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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. You stated : "But the counter argument could be that in order for you to gain that experience in your life, you'd have to be older, etc.. etc.." You were introducing a debate and asking people's opinion. It's not a matter of opinion to state that a 12-year old child that has hard difficult times and occurences is ahead of the game on maturity over a sheltered over-protected 20 year old. And as that child grows older, they may surpass the twenty-year old in life lessons OR vice-versa. This has nothing to do with a matter of opinion. I'd like to hear more of the age= maturity side becuase I don't know where the 'opinion' factor comes in. -iliana
  2. Ok, so let's can "immaturity" In that case...life experiences makes a person "mature" mentally & emotionally..in where they grow in learning and dealing with new emotions and different sitautions. So what's the debate over your question? Isn't it obvious that experiences help you 'mature' and not just being of age?!?! -iliana
  3. Assuming people learn form their experience....what does that have to do with being a mature person? WHy dont you figure out what maturity is first. -iliana
  4. Exactly. I'm a perfect example. I have no interest in being MATURE. Has nothing to do with what I've expereinced in my life. -iliana
  5. Just because you have experienced many things gives you no guarantee that you'll be a MATURE person. You would be EXPERIENCED. Of course, I've met alot of people that just don't learn. In my opinion, maturity has nothing to do with experience and knowledge. Maturity is a characteristic you're born with. If you want to write a paper on this topic perhaps you should start with differentiating maturity and experience. They're really way two different topics. -iliana
  6. Dude, James ST. James is a horrible writer I bought the book , kept my receipt and returned it after i finished reading it. I appreciate his story telling, but 'Part Monster' beats any book written on the subject..hands down! Favorite scene in Party Monster: WHEN THEY THREW AN OUTLAW PARTY IN THE SUBWAY AND IN MCDONALD'S...LOLLLOL QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT...LOVED THAT! -iliana
  7. Twilo Beauty

    ATTN: Mystify

    WHat the hell does this have to do with sex????????????/ -iliana
  8. LOLLOLLOLLOLLLOL Olympia....it was a pleasure fighting with you!!!!!!! Let's kiss and make up (Waves white flag) -iliana
  9. It's My b-day toooooooooooooooo :bday: -iliana
  10. Let me state that I do support your endeavor in bringing back the nightlife that NYC once offered. I don't want to shoot down the future of NYC nightlife...i wish you and even jaysea good luck. We all lack something brand new and fresh...Nyc is dying here...no art and no fun. Due to certain circumstances that have happened (Sept 11, terrorist threats) we shouldn't blame new yorkers for going back to basics...worrying about their next paycheck instead of worrying about getting an outlandish outfit for Friday night Vinyl. It might be a while before we see the resurgence of creativity, imagination and even relaxation and openess within our city. I agree with you on the meat head/gumba comment. I'd prefer to see the real pretty people (i.e. beautiful drag queens and up and coming fashionistas) over your regular Bridge and tunnel crowd. But don't forget, Even Paris herself is LAX with door policies. Today club owners, club promoters, door people are influenced by the mighty dollar. We should start with strict door policies at clubs. Maybe then we'll see a change in the crowd. -iliana
  11. i think people hate it when other people are successful. Louie is ok in my book and I even had to warm up to paul oakenfold. -iliana
  12. Huge promoters that promote WHAT SPECTACULAR parties? What SPECTACULAR clubs do they own? What SPECTACULAR dj's are you speaking of? Please don't mention Keoki or Larry T. They are FOURTH rate musicians. As you can see they haven't progressed from the Alig era butI gotta hand it to them , they DO try. I'm sure the club kids were fun to look at and be around with. In the beginning they created a unique atmosphere for nighlife. I find it moronic when people glorify Michael Alig as some quirky bitchy club kid "that was loved" and was a "genius' and oh yeah, he murdered someone but..we still "love" him. Perhaps he was an amazing promoter but to pick up wher he left off is proof that even old timers like yourself have no ARTISITC VISION. You want to revamp an atmosphere that was marred by drugs, callousness, inflated egos, and a disregard for life. Don't mistake yourself. I didnt miss anything. Just like I didnt miss Studio 54, Max's Kansas City, CBGB's, Danceteria. It's in the past..who cares. Get over it!. Move on. The club kids ARE NOT COMING BACK! I never claimed to be part of any culture. Its clubbing for God's sake!. I don't obsess about it like you ..it's not my life. It's a recreational activity. I'M sorry to be the one to inform you that YOU WERE NOT PART OF THE CREATION OF OUR MUSICAL CULTURE. You were ten years late hunny. It didn't start in New York City. Read up on your history. Each person has their own opinion on what art is. My opinion- Andy Warhol was a real artist. With his death came the club kids trying to capture fame and celebrity status through SHOCK VALUE....NOT ART TO ME! So TRUE Art and TRUE talent died with Andy. Again, hope you and your pals work up a brand new art scene. New York is dead and will continue to be so with the current unoriginal, no vision clubbers as well as the has-beens who are holding on to an era that is long gone, dead, and should be left in the vaults of club land history. Think ON YOUR OWN.... -iliana
  13. Shut the fuck up before i club you over the head and make you choke on Drano! Biatch! -iliana
  14. Oh,,so a BIG SHOT like yourself has a crappy "JOB"??? WHat..with all your millions Mr. CEO, its a down day for you?? Bwaaahahhaha :laugh: -iliana
  15. My true colors consist of your gay flag.... you love every fucking minute of it gay bitch! And no I don't fly.....I don't smoke crack- unlike yourself.....CRACK WHORE! -iliana
  16. Oh yeah, harlem and alphabet city are one in the same. You're right for once. (Figures you were from the ghetto! Did you get your bad boy joe compilation cd yet????) LOLLLLOL -iliana
  17. Actually, what's bringing a tear to your eye is that cock you're trying to deep throat, ya fucking faggot! -iliana
  18. oh yeah, and I do have class. That's why I would never step foot in your crappy "club kid" party. Nor would I have gone back in 1992. Watching people on stage performing enema's??? Oh yeah..REAL CLASSY! I'll be sipping martini's uptown, thank you very much! -iliana
  19. Skip Vinyl. It's time for your aids test bitch! It's long overdue you disease infested CLUB KID!!!!!! :laugh: -iliana
  20. Jibber Jabber.... Let's get off the "let me try to impress strangers on clubnyc" and go make something of yourself. I'm still waiting for the ground breaking idea! -iliana
  21. You are so TIRED! Stop being such a poseur! -iliana
  22. Settle down queen.... It's funny how you got your Trash & Vaudville panties in a bunch. I'm not ancient history like yourself. WHile your counterparts where drugging up dressed as Care Bears, I was at home watching the Care Bears. I Thank God for my childhood. Correction: Art in clubs died in 1986 with Andy Warhol. The club kids were a bunch of nobodies with lots of make-up. Perhaps there were a small bunch that had true talent and artisitc vision, but the fact that a majority of them had to succumb to drug-use, AND THE GERALDO RIVERA SHOW, destroyed their credibility (I doubt they had any to begin with!) You better re-think who's the stupid bitch here. Don't be mad because I state the truth. Be mad because you're on OLD HAS-BEEN who can't let go of the past and has resorted to glorifying an era that destroyed a pivotal part of nightlife. Was disco 2000 the highlight of your life? If so, I pity you. I also pity you because you're a professional ass-kisser....you're a follower. Living off of SOMEONE ELSE'S idea. Why don't YOU create a BRAND NEW VISION for our clubbing community? instead of re-iterating the old, and the failed! WERK IT BITCH! -iliana
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