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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. No..it might be the prime A HYDRO I absorb everynight along with my NICOTINE that's affected my memory. Ok slow poke: Weed makes you forget... Menthol cigs after hydro makes you higher. GET A CLUE. -iliana
  2. More like not interested. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. -iliana
  3. "no worries though, i'm bored with you so i'm not gonna respond to you anymore." Hmm, you're not a man of your word! So why should I believe any fucking thing you say???? and I said nothing about nicotine affecting my memory....what..can't you COMPREHEND????? -iliana
  4. OMG..did the cheesy hermit DJ come out of his cave??? :finger: -iliana
  5. No..it might be the prime A HYDRO I absorb everynight along with my NICOTINE that's affected my memory. I guess no one else is taking me seriously EXCEPT you and your passionate replies! LOLLLOL -iliana
  6. Hmm...let's see....are you making things up again? I never mentioned for you to post any links. Actually, you were very eager to do the research and post links in hopes to win your argument. But you failed miserably! Yes I read your crappy links (and according to you, I didn't comprehend anything!) and they were VERY onesided! And for your information, classic weak minded behavior can be found in people who post and research on a message Board ALL DAY LONG.....in hopes to make a valid point..but again..FAIL MISERABLY! -iliana
  7. I think Christina should just get it over with and go work at her favorite strip club... she looks like a hooker. Don't mistake trashy for "cute". She's the poor man's Britney. -iliana
  8. No, I don't see the benefit on commenting on such ONE-SIDED articles. And unlike yourself, I HAVE A LIFE outside this board, so unless this is going for college credit, I'm not looking up/researching anything for YOU! -iliana
  9. Much like yourself, that's why this thread is so long. LOLLLOL Um, no, you did say that if clubbers didnt want to deal with alcohol or alcohol drinking patrons that they can show up at 4 am. They had that "option". In essence you were comparing that with non smoker's not having an "option". God Learn how to read! : D Dude, I was repeating a statement YOU had said. I know you're real dumb and so does everyone else on the board so it's ok sweety! We'll get you into sepcial ed! Ahhh Options.... Exactly! What a mentioned above...and I thank YOU for REFUTING your own argument! -iliana
  10. Hun, if you have to resort to repeating the same thing over and over again, then you're not doing a good job in defending your argument. Remember, YOU brought the comparison: "the point is you can go out clubbing and not deal with people drinking alcohol already." as compared to what? Non -smokers going out and not finding refuge from second hand smoke???? This issue has NEVER been about people not like "smokers'. I'm glad you finally realized that! Bringing up the fact that drinking on one side of the room doesn't affect a person on the other side of the room, is totally irrelevant. Especially when you point out shit like "if you don't like drunks, get to the club at 4 am!" God, get a fucking clue! -iliana
  11. That was your point? Well, learn how to word your statement. You never metnioned "you can go out clubbing and not deal with alcohol" And if that's your point..telling people who don't like alcohol to come after 4 am then don't blast me for telling people to move over or not walk into a bar if smoke irritates them that much! -iliana
  12. I wouldn't have to state the obvious if your arguments were (wt the very least) good. You always miss essential points and that always leaves room for attack! -iliana
  13. We're at the brink of war. I think it's a good time to stop depending on oil supply. According the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, vehicle emissions cause ground level ozone, a major component of smog. Not only do these emissions damage air quality but they damage water quality as well. Newer cars certainly don't pollute as much as older cars, but pollution is STILL an issue with vehicles! That' YOUR OPIONION. I think dropping e every weekend is medieval! (even if it doesn't cause me any physical harm like second hand smoke allegedly does) In 20 years we'll realize that eating meat is good again and milk is bad again, and cell phone towers will be ripped out because they def cause cancer, and prozac will be outlawed becasue it causes long- term terminal sickness and so on and so on,...... -iliana
  14. DING! DING! DING! My God Eddie, did you make barvby and brooklynkid look stupid again????? By George I think you did! LOOLLLLOL :laugh:
  15. If you show up to clubs at 6am then you won't find alcohol because BY LAW bars must stop selling at 4am. (Did they skip this in your law class???) Thanks! We're doing great on this side. We're still waiting for you and brooklynkid to catch up though! -iliana
  16. And sometimes the course a politican takes to secure "financial stability" to a city backfires. Our streets have been much cleaner and presentable since they introduced recycling. Now we all have to sit and watch as this city gets filthier? WE have to sit and watch community programs, care for the elderly and animal shelters become defunct. If that's the type of city you want to live in, then kudos to you! But don't label this as the "least' of our problems. It's true that since sept 11 new york city's economy has been going nohere but downhill. Perhaps raising cigarette taxes was a smart decision but to impose your values and judgements because you're anti-smoking is total bullshit! Now now, just because i disagree doesn't mean you have to resort to petty accusations. Just face it that you won't ever bring me down. I will always be here to refute your opinions! -iliana
  17. ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL! Having a "business man" as a mayor is the worst thing to happen to a city that tries to provide environmental and social solutions to certian communities. If you;re all for that then you're the enemy bro....go leech of the billionaire mayor who can't see eye to eye with the everyday working class schmuck. When he startes closing down clubs in order to build banks and brokerage houses in their place..don't start fucking crying! LOL...well since you're a fucking guinea, I would expect for you to enjoy all the racial slurs. what does jokin ghave to do with anyone's crediblity ya anal gumba! Lollllol -iliana
