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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh You dirty pig!!!! Let's talk about puppy love!! (And no, that does not include beastiality asshole) -iliana
  2. Hey, I don't know you but I'm sorry that happened to your father and your family. Sooner or later justice will come to those who did this to him. -iliana
  3. It's even better when you're single. You can have multiple Valentine's ....it's soo much fun. Plus you can treat yourself to a spa and sexy lingerie...it's "love yourself" day. -iliana
  4. :love: I LOVE Valentine's Day! I love hearts, i love pink and red, I love love letters, and I love my Sicilian hotty I'm gonna be hangin with ....guiii. -iliana (Future Iliana Mancini)
  5. Yup....that's what happens whenyou hang out in a black party....maybe they were taking you to HARLEM! LOLLLOL -iliana
  6. that's what you get for being a cunt..DAWG.... LOL Your likes belongs in a McDonald's bathroom! -iliana
  7. Speaking of Lame concepts,Tony Draper's "Children" is basically the remix to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. But I'm not gonna lie, I like that one. -iliana
  8. For someone who hates shit talkers, you sure don't mind spending 25 precious minutes in conversation with them.... Posting the conversation is even more pathetic. -iliana
  9. "Didn't really do"?? "Didn't really" is a poor choice of words if you're completely innocent. And running an escort service can get you in alot of trouble especially if you have knowledge of your girls exchanging sex for cash. I guess you miss jail. -iliana
  10. Thats CD set is Horrible! I'm glad I didn't waste 30 bucks on that. Try: Live With Jonathan Peters. It's amazing!! Makes 13 on 13 sound like a B-Side. -iliana
  11. Kandy you look awesome! Is that kid standing next to you Jon?? Had 2 Friends of friends in the movie..Jon and a buddy of his who's name i can't remember..he would vogue every where he went. (Damian i think) Michael is NOT serving 20 years. NY POST SUCKS ASS AT REPORTING. -iliana
  12. LOL! They look more like the cast of a horrible after school special,,,,, "LOOK WHAT CLUB EXIT & HARD DRUGS DOES TO YOUR BRAIN KIDDIES!!!" -iliana
  13. Don't take "human machine" in a negative way. I'm aware that orders have to be taken and jobs done properly with no room for mistakes. Discipline and accuracy are highly needed. They need to be like computers..human machines. It's admirable- that's a given. You're right, there's no comparison in Civilian life. We don't fight battles in our daily lives. But you can certainly say that doctors and surgeons need that 110% percent focus to perform in the emergency room. So do train conductors when they transport thousands of commuters a day and cops and when they are called for back up in a deadly robbery. You can't undermine regular everyday civilian duties just because the regular average Joe never signed up for military duty. That is something YOU chose to do. You chose to enlist and perhaps YOU anticipate and welcome the prospect of war. But there are others who are destined for OTHER highly skilled and IMPORTANT jobs. I get the impression that you feel that you're superior to other people because of your background and education. It's great that the military trained you to muscle your way out of a situation with the enemy. But perhaps there's someone who's never touched a gun before and can TALK there way through anything and skip the violence. That is acquired through education stemming from psychology, diplomacy, sociology, international relations, law and politics. You can skip the boot camp for these. And that's where it all begins. Politicians, lawmakers, dictators... They call the shots. And when all else fails, you guys are the last alternative ..human shields to go in and fight. The military is at the bottom of the barrel...they have to let the dogs out to fight.........but it's what keeps this country on top and powerful so we need you- Remember that! As far as my quote is concerned....you're probably the 100th person who doesn't get it. There's no reflection of myslef in that signature....Maybe I should be like everyone else and put my name in pink on a banner so i can stop confusion. -iliana
  14. ????? Wow cintron, you just shot your credibility down. Randy you made excellent points. It's the lack of "free thought" in the military that would make me think twice if my son would get forced into it. I don't want that specific type of education for any of my children. I can teach them hard work and discipline without the uniform. At the same time, soldiers are there to perform a specific need, and that is following orders to get a job done acuarately and quickly. It's not for everyone...war's not for everyone. You basically live in a box and some people are happy with that. You need "human machines" to follow orders, protect the nation & fight wars. What's important is to appreciate them as much as we appreciate our freedom. -iliana
