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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. LOLLOL Expertise in dance music required???? WHat, are you gonna fucking quiz her every morning????? What about knowing what buttons to push on the telephone?! LOLLLOL -iliana
  2. Oh, I thought you got fucked up the ass! When my asshole is all swollen up, I usually sit on a frozen steak. You should try that on your mouth! -iliana
  3. What a rip off! They live in a trailer yet they can afford a computer, internet access, digital camera and/or scanner? ???? -iliana
  4. Well, i wasn't speaking about everyday people like you and I. I was speaking of show-offs like Dave Marvisi. You and I are a little more in touch with reality. He thinks he's invincible but he might need to sell his three Bentley's soon. -iliana
  5. I'm really confused because I THINK you're being sarcastic but if you're not then WHAT BRAND OF CRACK DO YOU SMOKE? -iliana
  6. What's worse than being poor and middle class all your life, is being poor, then filthy rich, then losing everything. I've seen alot of people go through that and I'm pretty sure Marvisi will get there. It's not a pretty picture! -iliana
  7. LOLLLOLL Dude, I don't know. He was from PORT JEFF!! I think you were way closer to the stage than I was. After that horrible opening band got off, we started talking to people around us and we made plans to bum rush the stage when no Doubt got on. No one was letting us through! It was the funniest shit! And then the tall guy Billy, who was making all that rukus, was being threatened and bitch slapped by girls! I eventually got 10 feet away from Gwen but I couldn't take the heat. I ended up at the back sipping my fucking $10 water! -iliana
  8. LOLLLOL I was the chick with the pink and white playboy viser. I was groped by this tall blond kid who was fucked up on angel dust and got thrown out by security at one point. He just kept pushing everyone. I don't know if you saw the rukus LOLLLOL but he managed to come back and find me and my friend and then started crowd surfing. Police cover was awesome. Gavin and Gwen were cute but NOT necessary. At least I got my money's worth. -iliana
  9. The show was ok. Saw alot of lesbians and shady gwenabees and then got groped by drunk white kids from Port Jefferson. I've had better nights. -iliana
  10. Gee, for a while I was hoping this would be a thought-provoking rant on the state of our society. The only thought I got out of this was: It's a fucking messageboard jackass!!!!! Hmm. go figure. -iliana
  11. I saw paris applying for a job at Hotel Venus! He/She was turned away..not enough retail experience!! ! Bwaahahaa -iliana
  12. LOL!! Okei, thanks for the advice. I think the party starts at 10 p.m. I'll be in the city by 8. I'm counting on my PR buddy to know what's going on....but if it's a hassle..I'LL BOUNCE! I really don't feel like standing on line for hours just to have a conversation with .50 on his hard knock life. GAG ME WITH A SPOON!! -iliana
  13. Carroll overrated? I think you can say that when they start selling segments of his poetry on pillow cases at Target. Just like Paul's cd. Till then....shat ap! -iliana
  14. Sushi restaurant Tao (don't quote me on the spelling) around 57th & 5th Avenue. My best buddy told me this place is too die for. I gotta make it an early night since I have work tomorrow morning. That's gonna blow! -iliana
  15. Who else is going? We'll have a clubnyc meet-up---Sushi, champagne and lethal doses of Iliana. -iliana
  16. Can anyone say MASTERPIECE! Been watching this movies non-stop all weekend. I'm not a Leo fan, but this movie is fucking amazing. Not to mention Jim carrol's poetry is pure genius. HOLLA!! -iliana
  17. LOLLLOLLLOL I just got my Joyce leslie's panties in a bunch!!! LOLLOL :laugh: -iliana
  18. BOYCOTT MOET????????? Are you fucking insane???????????????????? For god's sake..boycott Jerry Lewis...but NOT MOET! -iliana
  19. Spoken like a true prophet!! Now can I blister you out, buddy?!! -iliana
  20. What's up crackety cracker!! :D By the way, did anyone go last night? Dying to hear how "fabulous" is was! Not to mention, I hope JP and the rest of those clowns who work there DONATED their services to , you know, help out factory's legal fund! -iliana
  21. Give me a fucking break. All those years with their own fucking house dealers???? Now they want patrons to pay for their legal shit?!?!?!?! YOU DUG YOUR OWN GRAVE..NOW GO DROP DEAD IN IT!! -iliana
  22. Dear Friends, Contribute to Soundfactory's legal fund by attending tonights re-opening party. with Jonathan Peters Cleveland and the entire Soundfactory staff 618 west 46th Sreet NYC 212.489.0001 You may have met your friend a week ago, a month ago, a year ago or more..... You may have met him or her here or elsewhere..... You may have exchanged phone numbers or speak with each other in the chat room..... You may think you buy, sell or use drugs together with impunity..... You may dance this night away feeling safe in each other's company..... but think again..... Your friend may be an undercover policeman..... If you can't stop buying, selling or using drugs for your club's future Then stop for your own..... A night club is a dangerous place to engage in illegal behavior. A jail cell is a quiet place to think things over. Thank you -Soundfactory LOLLOL I HAVE OFFICIALLY UN-SUBSCRIBED TO THIS MAILING LIST fuck you soundfactory! -iliana
  23. LOLLOLLOL!!!! LA GEARS!! I remember having a pair of those and all the black kids gave me shade because I wasn't sporting REEBOKS!!!!! LOLLOL You forgot to mention THE BRAT PACK and my 1st grade crush Ricky Schroder! -iliana
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