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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. If you use a messageboard to get financial information and sound advice about starting a business and that messageboard in not on wallstreetjournal.com or any other CREDIBLE website than you're a shmuck and i predict your 'nightclub' won't make it onto the pages of a business plan. -iliana
  2. WOW! ILIANA----- B&T ....since 2001 and well known that I love Suburbia! -iliana
  3. Hmm..that DJ Boris is sort of a cutie! (in an older man sugar-daddy type of way) Dj Fabio..are you a promoter there? -iliana
  4. Gee, it sure sucks being bridge & tunnel. LOLLLOL. If you were all true blue Manhattanites, you could take cabs right to the front door. What sucks even more than bridge and tunnel driving into the city and clogging up parking spaces, is when b & T decide to take public transportation and you see the plain jane white girls with slutty bang bang gear and lame guys with no jackets on, in 20 degree weather, grouped together trying to figure out where the nearest BBQ's is before they hit the club. Please stay HOME!! bwaahahaa -iliana
  5. I want Toby Maguire. Complete. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Intelligence is a bigger turn on than a pretty boy with a hot bod. -iliana
  6. From what I've seen in books and documentaries, it looked like a "normal" looking club. I don't think the 70's produced anything monumental in club-land architecture. You were holed up in your basic corny dancefloor, with very exculsive clientele. Thats what mattered then. Out of all the clubs I've been too in NYC, Limeight tops the list as most fascinating to be in. It wasn't 100% perfect (sound sucked, lighting sucked) but it was very unique! Pitty what it's become today. -iliana
  7. Look what a busy day at work has kept me from?!??!Let me give my mouth a rest (blowjobs can be sooo annoying!) and respond to this lame ass, who feels that responding to me..is LAME (Yet he keeps doing it) Well since I'm a prostitute in Huntington, in between tricks, I kill time with my handy dandy Apple Laptop and harrass the trash on clubnyc. ......You gotta love technology! And just because YOU own a 78' pinto does not mean that the rest of the free world wants one!!! AND ...Silly rabbit....everyone knows that there's no section 8 in Huntington!!! LOOLLLLOLLLOL. Try Hempstead! To clear up the situation, 1. I'm not here to be "funny". Don't be cheap, go to Caroline's for entertainment and laughs. But it must be hard since Wendy's hasn't given you a raise in 2 years. 2. "feel better by putting people down on a messageboard??" I think it's the opposite. I think YOU and every one on this thread is pathetic for taking anything i say to heart and getting their panties in a bunch. But if that's not that case, then we're all just being malicious for fun, no?? 3. Well, i get laid on a regular basis,,,,and let me tell you sigmund freud, it's some angry sex!!!!!! 4. All of the above. (God..you're such a brilliant writer drunk ass) Now with that being said...GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! -iliana
  8. Why thank you girly. I know that deep down inside i "shine" in your life. Thank you for making me your beacon of light. I know you look up to me because I have a JOB, my OWN APARTMENT, my OWN CAR, and can basically fend for myself without mommy or daddy's help. It must be hard being you, but I'll always be here to "inspire" you and give you that extra push. -iliana
  9. Yet, you did respond..hmm.....does that make you lame too??? LOLLLOL -iliana
  10. No, i leave that up to you bitch! -iliana
  11. New material? Seems like you guys NEVER tire of my ranting and raving, you feed off of everything I say.....Keep the ball rolling sucka's...... :D -iliana
  12. Wow, Mr. World Class traveler, Let's pretend for a second that YOU'RE the only shmuck that's been "around the world". Ok, it's over. I've lived and been to numerous countries as well and i've even stated before, that NYC doesn't compare to other cities. But to DENY that Manhattan has it's glamour and wealth and IMMACUALTE neighborhoods is a blatant lie. I know you were talking about car insurance. And it's funny that you can afford a BMW, yet you can't afford Manhattan. I bethca you still live at home with mom, dad, or roomates. Nice going. Appearances really do lie. -iliana
  13. Tsk Tsk, Your obsession with my vagina is WAY TOO WEIRD. I see you STILL...haven't found a job!!! Hmm,. maybe you should stop obsessing over my cunt and focus on buying the NEW YORK TIMES....look in "classifieds". Maybe they have any opening for white trash drug addict bitches who like to say "cunt" LOLLLLOL -iliana