  15. There's absolutely no doubt that military teaches discipline, honor and integrity. Again, I stress the importance of a military. And there are many young kids who need that type of environment to grow and get their life in order. At the same time, there are young adults who don't prosper in a military environment. The military is not the ONLY educational institution out there. Just as there are many pro's there are also many cons to joining the military. Thank God it's an option and not mandatory. As far as Timothy McVeigh, I wasn't comparing all soldiers to him, and i apologise if it was taken the wrong way. But that is a perfect example of someone who should HAVE NEVER SET FOOT ON MILITARY GROUND MUCH LESS, JOINED !!! It's apparent that army training isn't for everyone. -iliana
  16. Joining the military to appreciate america is an opinion. I've traveled the world and seen rich and poor countries and I know that I will always live in, love and support the United States. I didn't have to join the military to get to these feelings. There's other ways of defending this country..joining the military IS NOT SUITED FOR EVERYONE-even for a short period of time. I can study law or politics, and still be able to defend my country. You obviously havent read my earlier responses. I absolutely support war when needed and therefore i support the military. However, NATIONAL SOCIALISM died with the nazis, jennifer. Loving your country doesn't mean you have to "take arms" and learn combat. What does being proud of my country have to do with shooting guns and learning defense mechanisms???????????????? Get with the program. That 1940's bullshit your spewing is fucking dated. Neither is this communist cuba, where boys are FORCED to join the military at a certain age. Thank god for that! Here's one AMERICAN THAT APPRECIATES HER FREEDOM! Kudos to you that you enjoyed the navy and loved it very much. Don't try to impose those beliefs on people who don't want to take part in that and don't NEED to. We have people such as yourself who were born to partake in that. If there's a draft, then military training is unavoidable. But it should only be reserved for extreme cases. For the rest of us, our lives will consist of staying here, keeping the country running and going on with life. -iliana
  17. In that respect, that would be awesome to have in our highschools. Sure beats home ec and gym. But it should be a CHOICE students have, perhaps an elective. As far as enforcing it after highschool..NO WAY. Military is not for everyone. It has nothing to do with making "wimps" into heros. Having my son learn how to kill someone means nothing if he wants to go to school to study acting or medicine. Sounds like a waste of government time and money. Plus it will probably breed a whole new generation of Timothy McVeigh's. -iliana
  18. It's great that you joined the navy. But mandatory military sevice? That's not democratic. In fact, that way of thinking is very UNAMERICAN. -ILIANA
  19. This goes back to re-inforcing american ideals on other nations. We are proud of our freedom and democracy, yet I've noticed that the United States is interested in "liberating" certain countries. There are MANY nations that require American support and money (example: African nations that promote child slavery) yet see nothing of it because these nations are not profitable to the United States. Money takes the final word. Gee, I guess you're too young to remember the Reagan ERA. I agree with you on this one. It's actually an embarrasment on our part. America looks like an overbearing mother trying to catch her son in a lude act. It makes you wonder if Sept 11 slipped out of our hands?
  20. You're right on point. It's apparent that all this agression is being fueled by hidden agenda's that stems back to his father's presidency. If we go to war, it will be a repeat of Vietnam, THE MOST POINTLESS WAR IN HISTORY. The threat for nuclear warfare might be in Hussein's hands, but IRAQ IS NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT HAS POTENTIAL FOR CAUSING MASS DESTRUCTION. The harrassment and judgement towards Iraq is proof that George has a chip on his shoulder that will ultimatley cost many American lives. -iliana
  21. Violence is never a RATIONAL answer but it is a valuable OPTION to have. Afterall, it gets the job done during situations where it is absolutely needed. Example: World War II. -iliana
  22. LOLLLOLl HILARIOUS I'm throwing a party at Hotel Venus On Feb 14, 2003. You're only invited if: 1. You're gay 2. You wear something that YOU designed 3. You're a trannie 4. Love Art 5. Know EVERY SINGLE WORD to EVERY SINGLE SONG that Depeche Mode ever wrote. Details coming up soon. -iliana
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