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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Well, actually Jersey Girl, there are many people who "go away" to the Jersey Shore for a couple a days as a "mini-vacation". I was refering to those people and not to the coked out, big hair, acrylic nail wearing bitches like you who frequent every existing shit hole in the RADIATION STATE. Didn't like my "DISS", it's ok....I don't like your eighties lingo so get rid of it and face the fact that Vanilla Ice doesn't rap anymore. Biotch! -iliana
  2. I guess it didn't matter last night after ten shots of cuervo....hypocrite! -iliana
  3. Stepped on your fungus filled toes bitch? Too bad! Don't be mad that they turned you away at Spa and now you gotta fill your clubbing nights in Hoboken...lame ass bitch. -iliana
  4. Don't front, this is one cunt you KNOW you love to lick and lather... mmmmmmmmmmmm -iliana
  5. Jersey Shore = People who can's afford a REAL vacation. -iliana
  6. Believe me, I tried to overdose, especially because I was with you.., But i didn't know you were a fucking jew when it came to drugs...you cheap bastard! -iliana
  7. Listen you little feminine asshole, you better watch your back....you fuck with the bull you'll get the horns..... much like your mother! -iliana
  8. Well, you know what they say...THANK GOD FOR GHB! -iliana
  9. I have no other choice than to choke on a hot pocket...your cock is too small! -iliana
  10. Listen you fucking rat bastard..stop sweating me cuz I have a job and you have a fucking WIC check every month...... Stop playa hating!!! Bitch! -iliana
  11. I guess the show is acurate if you're a 40 year old self made woman with a cool apartment in the city and a bunch of single friends your age- being obsessive- compulsive about men and looking for MARRIAGE because the clock is ticking. I think the show would be totally different if they had 21-year olds, struggling through college and living around Fulton Street, Brooklyn, fucking around at Spa or Exit, Getting drunk only during happy hour, and getting frisky inside train cars in the middle of the night, because a cab ride out of Manhattan is out of our budget....to live adn date in NY is MUCH more Exciting than what these old hags have to offer. And it's NOT HARD to meet people here! -iliana
  12. --Bally's, Copiague, NY Overall, Bally's is the last gym you should go to. But Long Island is scarce in quality gyms and the Bally's in Copiague is really awesome. Spacious and very clean. You'll never find broken equipment there. -iliana
  13. :laugh: As I was opening this thread I was trying to remember the name and artist of the song you're talking about. Thank you I personally like the song. I'm going by tower records to pick up the single. -iliana
  14. You should pity yourself for getting fucked up the ass wihtout lubricant! Ouch!! -iliana
  15. Zlatang hates everything except taking it up the ass. I dislike the spoon position... what about you guys???? LOLLLOLLOLLOL -iliana
  16. LOL Still, you proceeded to take my "tedious advice". However, modifying your profile is rather pointless since NO ONE CARES. It would of been much easier for you to admit that you were wrong about your definition, and perhaps added more musical genres to your very short list. But instead you chose to take part in this ridiculous tirade. This thread has proven your lack of verbal accuracy, and more importantly, your difficulty in taking criticism. Your self-descriptive babble is a trait that belongs to people who refuse to get to the point, and want to elude the real topic at hand. Please do not waste YOUR time typing. Your feeble attempts to be facetious and humorous are boring. Entertain me with something brand new.... SO.....NEW TOPIC What sexual position do you hate? I know you take it up the ass...so you can't count that one! -iliana
  17. Actually, I could care less about what you dislike. The fact that I brought up an error with how you describe yourself and what you portray really bothers YOU. Get over it. Gypsy as an intransitive verb means to LIVE AND ROAM AS A GYPSY, hence, what you CLAIM: to have lived and been everywhere. It's apparent they skipped you when they were handing out aristocratic education. I would confront your royal family about this. -iliana
  18. In not so many words, or run on sentences, you're a social snob. That still has nothing to do with Cosmopolitan or the FULL SCOPE OF THE DEFINITION. If you live everywhere, you can try: GYPSY -iliana
  19. Main Entry: [2]cosmopolitan Function: adjective Date: 1844 1 : having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing 2 : having wide international sophistication : WORLDLY 3 : composed of persons, constituents, or elements from all or many parts of the world 4 : found in most parts of the world and under varied ecological conditions <a cosmopolitan herb> - cos·mo·pol·i·tan·ism /-t&-"ni-z&m/ noun Having good taste is a matter of opinion. Being narrow minded is a character flaw you display. I suggest you update your dictionary. -iliana
  20. For somebody so "cosmopolitan", you sure have a narrow view on music. -iliana
  21. Awww My little baby booboo..you're such a cuite patutie Muah muah muah
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