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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Oh please do tell how you came to the conclusion that i have a " misunderstanding of what other posters have written" or I was "warping facts" when i'm simply stating a smoker's side?? -iliana
  2. Pointing out that someone is melodramatic in their description of bars that have smoking patrons is IMMATURE? Don't be so sesitive. It was an observation that reinforced your role is "devil's advocate" See, I knew that deep down inside you UNDERSTOOD ME. NO ONE PUT A GUN TO THE NON-SMOKER'S HEAD AND TOLD THEM TO WALK INTO THE BAR WHERE SMOKING IS PERMITTED. Actually, along with smoking I like saying "go fuck yourself". You think we should ban obscenities in order to make debates on clubplanet much more serious? ( I think you should write bloomberg on this one!) And if in the near future they find that it does cause health hazards, people should have the right to enjoy their strip clubs and keep them open. -iliana
  3. Tastyt Perhaps YOU have become a bit confused. I would like to see what wonderful logic you can entertain us with... -iliana
  4. The precautions that smokers take is SMOKING IN DESIGNATED AREAS THAT ARE FOR SMOKERS ONLY! To take away bars and clubs and OUTSIDE is plain discrimination. -iliana
  5. Please stop with the melodrama Unless you are in a bar that has 100 occupancy, and 99 people are smoking it does not get that bad in a bar. Endangering people? Endagering is a loaded word. You're endangered crossing the street, driving your car, pluggin appliances into the wall. What's YOUR point? Yes, I will use "go fuck yourself" as part of my argument because you were pointing the finger at smokers for the 'bad' health of workers at bars without discussing the fact that adults know what they are walking into when they work at these places. It's like me wanting to cocktail at a strip joint and then suing them because I was offended by the nudity... What are you a schmuck? -iliana
  6. And it's real cute that you play stupid. My point is VERY CLEAR in that statement. You'll destroy your brain with e, k and coke, and in the future you'll suffer from depression and then you'll have to get medical help, and then PRECIOUS TAX DOLLARS WILL BE USED TO HELP IN YOUR TREATMENT... The fact is, wether you smoke in public or snort coke in the privacy of your own home...'drug' use is a ripple effect. So don't be too quick to judge smokers and ACCUSE us of your deteriorating health. Don't come at me like you're fucking straight- edge. Here, share a newport with me while we ponder your blatant stupidity and hyposcrisy since we're all drug users at heart. -iliana (Wether
  7. What you label ignorance is only a matter of opinion. A person walking into a bar (and finding employment in one) has to know and ACCEPT that there will be cigarette smoke as well as drunken rowdy people that might annoy you. They walk in there knowing that there will be a live band playing, perhaps too loud for their liking, and they might walk out of there with ringing in their ears. IF YOU are annoyed by cigarette smoke THEN STAY THE FUCK HOME! STAY THE FUCK OUT OF BARS, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF CLUBS. DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME THAT MY SMOKING IS IMPOSING A HEALTH HAZARD ON YOU WHEN YOU DRINK ALCOHOL, DROP E, SMOKE WEED, SNORT K, OR HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX. My message to you , no matter how childish and IGNORANT it might sound, is to stop being a fucking hypocrite. Stop Fucking telling me what to do and... GO FUCK YOURSELF! . {{Blowing cigarette smoke in your face}} Have a (cough, cough) good day. -iliana
  8. As far as smoking goes, I'm a social smoker and I like having a cig with my drink sometimes. I have a right to do that, just like I have a right to destroy my liver when i'm getting smashed at the bar. SO what's the difference? At the bar other people will inhale my cigarette smoke and die thirty years from now. Outside, I have the potential to kill someone when i drive home drunk. Solution: Outlaw everything and we'll only get cancer through tap water and fried foods. Sounds fucking good to me. -iliana
  9. To PFloyd4 and tonythelover: Where did you guys go- To Manhattan's Community college law school?????????????????? Get your fucking facts straight. You sound like dumbass wannabe lawyers! -iliana
  10. No thanks, Don't wanna take part in your bullshit post. -iliana
  11. That's were you're wrong. 1. "Mainstream" America will never accept REAL Techno, House, Trance, or any other type of electronic music because IT DOES NOT SELL TO A LARGE AUDIENCE. For the most part, KTU has a COMMERCIAL radio play and many people actually think that AMBER or Louie Devito's latest mix EPITOMIZES dance music. Why do you want the "mainstream" to embrace more of our djs? I would be hesitant to have Danny Tenaglia's mixes playing on Z-100 for the simple fact that anything capitalized becomes demoralized, used and abused and packaged to suit corporate tastes. Southern Sun is a gross display of this. I lived in London a couple of years ago, and their dance stations were NOTHING like our crappy stations. The mentality in Europe differs and the underground is kept sacred and always progresses. For some reason, in the states, that NEVER happens. Back to Paul...ok, his album is not entirely "dance" so he still sucks..DOn't like his style. He belongs on Z-100. -iliana
  12. Britney Spears has Universal appeal, Paul has bad music. Playing on Z-100 is not my idea of "Broadening the horizons of dance music". It's taking a step backward, don't you think? -iliana
  13. SUCKS!!!! His music is fuckin pseudo wannabe-intellecual commercial crap! Southern SUn?!?!? VOMIT! Anybody who likes him....get some FUCKING TASTE!!!
  14. Really? I love angie martinez but alot of people have branded her as fake. If this info is true then that settles it. -iliana
  15. So she IS studio produced? I sorta thought so. She came out of no where. But I think she's cuter than that ugly bitch Ashanti. GOD SHE SUCKS!! -iliana
  16. I was the same way too. My advice is if you feel really lost in your future plans, take time off from school. Working in the real world helped me shape my goals. It's better to be a 29 year old individual starting law school because you really want to, instead of a 21 year old kid studying a profession that you really hate. (And being 100 k in debt, afterwards). Good luck. -iliana P.S. The span for the foreign service officer examination is not too long. You could sign up for the next one if you really wanted too.
  17. Why not go to graduate school for International Relations and then take the Foreign Service Officer Examination? Diplomats have much more credibility than lawyers. -iliana
  18. Law has nothing to do with luck. It's knowing your shit and knowing what cases not to handle. -iliana
  19. Alot of HOT Girls at NYLA?? It's safe to assume that you have no taste in girls. And here's a tip: Don't bother making reservations at NYLA. Most of the time you will find many empty tables. (Everyone's at McDonald's enjoying better food!) Tip # 2: Knowing a promoter at NYLA is as good as knowing the janitor who cleans the bathroom there. USELESS. Why? There's nothing to promote and the place will close down soon. -iliana
  20. I would rather bang this rich bitch: At least she has $millions$ and is considered high society. (Plus she hangs out with hot looking rich guys, not gay looking middle class kids) LOLLLOL -iliana
  21. Quit CIBC Oppenheimer at the World Financial Center exactly one year and 3 months ago. I’m now enjoying the tranquility of suburbia and working in a real estate firm: Melville, Long Island. Not going back to the big city hub for a LONG TIME! -iliana
  22. HAHA! You Have Got to be fucking kidding me???!!???!!??? -iliana
  23. Don't be so fucking ignorant. They say we should never forget history. During World War II we had a holocaust against a race of people that were completely innocent. If you choose to believe propaganda, if you choose to judge a WHOLE race and religion by a small group of fanatics that uses the Muslim name to create more hate, then you are no different than the terrorists aboard the planes that September morning. Think before you talk and spread more hate. Reactions like yours led us to Sep 11. -iliana
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