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  21. You can go to "Peckers Place". It's a real layed back artsy type of place. You'll like it. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  22. Yo mama so po' that when i ran to her house and rang her door bell, she stuck her head out the window and yelled "ding dong" -iliana ------------------ ------------------
  23. Of course it's mature to be respectful and friends with your ex, if certain situations permit it. But how do you think she would feel if she came on here and read your post. "woohoo..i'm free! I'm sigle! Thank God!" You call that mature? I may be a bitch but I do know when to keep my private life out of the internet. Plus you should take gentleman classes and stop dis-respecting your ex. Loser. -iliana ------------------ ------------------
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