  14. LOL Word of advice: STOP WATCHING BET! Furthermore stay in school, get an education and help the poor and disenfranchised in our ghetto slums. It would be a much better improvement than your current ghetto hood rat, chicken head persona that pretends to live it's life like a ludacris video but can only afford to shop at Joyce Leslie's! PS: It's funny that you don't get my signature, then again, you don't have the ability to THINK so it's understandable. -iliana
  15. Manhattan Island a dump? I now know why your insurance went up. You probably can BARELY afford to live in some shit area...just so you can live in Manhattan. LOLL Stay in your ghetto neighborhoods. Sutton place does not welcome your type. -iliana
  16. Oh look , another moron. Sorry buddy, I don't hear stories about cops doing drug busts in Sutton Place. {DO You even know where that million dollar neighborhood is on Manhattan?} Ugh, yeah, I think we've covered that. -iliana
  17. Hmm, no, YOU still went off topic. If you're really "black" then go see a therapist- you have a lot of un- resolved anger. Don't be so sensitive...how else are you gonna survive in the big city??? (LOLLLLOLLLOL) And don't be jealous of my signature. I mean, if you try a little harder, YOURS CAN BE SLIGHTLY INTERESTING. But then again, judging by your responses, i doubt you can come up with anything creative. -iliana
  18. BINGO!! With that said, WHY DID YOU INTERCEDE WITH: Wow, your contirbution to this thread has been SO OFF TOPIC. Shows how much of a dumb fuck you are. Now shut the fuck up! -iliana
  19. Gee, it bother's you soo much that I used 125 and lex. I could have used East New York or South Bronx...these are all "unpleasant" neighborhoods, correct??? Would my coment still be racist to you if a black person had stated it? Or would they be "keeping it real" with that statement?! Don't generalise with "no safety anywhere". The odds of getting shot on Wall Street or 84/5th are non existent comapred to above East 96th street, ESPECIALLY 125 and lex. Feeble attempt for a save sheendawg..let's try again, shall we? -iliana
  20. No, i was trying to figure out how familiar you are with Harlem. I spent 21 Years in the radius between 87th/ York Ave and 116 Lex. I think I know my neighborhood a TAD BIT more than some suburban kid lured in by the big city lights What you are speaking of is the re-colonization of upper Manhattan by white folk. It's a huge real estate move that's been brewing since the 90's...still hasn't solved crime problems in the area and it doesn't erase the crime i've seen throughout my life. ANYONE OF ANY RACE CAN BE ASSAULTED IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD IF YOUR NOT FROM THERE. What's even more racist is "public safety" becoming an important issue for Harlem now that WHITES are moving in. As if blacks and hispanics are not worthy of such protection. By the way drop the ghetto lingo circa 1998. "Beef' is alittle outdated for a white suburbanite such as yourself. it's not cool unless you're black. -iliana
  21. May I ask what part of Harlem are you from?
  22. No I'm not a cabbie. Owning Medallions has been a family business that is near its end because it's a VERY STRESSFUL job. You make GREAT MONEY and it's a great investment (medallions run at $225K a piece) but driving a cab is no joke and you have alot of hard workers in this industry.You get harrassment from the city, TLC, AND customers. I do take it personally when people bash them for the few dicks who are lousy drivers. Next time you take a cab, just remember that the guy behind the wheel has been stuck in traffic for 9 consecutive hours to haul your ass from one place to another so reconsider the lousy tip you're about to give and ease off them. They keep our city running 24/7 But mike, PLEASE CALL THE TAXI LIMOUSINE COMMISSION. We don't need negligent cab drivers on the street. -iliana
  23. If you spotted the medallion number (on top of the cab) you can call the taxi limousine commission and speak to the complaint department. They are very good with NOT taking the cab driver's side. incredulous, you stated that you hate cabs in the city and all cab drivers are "assholes" Well, you'll be incredulous to learn that YOU'RE A CUNT. Don't forget the only thing worse than Manahattan drivers (cabbies AND regular vehicles) are Manhattan PEDESTRIANS who throw themselves on the street and are fuckign horrible at crossing and fucking standing on a corner. New Yorkers are cushioned with the idea of lawsuits..it's a fucking safety net. Plus, try living in suburbia where there are practically no cabs or buses. TAXIS ARE A VALUABLE AND CONVENIENT mode of transportation and I hope you're stuck one night on 125th St. and Lex and you're waiting for an "asshole" cab driver to come and save your worthless life- you piece of shit! -iliana
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