  18. Is Closed Room defined as a small space with no ample ventilation? If so then this doesn't apply to a bar/club. Absolutely correct. The smoke we blow out is basically the "toxins" left over from what we inhale and it's supposed to be worse. However, If I went around giving people shotties, then I would understand non-smoker's being miffed. But I don't and as stated before there's no real evidence that proves my non-smoking counterparts will get cancer becasue of this. Are you from this planet? Death penalty and abortion INCLUDES ethical question but are not the entire basis for these subjects. Death Penalty: a huge factory involves MONEY and the costs of keeping inmates in the system for life. Abortion: Due to health reasons to keep abortion illiegal and underground would lead many women to RiSK their lives with shady doctors and botched abortions. The social issue of overall women's health comes into question. (I'm not even gonna get into their RIGHTS). Actually, no. Statictically probable?? Give me a break. Dude, take a fucking law class and then come back with your 'real facts' n how inusrance companies work and how cases are won. I'm still waiting to read up on this "alleged" case due to second hand smoke! Who ever said that politics and political figures are not involved in medical issues?? Learn how to read dumbass. Perhaps you have Persuasion and Majority confused. If a MAjority of people dislike smoking in bars then we're gonna have an easy time passing these no-smoking laws. But to PERSUADE people that so and so is bad for you WITHOUT real facts for them to see, is a whole another issue. You are acquiring PROPOGANDA by putting up no smoking billboards, graphic commercials, and surgeon's helth warnings, but with then issue of second hand smoke, there is yet any real fact or substatial study to convince me that Jow Blow next to me is gonna get sick because of my smoking. I want to see your example of a law that was passed by the work of "persuasion". Oh please do elaborate! I want you to define annectdotal evidence. Plus, research in penicillin has a differenct structure to it than researhcing the harmful affects of second hand smoke.Plus, it had nothing to do with supressing people's rights in enjoying themsleves. ANd weren't those changed due to cause and affect??????? -iliana
  19. "Popular"- are you making that up or are YOU a fan of Bloomberg? We're talking about a mayor who wants to cut back on dog shelters and recycling. Don't sound too popular to me. As far as restaurant ban, there are plenty of restaurants that allow smoking in desiganted areas or in the bar. So I have the option to go in that area. Nice statement, but it adds nothing to this discussion. "Politically correct" is conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated. My racist jokes are un-PC, not my smoking. -iliana
  20. No..I won't come up with something better because for the past decade or so you and everyone else has been partying hard and now all of a sudden you want smokers out? Not gonna happen! -iliana
  21. :laugh: -iliana And brookln kid, once a smoker puts out a cig, the "annoyance" is over and if you move to a side of the bar where there's less smoking then you won't SUFFER "irritaed eyed and lungs" -iliana
  22. Call to Disconnect Councilman: Keep phones out of subways Should Cell Phones Be Banned On Mass Transit? Do you think cell phones should be banned on public transit? yes no By Bobby Cuza STAFF WRITER October 17, 2002 Using a cell phone on the subway has always been a dream tantalizingly out of reach. City Councilman Philip Reed would like to keep it that way - and bar the practice on buses to boot. Reed has introduced a resolution asking the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which has for years entertained the possibility of wiring its tunnels, to instead banish mobile phones from the entire city's mass transit system. "We can't tell them what to do. But they have rules about a lot of things - eating, drinking, playing the radio," Reed (D-East Harlem) said yesterday. "Most people have said to me they think this is a terrific idea." Reed, who in August introduced a bill to ban the use of cell phones at plays, concerts and movies, believes cell phone yappers are one of the city's foremost quality-of-life nuisances. For now, the practice extends only to buses and above-ground segments of the subway system, such as the No. 7 line in Queens. In recent years the MTA has met with several wireless companies interested in bringing their cell-phone signals below ground. Transit advocate Gene Russianoff noted his group, the Straphangers Campaign, conducted an Internet poll that found 54 percent opposed wiring the subways. He called Reed's measure a reasonable one that asks the MTA, in essence, to simply mull it over. "Before the MTA moves ahead and wires the subways for cell phone use, they should ask the riding public what they think," he said. Not surprisingly, the MTA's response to Reed's measure was lukewarm. Spokesman Tom Kelly said the agency does not receive many complaints about cell phone talkers. "We'll look at the legislation when it passes," he offered. It remains to be seen whether the bill, which is awaiting consideration by the council's transportation committee, has enough support. "It's really hard to legislate against people who are rude," said Councilman John Liu (D-Flushing), who chairs the committee. Reed introduced a similar resolution in 1999 that died without ever reaching committee. But now, he believes, the climate is right, adding that he expects his bill banning cell phones at public performances to become law by year's end. "People are trying to find some space where there's some quiet," Reed said. From Newsday.com -----Ok folks...Now we want to ban cell phones on mass transit ------then we'll decide to ban ALCOHOL from bars! -iliana
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