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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  2. Do I actually "GO OUT IN NY"? Learn your grammar bitch. What do you think, i'm from NEW JERSEY ??? Born and raised and entirely commited to keeping bridge and tunnel OUT of Manhattan. -iliana
  3. And so does the entire football team that ran a trian on your ass last week..Ms. "engineer" Bwaahhahaha -iliana
  4. Nice try, but the article is not jummbled up to the point of confusion...only your brain is. -iliana
  5. Dude, you're asking too much of that pea brain. -iliana
  6. HAHHA Hurt your feelings? It doesn't take me to hurt your feelings. All you have to do is look in the mirror and I guarantee you'll be one real sad puppy. -iliana
  7. Can you even fucking read?????????????? Um. let's re-read it..S L O W L Y this time....good girl -iliana
  8. For skanky bitches like you , there's something called WELFARE. GO home to your trailer park! -iliana
  9. I had to give the cage back to your beast of a mom.... Would you like to analyze my sentence lowlife? -iliana
  10. Brooklyn Kid Needs to get a life and practice his spinning. You have WAY to much time on your hands. -iliana
  11. What are you talking about? You have Friday and Saturday nights. -iliana
  12. Darling, it was 4" hard..and his technique was very primitive: IN, OUT, IN , OUT.....ugh ugh....CUM! Thank god for condoms. He was funny, now that i think about it....would brag about his house in Fort Lee and how rich he was....this kid rode around in a fucking HONDA and it wasn't even hooked up. We only fucked once and he bragged to his friends how we fucked 10X a day... Wow.....what was i thinking? Stupidity sure comes with young age! -iliana
  13. Jase has a 4 inch penis I fucked him about three years ago (unfortunatley) and it was the worst lay of my life and smallest asian dick I have ever seen. I WOULDA HAD MORE FUN FINGERING MYSELF! (woooo had to let go of that..now it's over! ) -iliana
  14. Is that asian kid in the picture named "Jason"? -iliana
  15. And you, young man, will never be able to bring life into this world. (Hmm..that makes pee standing up seem sooo SECONDARY! LOL) By the way, I can pee standing up...it dribbles down the leg ...so what! Schnarfffffffff! -iliana
  16. Aha!!! This is true about men..yet, do we hear any of it, ever? No. We only blast women. This thread is a prime example. Tsk Tsk... I think that secretly, people are envious of women who do as they please. A woman is more powerful than a man to begin with..this just sets her over the top. Stop seething! -iliana
  17. Well, my little butterscotch cup cake..if you don't see the double standard then perhaps you are guilty of using double standards in your everyday life. Yikes! -iliana
  18. Ouch..such biterness. ..yet you would jump at the chance to fuck her but YOU KNOW that she wouldn't give you a second look, much less be within 100 feet of you EVER...so don't HATE....APPRECIATE! -iliana
  19. Hunny, this info was taken from a TABLOID. You sure swallow what you're fed, don't ya?? Plus, I was pointing out that most people on this board are slamming Lopez for her short stints in marriage and implying a promiscuous lifestyle. If roles were reversed, and we had a hot MALE celebrity do this we'd label him a "heart throb". LAME IF YOU ASK ME. -iliana
  20. What's even sadder than J-Lo's many husbands, is this board's insistence on keeping sexist double standards alive. I'm sure no one would be bitching if George Clooney did all this. -iliana
  21. GO FOR IT! It very true that a degree won't guarantee 100% success in work and money, but at least you walk away with education and knowledge. I felt the exact same way you're feeling now. At 18 I moved to London to study filmaking and script writing. Much to my displeasure, i realized that the art and entertainment industry is not what it's cracked up to be. It's very one sided..if you know the right person- you'll get attention. If you don't then you have to rely on luck or sleeping around. I came back to NYC to complete a business degree- a field that offered me security and money. Good luck...you sound like you're doig real well out there. Sometimes you have focus on business first , in order to make money and eventually do what you want. -iliana
  22. That's some story mugwump. I'de like to hear one day about your experiences. Reinvention is cathartic. I haven't reached that point yet but I know I will go through it. -iliana
  23. --i think savy can be coined with wisdom..that definitely comes with time..but for some people their capacity (intelligence) on reflecting on their experience and learning a life lesson has nothing to do with age. -iliana
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